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    The Great Philosophers

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    St. Thomas Aquinas

    1 and 1/2 pages a. critically evaluate Thomas argument from necessity in the terms of validity and soundness. how does it turn on the validity of the Aristotelian princle of ' no infinate Regress'?

    Plato and aristole

    1 and 1/2pages A. what are the forms and what problem was plato trying to address with his theiry of the forms? b. How does Plato see experience of particular objects as related to knowledge? c. How is aritotle's theory of the forms different from plato's d. What is one weakness of Plato's theory that aritstole was trying to

    Plato's book Republic

    Please explain how the example of the tyrannical city shows us why it is bad to be a tyrannical, unjust person.


    What is the defining characteristic of a philosopher according to Plato?


    Plato needs to prove the soul has 3 parts...how come?


    What is Justice in the city? Plato contends that we have to see whether it applies as well to justice in a person...why does he think this?

    Aquinas and Descartes causal series, causal hierarchy

    What are Aquinas' and Descartes' versions of the first cause argument? What is the distinction between a "causal series" and a "causal hierarchy"? What are the major advantages or disadvantages of each argument in comparison with the other? What are the most controversial premises in each argument?

    Understanding book 9 of The Republic

    Hi...I'm trying to understand a concept my teacher said would be on our next quiz which is on The Republic, by Plato, Book 9. The question I'm trying to make certain I get is: why is the unjust man more miserable than a just man? This seems easy but when I read this book 9 Plato is talking about a terrified slave, and that th

    Letter to E. Beckerr

    This is the question again. ---Who are you? Is there more to this fleshy casing? What makes you who you are? Write a 5 page letter to Ernest Becker explaining who you think you are. ---Use at least three quotes from the photocopied chapter "The Inner World" from his book The Birth and Death of Meaning.