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    Discrete Math

    Discrete math is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous. The objects studied in discrete math include integers, graphs and statements in logic. These objects do not vary smoothly in this way but have distinct separated values. Therefore, discrete mathematics excludes topics in continuous mathematics such as calculus and analysis. Discrete mathematics has been characterized as the branch of mathematics dealing with countable sets. However, there is no exact definition of the term discrete mathematics.

    The set of objects studied in discrete mathematics can be finite or infinite. The term finite mathematics is sometimes applied to parts of the field of discrete mathematics which looks at finite sets; in particular, areas relevant to business. The concepts and notations from discrete mathematics are useful in studying and describing objects and problems in branches of computer science, such as computer algorithms, programming languages, cryptography and software development.

    Discrete math is an area of mathematics that is being increasingly used. It has many practical and relevant applications. Discrete math is so relevant because it is grounded in real-world problems. Many discrete math problems are simply stated and have few mathematical prerequisites.

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