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    Basic Algebra

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    Mathematics: Solving Equations and Graphing

    For non-integer answers, please write your answer as a fraction rather than a decimal. To show your work, you will need to include: - the algebra used to compute the solution to any equations. - the formula with substituted values. - the final calculated answer with units. Please see attachment for a full descripti

    Several Questions on Rational Expressions

    There are several questions on rational expressions. Some have been shown here. Please take a look at the wk_4_cp_template.doc for the rest questions. 1) If one-half of one integer is subtracted from three-fifths of the next consecutive integer, the difference is 3. What are the two integers? 2) A passenger train can trave

    Algebraic Equations - solving for x

    1) Solve the following equations algebraically. You must show all your work. 2) Solve algebraically and check your potential solutions: sqrt(x +2) - x = 0 3) The volume of a cube is given by V = s^3, where s is the length of a side. Find the length of a side of a cube if the volume is 800 cm3. Round the answer to three deci

    Domains, Transformations, Return and Approximation

    Please see the attachment for detailed description. 1) Find the domain of the following: a) f(t) = 4.5exp(t) b) g(x) = log(x +3) c) g(x) = 2^x d) g(t) = ln(t -1) 2) Describe the transformations on the following graph of f(x) = e^x . State the placement of the horizontal asymptote and y-intercept after the transformatio


    Algebra mathmatics simple problems: I need help in completing the following exercises. I need to use the Equation Editor in Microsoft® Word to do these problems, then submit a Word document, showing the work and answers. (first 20 are multiple choice) See attached file for full description. 1. Write the word name for the

    Graphing and solving absolute value inequalities

    Solve each absolute value inequality and graph the solution set. 32) |5x - 1| </= 14 36) |x-7| </= -4 40) 1 > ½ |6-x| - 3/4 Graph each compound or absolute value inequality 42) x+y </= 1 or y </= 4 44) x+8y > 8 and x - 2y < 10 46) |x-3| >/= 9

    Algebraic Derivations for Expressions

    Please see the attached sheet with 4 equations. From these 4 equations, I am to get expressions for B/A and C/A. The hint I get is to express F and G in terms of C from the last 2 equations, and use this to obtain relations between B/A and C/A. But I'm having particular trouble in expressing F and G in terms of C..

    Algebra Graph Explanation

    1.) which quadrant or axis would this lie in? X+2Y=1:(0, ? ), (-2, ? ), (2, ? ) 2.) what is the slope and y intercept for this? y= -x+5 3.) what would this look like on a graph? x=9 4.) What is the equation if it is written in standard form using only intergers as the coefficients? the line through ( -

    Algebra mathmatics simple problems

    Attached you will find the problems to be completed. I need help in completing the following exercises. I need to use the Equation Editor in Microsoft® Word to do these problems, then submit a Word document, showing the work and answers. (first 20 are multiple choice) These are the problems I need help with: 1. Find t

    Trade in International Business - Content Cow Dairy

    Some authorities claim that globalization has led to greater income inequality in the U.S. and globally while others claim that inequality is due to improvements in technology and productivity. Using the Library and Internet sources, do the following: Identify evidence for and against the existence of increasing income inequa

    Algebra Positive Exponents

    1. Multiply. (10x9)(-5x8) 2. Write using positive exponents only. b-19 3. Write 0.0000073 in scientific notation. 4. Add 10y2 + 9y - 2 and 10y2 + 6y - 7. 5. Multiply. (2x - 5y)(3x - y) 6. Multiply. (2m - n)2 7. Divide. 8. The distance from a star to a planet is 5.1 &#616

    Various algebra problems

    I need help in completing the following exercises. I need to use the Equation Editor in Microsoft® Word to do these problems, then submit a Word document, showing the work and answers. Attached you will find the problems to be completed. Please help me by actually working the problems with microsoft Equation Editor & replyi

    Solving and Checking Equations and Inequalities

    I am having trouble with the attached equations. Can you assist and show me how to check the solution? Solve the following equations: 1. A = (1/2)bh solve for h 2. m = (x + y + z) / 3 solve for y Determine if -4 satisfies the following compound inequality 3. 2x < -8 AND 5x < 0 Solve t

    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    1. An example of an exponential function is y=8^x. Convert this exponential function to a logarithmic function. Plot the graph of both the functions. 2. Graph these two functions ? An exponential function f(x)=6x-2 ? A logarithmic function f(x)=log9x 3. Look at the graphical representation below and derive

    Solve the following for x

    Solve the following for x: 4(2^x)=56 in the order of operations Pemdas requires that exponentation takes precedence over multiplication, so we cannot multiply 4*2 without first evaluating 2^x, but we could divide both sides by 4. Also remember x is an exponent and we have to take logarithmic of both sides to bring the exponent

    Delta-Epsilon Limit Definition

    There are 2 questions in the question file. I have also attached some reference material in case you need it. Please show all work. I have included details about the delta-epsilon definition of limit. Thanks

    graph straight line and inequality in xy-plane

    1.) Graph 3x + y = 5, showing the intercept coordinates. 2.) Make a graph of the line that goes through ( - 1,4) and has slope of - 2/3. 3.) Graph the inequality y < - 2x + 1 4.) Graph the inequality - x > 70 - y