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    Basic Algebra

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    Solving and Simplifying System of Equations

    See the attached file. A. Solve the following equation for y: B. Find the values of x and y that solve the following system of equations. C. Simplify: D. Square the binomial: E. Multiply the monomials: (see attached file).

    Exponent Functions Solved

    How do you solve these problems? 1.) (x+2)(x^2-2x+4) 2.) (w+5)(W+12) 3.) -8x^3y^5+4x^2y^4-2xy^3 ________________________ 2xy^2 4.) -30k^3y^9 ____________ 15k^3y^2 5.)ho do you simply assuming all variables are positive numbers..and with positive exponents only? (

    Solving Equations

    Can you please explain the steps in solving this algebra problem: Find the value of x: x divided 7/8=3/5 Thanks in advance for your assistance!

    Algebra, Equations and Word problems

    Name: _________________________ Date: _____________ 1. Solve. 28x - 2(10x - 0.365) = 7x + 0.035 2. Find the mean and the median. -2, , , 4, 9 A) Mean 2, Median B) Mean 10, Median 2 C) Mean 2, Median 2 D) Mean 10, Median 3. Solve. -3(x + 1) = 2(x - 8) + 3 A) -1 B) 1 C) 3 D) 2 4. A

    Simplifying Expressions Function

    1.) (-2a^8 / b³)^5 2.) -15y^13 / 45y^9 3.) 49x^7 -28x^5 -7x^4 _________________________ 7x³ 4.) 25x^8 - 50x^7 + 3x^6 - 40x^5 ________________________________________ -5x^5 5.) 4^-2

    Simplifying Function Expressions

    How do you use rules when solving these problems? Is it always possible? (x³-y³) - (-6x³+x²y-xy²+2y³) (3x-y)(2x+5y) (7xy²-10y)(7xy²+10y) (xy+ab²)(xy-ab²)

    Simplifying Expressions Provided

    How do you simplify? 1) (8x² + 5x -3) + (12x² +7x -14) 2) (4x³+5x+13) + (-4x²+22) 3) (3x²-8x-2) - (11x²+5x+4) 4) (5y³+y²-3y-8) - (y²-8y+11)

    Simplified Radical Form

    Please see attached file for full problem description. Expressions Write the following expression in simplified radical form Assume all variables in the expression represent positive real numbers.

    Solving Equations Real Numbers

    Please see attached file for full problem description. Solve where w is a real number. Simplify you answer as much as possible.

    Simplifying Exponents Presented

    Simplify and write answer without using negative exponents. Assume that all variable are positive real numbers. Please see attached file for full problem description.

    Evaluate the Rational Exponents

    Evaluate the following expressions. Write your answer without exponents. Please demonstrate these 2 problems. Please see attached file.

    Simplify the Given Expressions

    Simplify the following expression as much as possible. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem.

    Finite Fields and Conjugacy

    Let F_7 - Z/77 be the finite field having 7 elements. Find all elements of the group CL_4 having order 8, up to conjugacy.

    Distance and Midpoint

    Solve for the following items: a. The point on the x-axis that is equidistant (equal distance)from (10,4) and (6,2). b. The distance between the points (4,4) and (20,4). c. The distance between the points (1,4) and (19,5). d. The midpoint between (12,4) and (18,6) e. The midpoint between (-8,-6) and (25,3)

    Quadratic Equations

    Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ 1. Solve by completing the square. x2 + 6x - 27 = 0 A) 9, -3 B) -9, -3 C) 9, 3 D) -9, 3 2. Solve by using the quadratic formula. x2 + 4x + 3 = 0 3. Solve. x2 + 2x - 24 = 0 A) 6, -4 B) -6, -4 C) 6, 4 D) -6, 4 4. Is the following trinomial

    Graphing Quadratic Equations

    Please help with graphing quadratic equations and applications of quadratic equations. Graph the equation. 1.-4. Complete the table, answer the problem. And describe the resulting graphs by identifying the vertex point, the graph's direction, and any axis intercepts gleaned from the table or graph. Identify the axis of sym

    Simplify Trigonometric Expressions

    Simplify. sin ( /2 - x) (sec x - cos x) A). sin2x B). -sin2x C). cos2x D). 1 [show the steps in completing this problem] Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.