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    The Role of Government in Health Care

    The federal government’s role in health care is to pull all of the patchwork pieces of healthcare together into a seamless whole. It can play this role by establishing and upholding national standards for care, creating national programs to meet the needs of its nation and providing adequate funding to providers and programs who develop, watch over and deliver health care.

    Governments play a critical role in making health care systems accessible, preventative, proactive, seamless and comprehensive. For example, they could implement a national wait-time strategy. Governments should focus on caring for the most vulnerable, as societies with fewer inequities tend to be better off with respect to health and social development. They should also ensure that nations have enough health care providers, by implementing a national program that tracks the supply and demand of health care providers, and creating policies that take care of the health care providers.

    Governments play a role in establishing the vision for health care and measuring performance. They should provide adequate funding, enforce legislation, and establish national standards. Lastly, governments can play a role in supporting health care research. They can do so by providing funding for research and communicating research into policy and actions. 

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