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    Disease Management

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    Urinary System Disorders

    Urinary System Disorders 4. Compare the signs of cystitis and pyelonephritis. 5. Compare the causes and pathophysiology of acute pyelonephritis, APSGN, and nephritic syndrome. 7. Compare the pathophysiology of acute and chronic renal failure. 11. Why is protein intake restricted to patients with kidney disease? 13. Why wo

    Reproductive disease reproductive disease as the chronic focus, create a patient educational plan that incorporates the following: a. Describe the patient 1) Age 2) Gender 3) Social, family, and medical history as it relates to the disease process chosen 4) Educational background 5) Preferred method of learning

    Reproductive disease reproductive disease as the chronic focus, create a patient educational plan that incorporates the following: a. Describe the patient 1) Age 2) Gender 3) Social, family, and medical history as it relates to the disease process chosen 4) Educational background 5)

    Blood and Lymphatic Disorders & Cardiovascular Disorders

    Blood and Lymphatic Disorders 2. Explain the cause of incompatible blood transfusion. 3. List three types of clotting problems. 4. Explain how pernicious anemia may develop from chronic gastritis. 5. For which conditions could secondary polycythemia develop as compensation: VSD, CHF, chronic lung disease, aplastic

    HC Quality Management and Outcome Analysis

    What are the pros and cons of implementing clinical pathways and/or practice guidelines or other evidence based medicine tools? How does fear of litigation affect patient care and customer service?

    Celiac's Disease Prevention

    I wanted to know if there is a certain diet that can prevent celiac disease? if not, how can the disease be prevented? What vitamins or foods can we eat?

    Develop criteria for determining credibility of health information resources

    A. Criteria for credibility (define each or say how each is important) 1. Source 2. Currency/date 3. Relevance/utility 4. Editorial review process B. Whether one is referencing print material, resources from the Internet, or listening to a health expert, it is important to discern if the source is reliable. C.

    Patient education brochure about diabetes

    You work in the office of an endocrinologist. He has asked you to develop a draft of an initial patient education brochure about diabetes. He has jotted some notes, handed them to you, and asked you to make them "patient friendly." Learning about Diabetes (Describe briefly what body system the pancreas is a part of and how

    Diseases or Habits

    Describe what determines or identifies if a disease or a habit is or will be harmful to an individual or population?

    Hepatitis A

    A group of citizens in a community of identifiable need is concerned about a recurring incidence of persons with Hepatitis A. The principal commonality is their use of a water utility that is dependent on local wells in the surrounding area. Many of the homes in this area are not connected to sewer service and continue to use

    Health Care Organizations Home Health Care

    Describe how the following external factors will effect telehealth/telemedicine's trend in relationship to home healthcare: 1. Need help with information in finding how Risk Management effects Telehealth with Home Health Agencies. I will be using for a Power Point.

    Health care population

    1) What is a population cohort and how is it used with health status indicators? 2) How do living conditions affect one's health status?

    Medical best practices

    What would be a specific problem that the medical industry faces in regards to technological advancement? How does this actually affect service delivery to patients How can these best practices be implementer to effectively solve problems within the industry? How can the manager maintain this competitive level? I don't

    Health Care in the New Millennium

    Describe the future trends in health care and how they affects disease management, financial management, technology, and social aspect of health care delivery. E.g. Where health care came from, how it started and compare it with today, the advancement stage it is now, from the 18th, early 19th century, and predict how it will

    U.S. Health Care in the New Millennium

    What are future trends in health care and how they affects disease management, financial management, technology, and social aspect of health care delivery? References please.

    Health Policy

    Please help me with the following: 1. Provide a ranking of what you feel to be the top three US health policy issues. 2. Explain the reasons for your selection and ranking of these issues. 3. To what extent are your selections and rankings related to your experiences with the healthcare system and how have they affecte

    Tattoo Operation - Hazards

    I was going through my textbook and was asked to answer this question as thoroughly as possible: 1. How would you apply the principles of infection control and regulatory requirements in the inspection of a tattooing operation? One needs to consider the operation's nature and associated public health hazards/risks. You are

    Drugs and Hepatitis A Virus

    What is Hepatitis A Virus? How is it related to drug use? How is it contacted? What are the symptoms, prevalence, and how is it diagnosed? I would appreciate as much infromation as possible. Articles welcomed. Thank you.

    Dynamic Hyperinflation and its Impact on Patients

    What is Dynamic Hyperinflation? How does this condition lead to progressive ventilatory limitation during activity in patients with COPD? What are causes of DH? What would be the impact of DH and possible interventions to reduce DH both immediately and with more significant adaptation to exercise training?