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AIDS/HIV: Infectious Disease

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AIDS/HIV is an Infectious Disease, why is it more prevalent and emerging in all environments in today's world?

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Considering that AIDS/HIV is an infectious disease, this solution explains why it is more prevalent and emerging in all environments in today's world.

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1. AIDS/HIV is an Infectious Disease, why is it more prevalent and emerging in all Environments in today's world?

Simply put, the risk factors associated with contacting AIDS/HIV are increasing in all environments in today's world for several reasons. A risk factor is something that increases your likelihood of getting a disease or condition. Although it is possible to contract HIV infection and develop AIDS with or without the risk factors listed below, the more risk factors a person has, the greater is her or his likelihood to contract HIV infection and develop AIDS.

Certain lifestyles are linked to increased risk for contacting HIV/AIDS, many of which are on the rise in all environments in today's world (e.g. risky sexual behavior, drug use and ...

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