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    Though Javascript was designed to allow web developers to make pages that could change without reloading in order to facilitate a higher level of user interactivity, the language is now also in common use in games and desktop applications. It is an interpreted language and the key ideas in its creation were to allow client-side scripts to control the browser, alter the document content being displayed and communicate with it asynchronously.

    As the name suggests, Javascript is a scripting language. It is also a dynamic language, with safe types, first-class functions and very forgiving syntax influenced by the C language. Despite its name, Javascript shares little with the Java language other than names and naming conventions. Instead, it shares its principles with self and scheme programming languages and supports object-orientated, imperative and functional programming paradigms.

    Born of a battle for the internet with Microsoft, Javascript was developed by a man named Brendan Eich while working for Netscape. Netscape wanted a distributed OS running a portable version of Java to address their client-server problem, but also something that could be a lightweight interpreted language that appealed to nonprofessional programmers. As a result, Javascript emerged to combat Microsoft's Visual Basic.

    Brendan Eich, creator of javascript

    Brendan Eich, creator of Javascript and founder of Mozilla. Image Credit Darcy Pardilla

    © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com June 30, 2024, 10:14 am ad1c9bdddf

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