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Create a Javascript/Html page to accept/decline your T&C's.

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Create a script that requires your visitors to accept your terms and conditions before proceeding, by selecting a check box. save the page as AcceptTerms.html. include two links , an Accept link amd a Decline link. The Accept link should open a page named AcceptPage.html that displays the text "thanks for accepting our terms." The Decline link should open a page named DeclinPage.html that displays the text "you did not Accept our terms" in the AcceptTerms. html document, create a single event hadler function named comfirmTerms() that determines whether the check box is selected, and returns a value of true if it is or false if isnt't. call the confirmTerms() function from the Accept link. if the check box is selected, open the AcceptPage.html document. If the check box is not selected, display an alert dialog box information the user that he or she must accept the terms. if the user clicks the Decline link, open the Declinepage.html document.

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This solution contains a very well written Javascript program with all the required html pages. The code is very easy to understand and mostly commented, so that it becomes very easy for a reader to understand what is going on in the program.

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