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    Organic Chemistry Bonding

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    Chemical Differences Among Carbohydrates

    1) How can you distinguish chemically between starch and three other carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, & lactose)? 2) What would you expect to observe when adding one drop of iodine-potassium iodine reagent to each of the four carbohydrates? 3) How does Benedict's Reagent distinguish between carbohydrates? 4) When addi

    Which of the following is an INCORRECT description of benzene?

    Which of the following is an INCORRECT description of benzene? a. The CCC bond angles are all equal to 120 o b. The 6-membered ring contains alternating double and single carbon-carbon bonds c. The molecule may be drawn as resonance hybrid of 2 Kekule structures d. The molecule is planar Which of the followi

    Problems Involving Dimethyl Ether

    7.A. Dimethyl ether boils at 24 degrees Celsius whereas its isomer, ethanol boils at 78 degrees Celsius. Explain this fact. B. Make a sketch showing how dimethyl ether is able to solvate a cation such as K+. (See attached file for full problem description) C. Draw the structure of dimethyl ether, showing the 3-D shape at th

    Chemical structures, hydrocarbons, and solubility

    What is the structure for hexadecanol? What would explain why it is a solid rather than a liquid? How are ethanol, 1-octanol, propane-1,2,3-triol, and hexadecanol similar to their corresponding hydrocarbons (ethane, octane, propane, & hexadecane)? Do some of these alcohols possess more hydrocarbon character than other

    Organic Oxygen Compounds

    Can an ether molecule be made out of a methanol or ethanol molecule? Why or why not? What is the structure for 1-Octanol & Propane-1,2,3-triol? How would Ethanol, 1-Octanol, & Propane-1,2,3-triol compare in viscosity (ability to flow)? Why? Do their size, shape, or molecular structure affect their physical consistency

    Molecular weights of ether and dimethylether

    What are the molecular weights of ether and dimethylether? Are they isomers of each other or is each an isomer of something else? What are there significant differences in their chemical and physical properties? Is it because ethanol is an alcohol and dimethylether is an ether?

    various organic chemistry questions

    (See attached file for full problem description) 5. Propose a mechanism to account for the following conversion of testoterone to the alkene shown 6 Two compounds (A and B) have formulas C3H8O. They gave the following results with three chemical tests. Propose structures for A and B consistent with this informaion. 7. A

    Aromatic structures, and mass spec, molecular ion, realtive abundances

    1.(refering to dexchlorpheniramine, pilocarpine, and 9-aminoacridine)--GO TO WWW.CHEMFINDER.COM TO LOOK UP STRUCTURES FOR THESE COMPOUNDS)-- For each ring in each structure, indicate if it is aromatic. Rationalize your decision for each ring (even those that are not aromatic). Make sure to indicate which (if any) lone pair el

    Organic chemistry problems: Naming, Isomerism, pH

    IUPAC name for CH3CH2CH2CH double bond CHCH2COOH Which exhibits geometric isomerism CH3C triple bond CH CH3CH2CH double bondCH2 CH3CH double bond CHCH3 Compound A has the molecular formula C8H14. Addition of bromine to A gives a new compound B, with the formula C8H14Br4. Treatment of A with and aqueous acid gave

    Azo Dyes, Acid-Base Indicator and Ferrocene

    1. What is the main structural feature of the azo dyes that causes them to be colored compounds? 2. Methyl Orange is an acid-base indicator. In dilute solution at pH greater than 4.4, it is yellow. At pH = 3.2 the solution appears red. Draw a structure of the species that is formed at the lower pH of the acid proton adds to t

    Naming incorrect compounds with IUPAC

    Each of the following names is an incorrect IUPAC name. Indicate, if possible, the correct name of the compound. Can you please explain why these names are not right? 1) 4-butyl 1-methyl 2-hexene 2) 2-ethylpentane 3)1-propyl 5-methyl benzene

    Naming an IUPAC system

    Name this by the IUPAC system H H / C=C / C-C C-C-C | Cl And this one: C-C-C-C-C | | F C-F

    Stepwise mechanisms

    Consider the reaction in attached document. What is a stepwise mechanism that accounts for both of the products shown. Please show me the mechanism. Show all intermediate structures and all electron flow with arrows. Also include resonance. In addition, what are the non-prefered products of electrophilic addition to the opposit

    Acid catalyzed Fisher

    Propose a detailed mechanism for the acid - catalyzed Fisher esterification of propanoic acid and ethanol. Show all resonance forms.

    different resonance forms of two structures

    Please see attached...I chose c The two structures shown are: a. constitutional isomers b. enantiomers c. different resonance forms of the same species. d. difference conformations of the same species. e. 5. diastereomers

    Alkyl Halide Solvolysis

    Choose the starting reagents: benzyl chloride and a solvent (water). Note the color of the solution. Return to the lab and place the flask on the stir plate. No other set up is required. You will monitor the reaction on the pull down TV and with TLC. Run a TLC sample before you start the reaction. Some reactants may not s

    Organic Chemistry Bonding Properties

    I need some help with these three questions on organic chemistry bonding: 13. Why it is important that any aldehyde used in Witting reaction be free of carboxylic acid impurities? 14. Explain why the C=C stretching mode gives rise to a rather weak IR band in 1-methylcyclohexane, while in its isomer, methylenecyclohexene,

    What is the structure of the hydrocarbon?

    A hydrocarbon was found to have a molecular weight of 80-85. A 10.02 mg sample took up 8.40 mL of H2 gas at 0 degrees C and 760 mm pressure. Ozonolysis yielded only two compounds shown in the attached .jpg. What is the structure of the hydrocarbon? See attached file for full problem description.

    Calculate the degree of unsaturation in C4H6.

    1. a. Calculate the degree of unsaturation in C4H6. b. Draw at least 4 iosmers with this formula (C4H6). 2. a. Explain why cis dichloroethene has a boiling point of 60 degrees C while trans - dichloroethen has a boiling point of 48 degrees C. b. Include drawings of the structures with dipoles in your answer.

    Anti Addition

    I need to paraphrase this "As a bromine molecule approaches perpendicular to the negatively charged pi cloud of the carbon-carbon double bond, its bonding electrons are repelled away from the bromine atom nearer the double bond, leaving it with a partial positive charge. As the positively charged bromine penetrates the pi cloud,

    Calculations for Positive Iodoform Test

    Explain the fact that even though dibenzoylmethane (C6H5COCH2COC6H5) is not a methyl ketone, it gives a positive iodoform test when treated with the NaOH and I2.

    Isomers of dimethylcyclohexanediol

    Here is my question. I am working through this and some other problems, and want to compare what I do against what someone who knows a lot more than me on this subject, does. Please don't do this problem if you are 1. Planning on copying and pasting something from a website (yes, I've had people do that to me here) that

    Alkene Hydration

    In an experiment you combine 4-methyl-2-pentene and water, in the lab you setup the experiment using a a heater, condenser and N2 gas and add the reagent H2SO4, the product formed is 2-methyl-2-pentanol. Which of the following terms would be used in a description of the mechanism of this reaction? - Tertiary carbanion - 2-me

    Hydroboration reaction experiments and Markovnikov's rule

    In one experiment you combine 1-hexene which is reacted with H2SO4 with water as the solvent and the compound produced is 2-hexanol, and in another experiment you have 1-Methylcyclohexene which reacts with H2SO4 in water to produce 1-methylcyclohexanol. Do the reactions in these experiments conform to E2 elimination, Markovniko

    Hydroboration reaction of 1-hexene and H2SO4 with water

    In an experiment that is performed you use 1-hexene and is reacted with H2SO4 with water as the solvent. The product formed is 2-hexanol, is this an example of 1,4 addition, or proceeds via a carbanion, or is an example of electrophillic addition, or results in sp2 hybridized carbon being transformed into a sp hybridized carbon

    Fats and oils

    Examine the label of any vegetable oils, solid shortening, margarine, or butter you might have on hand. Identify the oil or fat and report the level of saturated, mono-unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats that are listed on the label. Try to rank them from most saturated to most unsaturated. Check if the label mentions anything