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    Just-in-Time inventory is a supply chain, production and distribution strategy which aims to reduce inventory and related carrying costs. By reducing inventory, a company can increase its inventory turnover. It also reduces the amount of assets the company has tied up in inventory, ultimately improving a company's return on assets. Just-in-time requires three importent components: inventory pull system, level production and quality management.

    Inventory pull system: Just-in-time uses signals, known as "kanban," between different stages in the production process. The signal lets earlier stages know when new inventory is needed, and can be as simple as a missing part on the shelf. These signals are used by stages in the production process to "pull" inventory from earlier stages when needed.

    Level production: Because of the inventory pull system, there is not a stockpile of inventory at different phases of the production process to be used. It is therefore important that intermediate stages of the production process are able to produce parts efficiently and at a consistent rate so that later stages of the production process can rely on parts being available when needed and can work at a consistent rate as well. As a result, parts become available along the production line "just-in-time." Extra inventory does not build up along the production line nor do shortages cause delays in production. 

    Quality management: Because Toyota uses JIT inventory on its production line, there are no extra parts to use if one part has a defect. As a result, in order to keep the assembly line moving, quality assurance became a key concern for inventory.


    Just-in-time focuses on having the right amount of inputs at the right time without using inventory as a cushion. In Japan, the most successful case study on the implementation of JIT is in the Toyota Production System. Toyota's factory response time dropped to approximately a day. As a result, Toyota was able to make vehicles based on changing demand in several days, without the risk they would not be sold. Customers who wanted made-to-order cars could be accommodated more efficiently and at a lower cost.

    Because JIT and quality management go hand-in-hand, JIT helps contribute to an overall lean manufacturing strategy. In Japan, where JIT was born, several problems have been identified with the strategy. For one, companies that employ JIT may, in effect, be storing inventory with suppliers (who often charge JIT customers a premium). Similarly, in Japan, the large amount of traffic created by frequent deliveries for JIT manufacturing led to highway gridlock among other problems. As a result, since the 1980s some Japanese companies that previously adopted JIT have moved back to having more traditional inventory. 

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    . A staff position: A related directly to the carrying out of the basic objectives of the organization. is supportive in nature, providing service and assistance to other parts of the organization. is superior in authority to a line position. none of these. 2. The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA): A AND C (they issue various ethical standards and industry guidelines) is a professional organization of management accountants is a professional organization of financial accountants issues standards for management accounting issues standards for financial accounting 3. All of the following are examples of product costs except: A depreciation on the company's retail outlets. salary of the plant manager. insurance on the factory equipment. rental costs of the factory facility. 4. Management accounting reports might include information about: D customer complaints. net income for the year on budgeted income statement. total assets on budgeted balance sheet. All of the above are correct. 5. A daily report on the number of quality units assembled by each employee is information MOST useful to: A a front-line assembly worker the accounting department the chief executive officer the personnel department 6. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major customer value propositions discussed in the text? B customer intimacy discount pricing operational excellence product leadership 7. Conversion costs consist of: C direct and indirect labor. direct labor and direct materials. direct labor and manufacturing overhead. prime costs and manufacturing overhead. 8. Which of the following is NOT a period cost? D Monthly depreciation of the equipment in a fitness room used by factory workers. Salary of a billing clerk. Insurance on a company showroom, where current and potential customers can view new products. Cost of a seminar concerning tax law updates that was attended by the company's controller. 9. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 contains all of the following provisions EXCEPT: B The audit committee of the board of directors of a company must hire, compensate, and terminate the public accounting firm that audits the company's financial reports. Financial statements must be audited once every three years by the Government Accounting Office. Both the CEO and CFO must certify in writing that their company's financial statements and accompanying disclosures fairly represent the results of operations. A company's annual report must contain an internal control report. 10. The five step framework used to guide Six Sigma improvement efforts includes all of the following EXCEPT: C Analyze. Control. Digitize. Measure. 11. The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA): D is a professional organization of management accountants is a professional organization of financial accountants issues standards for management accounting Both a and c are correct. 12. All of the following are characteristics of a pull production system EXCEPT: B Inventories are reduced to a minimum by purchasing raw materials and producing units only as needed to meet consumer demand. Raw materials are released to a production far in advance of being needed to ensure no interruptions in work flows due to shortages of raw materials. Products are completed just in time to be shipped to customers. Manufactured parts are completed just in time to be assembled into products. 13. Prime costs consist of: D direct materials and the variable portion of manufacturing overhead. direct labor and indirect labor. indirect labor and the fixed portion of manufacturing overhead. direct labor and direct materials. 14. Nonmanufacturing costs: C include only fixed costs seldom influence financial success or failure include the cost of selling, distribution, and after-sales costs for customers are considered by GAAP to be an element of product costs 15. Shown below are a number of costs incurred last year at Mecca Publishing Co., a manufacturer of elementary school textbooks: Solvents and cleaners used by the custodians to clean the textbook printing presses $500 Depreciation on the automobiles used by sales representatives $4,200 Fire insurance on factory building $2,000 Shipping costs on textbooks sold $3,700 What is the total of the manufacturing overhead costs above? B $500 $2,500 $6,200 $6,700 16. Which of the following types of information are used in management accounting? D financial information nonfinancial information information focused on the long term All of these are correct. 17. The one cost that would be classified as part of both prime cost and conversion cost would be: B indirect material direct labor direct material indirect labor 18. The phase of accounting concerned with providing information to managers for use in planning and controlling operations and in decision making is called: B throughput time. managerial accounting. financial accounting. controlling. 19. The following costs were incurred in July: Direct materials $35,000 Direct labor $13,000 Manufacturing overhead $15,000 Selling expense $14,000 Administrative expenses $30,000 Prime costs during the month totaled: A $48,000 $28,000 $107,000 $63,000 20. The following data are for a recent period's operations: Beginning finished goods inventory $150,475 Ending finished goods inventory $145,750 Sales $400,000 Gross margin $120,000 The cost of goods manufactured was: A $115,275 $284,725 $275,275 $124,725

    1. A staff position: related directly to the carrying out of the basic objectives of the organization. is supportive in nature, providing service and assistance to other parts of the organization. is superior in authority to a line position. none of these. 2. The Institute of Management

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