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    Decision Tree and Estimation

    Mark is looking at the forecasts of expected economic growth. He plans to invest $120,000 in an investment whose return would depend on the economic conditions. It is estimated that the economy will have a high growth with a probability of 25%, normal growth with a probability of 50% and a slow growth with a probability of 25%.

    Retirement system

    If the Social Security retirement system was a private retirement system, it would be declared bankrupt. Discuss why this is so and why the Social Security system can continue to pay benefits despite the fact that it can be considered bankrupt. Discuss why the Social Security tax rate has increased so much in recent years. What

    Cost-benefit analysis to reduce air pollution in a city

    How would you set up a cost-benefit analysis of a program to reduce air pollution in a city? Carefully indicate the items you would include, such as benefits and costs, and discuss the problems encountered in measuring these benefits and costs.

    Calculate the minimum bid value in the given case.

    A company has posted a request for bid on 230k cases of widgets per year over the next 5 years. Determine what bid price makes the most sense as a potential supplier. An Initial investment of 1 million is required to begin production. This investment will be depreciated using the straight line to zero method throughout the co

    Walmart's Financial Health

    I choose Walmart. Provide a financial summary of your selected company's financial health. Define 2 financial concepts and how they played a major part in the company's financial press. Based on your research of your company's financial health, describe the company's financial health.

    Margin Call and Change in Settlement Value of Your Position

    Your firm shorts 30 March 2009 Euro futures contracts with a future price of 1.510 for 5 days. Each contract has a $2100 initial margin and a $2100 maintenance margin. Each contact has a 125,000 Euro face value. For the next five days, the settlement prices of the March Euro contract are going to be 1.512, 1.514, 1.511, 1.509

    Portfolio expected return and volatility

    I need some guidance for the following scenario: You manage a portfolio that consists of 70 percent in S & P 500 index stocks and 30 percent in a Crude Oil ETF. Over the past 10 years the S & P 500 has had an average monthly return of 1.2 percent and a monthly return volatility of 2.2percent. Over the same period, crude oil h

    Treasury STRIP

    On February 18, 2008, a two-year Treasury STRIP (default free, zero-coupon note) sold for $98.5678 per hundred dollar of par value, while a four-year Treasury STRIP sold for $97.1264 per hundred dollar of par value. Assuming financial markets are perfect, you want to own $22M face value of 2-year Treasury STRIPs in two years an

    Hedge Against Systematic Risk

    I have an expected cash flow of $1,000 in one year. 1.2 is the beta for the common stock and 1.2 is also the beta of my cash flow. The risk-free rate is 4% and the market index has a 5% risk premium. How could I hedge against the systematic risk? What kind of strategy is needed? What is shorted, what is longed, and how much o

    Coefficient of Variation, Risk and Return

    Based on the following information, calculate the coefficient of variation and select the best investment based on the risk/reward relationship. Std Dev. Exp. Return Company A 7.4

    President Obama and Federal Appropriations

    - Identify three (3) areas where President Obama wants to increase federal appropriations. - Identify three (3) areas where President Obama wants to decrease federal appropriations. - Analyze and describe four (4) governmental expenditures each from the federal, state, and local budgets that will have a greater impact on the n

    Financial Management: Risk and Return

    1) Based on the following information calculate the holding period return: P0 = $10.00 P1 = $12.00 D1 = $1.22 2) Risk & Return and the CAPM. Based on the following information, calculate the required return based on the CAPM: Risk Free Rate = 3.5% Market Return =10% Beta = 1.08 3) Risk and Return, Coefficient of V

    Financial Management: Edmund Enterprise

    Edmund Enterprise recently made a large investment to upgrade its technology. Although these improvements won't have much of an impact on performance in the short run, they are expected to reduce future cost signeficantly. What impact will this have on Edmund Enterprise's earnings per share this year? What impact might this h

    Median Voter Theorem

    Find several articles that assess the validity of the median voter theorem. Critique advantages and disadvantages of the median voter theorem in elections, public goods, and majority rule.

    finance perspective and relate this to the stakeholder approach

    1. Define the goal of the firm from a finance perspective and relate this to the "stakeholder" approach. 2. Relate the importance of economics and accounting to finance. 3. Define progressive taxes and why it is particularly important to the corporate form of business. 4. Contrast the information provided in the balan


    Can you provide examples of significant information that would not necessarily be disclosed in the financial statements?

    Cost estimation

    Controller completed a cost study of the firms' material handling department in which he used work measurement to quantify departments' activity. Factor unit used in the work measurement study was hundreds of kg of equipment unloaded or loaded at the company's loading dock. Month units of activity material handling dpt cost

    Copperline's Risk Pools

    Please provide assistance answering the problems in the attached file on Copperline Company with regards to its risk pools. See the attached file.

    How long will it take you to pay off the $1,500 ?

    You ran a little short on your spring vacation, so you put a $1,500 on your credit card. You can only afford to make the minimum payment of $30 per month. The interest rate on the card is 1.5% per month. How long will it take you to pay off the $1,500 (assume end of the month payments)? How much total interest will you pay?

    Managers overemphasis short-term profits

    Please help with the following problem. Provide at least 200 words in the solution. If managers focus on the current stock value, might this lead to an overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-term profits?

    Excessive, Operating and Financial Leverage

    Q1. What does it mean when it is said that a company is excessively leveraged? What could be the effects of excessive leverage? Q 2. Differentiate operating leverage, financial leverage, and the total leverage of the firm. Do these types of leverage complement one another? Why or why not? Q3. (Weighted average cost of cap

    Standard Deviation of Stock Returns & Market Return

    1. The standard deviation of stock returns for Stock A is 30%. The standard deviation of the market return is 20% and the correlation between Stock A and the market is 0.75. a. Calculate Stock A's beta. b. In a bull market with rapidly increasing stock prices, will Stock A likely outperform or underperform the average stock

    Determining Lowest Cost Alternative

    A healthcare firm's investment of $1,000 in a piece of equipment will reduce labor costs by $400 per year for the next 5 years. Thirty percent of all patients seen by the firm have a third-party payer arrangement that pays for capital costs on a retrospective basis. Thirty percent of all patients also reimburse for actual operat

    Health Care Fraud

    Why is health care fraud a concern for medical organizations? What can the managers of such organizations do to avoid or limit this problem?

    Security Expected Return and Standard Deviation

    You are planning to form a portfolio with two securities, the details of which are as follows: Security Expected Return Standard Deviation 1 12% 4% 2 10% 3% Assume that the returns on these two securities are perfectly negatively correlated

    Accounting and Finance Resume How-To

    I am seeking employment in accounting and finance with a for profit firm or non profit organization. Can you please advise me on how to tailor my resume for this purpose?

    Amortization Schedule: Straight-Line

    Spencer company sells 10% bonds having a maturity value of 3,000,000 for 2,783,724. The bonds are dated Jan 1, 2012 and mature Jan 1, 2017. Interest is payable annually on Jan 1. INSTRUCTION Set up a schedule of interest expense and discount amortization under the straight line method.