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    Cost Value Equipment

    Get started by watching the 'Should I Buy New Equipment Now?' video in the link below then answer the following questions. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/ph/esm/chet_cleaves_cbsm9e_12/tools/RealWorldCase_before.htm The engraving department uses an aging rotary engraver to engrave plaques and trophies. The machine has been rel

    Operating, investing and financing activities

    The following information reflects cash flow and other activities of Framer Company for six months ended June 30 Paid for equipment $45,000 Paid for income taxes $ 3,000 Paid for insurance

    Company Growth

    Please respond to the following: Imagine a startup company of your own and briefly trace its development from a sole proprietorship to a major corporation with a focus on how that development would be financed.

    Flexible and Static Budgets

    The three components involved in the creation of a budget are revenues, expenses, and the statistics (volume). A. In what order are each component determined and why? B. What is the differences between a static and flexible budget? C. As a manager, which type of budget would you prefer to operate under? Why?

    Variable, Fixed and Semi Variable Expenses

    Please define and explain the following type of expenses and give an example of a business activity from your profession that may change the amount of variable expenses with each definition. a) Variable expense: b) Fixed expense: d) Semi variable or Mixed expense: Please identify if you would assign each of the following

    Price Comparison Study

    Pizza comparisons of Dominos & Little Caesars. What is the best pizza deal in your area? How do you conduct comparative shopping when different pizza stores have different size pans? Are prices for some large pizzas for a particular store proportional to the amount of pizza for each size? Does any combination of two pan si

    Finance Question: Beta and Risk

    You are working as an intern at Coral Gables Products, a privately owned manufacturing company. You got into a discussion with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Coral Gables about weighted average cost of capital calculations. She pointed out that, just as the beta of the assets of a firm equals a weighted average of the b

    Debt-Equity, APV, and WACC

    Problem 14-2 Assume that MM's theory holds with taxes. There is no growth, and the $40 of debt is expected to be permanent. Assume a 40% corporate tax rate. a. How much of the firm's value is accounted for by the debt-generated tax shield? b. How much better off will UF's a shareholder be if the firm borrows $20 more an

    Small Country Expenditures and GDP

    A very small country's gross domestic product is $12 million. If government expenditures amount to $7.5 million and gross private domestic investment is $5.5 million, what would be the amount of net exports of goods and services? How would your answer change if the gross domestic product had been $14 million?

    Alternative Investment decisions

    Describe the two distinct sets of project alternatives dealt with in every evaluation. In your description, identify an example of each set. Following the descriptions, discuss why the comparison of investment alternatives is difficult when each alternative is useful, even outside of the project.

    Amortised Loan Example

    John borrows 10,000 Euros at an APR of 6%. He wants to repay it in five equal instalments over five years, with the first repayment one year after he takes out the loan. How much should each repayment be?

    Calculating average rate of return of a stock

    Spill Oil Company's stocks had -8%, 11% and 24% rates of return during the last three years respectively; calculate the average rate of return for the stock. A. 8% per year B. 9% per year C. 11% per year D. None of the above

    Common Stock Par Value

    When common stock has a par value: a) the liability of the stockholders is limited to the par value b) there will probably be additional paid-in capital in the balance sheet c) the market value of the stock will be higher than if there is no par value d) the paid-in capital will equal the par value of the number of shares

    Common Stock Ownership

    Which of the following is not a right or attribute of common stock? a) Electing directors b) Liability limited to amount invested c) Approving changes in corporate charter d) Determining dividend policy

    AIG and the Financial Crisis

    AIG played a central role in the financial crisis by issuing swaps to investors in CDO tranches, promising to reimburse them for any losses on the tranches in exchange for a stream of premium-like payments. AIG was rated AAA in 2006. This credit default swap protection made the CDOs much more attractive to potential investors be

    FNMA, FHLMC and Lehman

    FNMA and FHLMC were operating with inadequate capital in the years leading up to the financial crisis. In 2008 just after Lehman failed FNMA raised significant capital by selling shares to the Chinese government. True or false. and why?

    Financial Crisis and Securitization

    Securitization of mortgages enabled various dimensions of risks embedded in pools of mortgages to be distributed to investors with varying degrees of tolerance for credit and interest rate risk and with differing expectations about the future path of economic valuables. Before securitization, the bank that originated a pool of m

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    Fannie and Freddie had a single mission: support the mortgage market. They did not originate mortgages; they purchased them from banks, thrifts, and mortgage companies and either held them in their portfolios or securitized and guaranteed them. True or false and why?

    The Financial Crisis and Goldman Sachs

    Goldman Sachs lost billions of dollars in arranging, underrating, selling and trading synthetic CDOs between 2004 and 2007. This was one of the main causes of the financial crisis. True or false and why?

    Underfunded Investors: AIG

    AIG was effectively the largest unfunded investor in the super-senior tranches of the Abacus 2004 deal. This means that AIG: A) Owned all of the underlying subprime collateral of the Abacus CDO B) Effectively would sell the underlying subprime collateral as the mortgages began to default. C) Was committed to buy defaulted


    1.After 2005, Securitization was a huge cost to banks and offered very little benefit. This is why the Federal Government had to promote securitization. True or false? Why? 2. Securitization is effective at enabling financial institutions to diversify risk. True or false? Why?

    2008 Financial Crisis and Business

    Regulatory arbitrage as it relates to securitization in the 1980s stems from the fact that financing mortgages was less costly in the capital markets than on the balance sheets of thrifts True or false? And please tell me why.

    Dumpster Diving: Protecting Information

    One of the things a security analyst must consider when protecting their infrastructure and information is the ability of an attacker to access information about an organization, systems they utilize, and the information their protecting. One of the techniques an attacker uses is reconnaissance. Reconnaissance is the first pha

    Return on Investment in Real-World Organizations with examples

    I am trying to find online information, journal articles or textbook references regarding a business approach to evaluation using ROI in a real-world organization. Then, I need to write a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper explaining their use and effectiveness.

    Financial Terminology and Health Care Finance

    Locate at least two articles about one of these financial terms: balance sheet, shareholder's equity, EBITDA, EBITDAM, financial ethics, financial benchmarking, financial trend analysis, and ratio analysis. Write a 1,000- to 1,400-word paper discussing the financial term you have chosen and its application to health care fina

    Advise the Board on Appropriate Funding Sources

    Assume that you have recently joined a family owned renewable energy company in the UK and your first task is to advise the board on appropriate funding sources to secure the 100m that the company requires to fund a new investment project. You have been asked to provide a report detailing the various funding sources available

    Financial Analysis of Investment Purchases

    1. Mario just invested 12K into an interest bearing account that yields 11.0% Inflation is 6.6% a) What is the actual dollar value of Mario's investment be after 9 years b) What is the inflation-free interest rate (round to the nearest .01 percent) c) What will the constant dollar value of Mario's investment be after 9 years

    Internet Security

    1. Descibe ciphertext and explain how you would test a piece of ciphertext to determine quickly if it was likely the result of transposition? 2. Describe how a VPN works. 3. Describe how a DMZ is used to protect a network but remain open for business. 4. Describe the difference of how a HIDS and NIDS work. Please spell out th