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    Expert Profile

    Radhika Lakshmi

    Jul 2013
    Ask me a Question
    • Responses: 1219
    • Library Solutions: 254


    • MPhil, Madurai Kamaraj University, 2008
    • MCom, Annamalai University, 2001
    • IATA, International Air Transport Association, 2002


    • Business
    • Economics

    About Radhika Lakshmi

    Radhika has been in the education and tutoring field since 2006 and has specialized in accounting and finance. She has completed both a Master’s degree in accounting and finance and a Master of Philosophy degree in the same subjects. She has been assisting students at all levels with their accounting and finance assignments. Radhika has 8 years of teaching experience and another 6 years of industrial experience. Coaching you is what she loves the most and hence please ask her. You may specifically select her name from the expert selection list when you post questions.

    Radhika's BrainMass Content

    Solution Library

    Determining WACC given embedded assumptions

    Mary Francis has just returned to her office after attending preliminary discussions with investment bankers. Her last meeting regarding the intended capital structure of Apex went well, and she calls you into her office to discuss the next steps.

    "We will need to determine the required return fo READ MORE »

    Business / Accounting / Financial Accounting & Bookkeeping / Financial Ratios » 554842

    Homework Assistance

    Corporate governance has become increasingly important over the years. The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act was enacted to improve transparency in financial accounting and to prevent fraud. Which of the following is correct?

    a) fraud has not occurred since enactment of SOX
    b) SOX has not increased a READ MORE »

    Business / Finance / Dividends, Stock Repurchase and Policy » 572163

    Finance Questions

    Puckett Products is planning for a $5 million in capital expenditures next year. Puckett's target capital structure consists of 60% debt and 40% equity. If net income next year is $3 million and Puckett follows a residual distribution policy with all distributions as dividends, what will be it READ MORE »

    Business / Finance » 562751

    Call option value

    Which of the following is correct?
    a. NPV will be higher if sunk costs are included in a project's cash flows
    b. A good example of a sunk cost is a situation where a company builds a restaurant and that results in lower sales by another of its restaurants.
    c. A good example of a sunk cost is a s READ MORE »

    Business / Finance » 562578

    Hedging Problem

    The Zinn Company plans to issue $10,000,000 of 20-year bonds in June to help finance a new research and development laboratory. The bonds will pay interest semiannually. It is now November, and the current cost of debt to the high-risk biotech company is 11%. However, the firm's financial manager is READ MORE »

    Business / Finance / Mergers and Acquisitions » 573040
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