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    Complete Ratios

    Find the ratios: Current Ratio Quick Ratio Days Sales Outstanding Total Asset Turnover Total Debt Ratio Profit Margin ROA ROE Fixed Asset Turnover Price Earnings Ratio Market to Book Value Based on the ratio analysis you just conducted how good of financial shape do you think this firm is in? Why? When

    Analysis Section of Financial Statements

    Define what is included in a management discussion and analysis section of a financial statement (that cannot be found elsewhere). Essays Click the link below to view Microsoft Corporation's (MSFT) 2011 Annual Balance Sheet: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=msft+Balance+Sheet&annual Choose and compute 5 of the following from

    Comparing the Potential Returns of Investing in Stock

    The Jacksons have recently started saving about $300 per month ($3600 per year) for their children's education. They are currently investing this amount in bank CDs each month, but they are now considering investing in stock instead. The Jacksons have never owned stock before. The Jacksons are currently earning an interest rate

    Fixed Plant Capacity

    My group is about to start a new company that will enter the international microcomputer business. In order to get our new company off the ground, the members of the executive team, (including myself) will need to provide the seed capital (investment money). This is the money that we will use for all the initial expenses relat

    Finance Questions on Retirement Account

    1. Peggy gets paid every other week (bi-weekly) and her husband Patrick gets paid monthly. Peggy is going to make a $150 deposit from her paycheck every two weeks into a new retirement fund, and Patrick is going to deposit $300 from his paycheck monthly into a new retirement fund. Both accounts earn an effective annual rate of 6

    U.S. Trade Deficits

    The United States exported almost $2 trillion worth of goods and services in 2010 yet realized a trade deficit of more than $500 million, meaning it imported more than it exported. That has been the case for decades, and some Americans believe this is harming the county. 1. Visit www.bea.gov and find the U.S. trade in goods

    Estimating the Common Stock from Retained Earnings

    ** Please see the attached file for the complete problem description** What are three methods for estimating the cost of common stock from retained earnings? Which of these methods provides the most accurate and reliable estimate? Challenge Problem Template Tax rate = 38.0% After Tax

    Financial Overview

    Complete a financial analysis of McDonalds over the last two years (2009 and 2010) available in annual reports. Replace the numbers provided in the Excel file that is attached. Then write a 2-3 page financial analysis of the company. Addressing the following elelments: Identify your company, its industry, and analyze the impo

    Social Security Benefits for Retirees

    Just 3 or 4 lines for each - What this article is about? - Explain any concepts/terms/subjects that we might not be familiar with. - How this article is related to personal financial planning and why it's important to us? - What's the implication of this article? - What's your opinion on the issue discussed in the artic

    Financial Risk & Business Debt

    Financial risk relates to the business debt, which may be incurred by business operations, but business risk is independent of the debt of the business." Could you please explain for me how the liquidity risk affects business risk and/or the financial risk? Perhaps provide me an example too, so I understand this.

    Fundamental Concepts of Corporate Finance

    1.) What is a firm's fundamental, or intrinsic, value? What might cause a firm's intrinsic value to be different than its actual market value? 2.) Edmund Enterprises recently made a large investment to upgrade its technology. Although these improvements won't have much of an impact on performance in the short run, they ar

    Implications of a Change

    What are the implications of a change in the return on equity with an increase in debt financing? What is the relationship between business risk, financial risk, and beta (systematic or market risk)? How does the degree of operating and financial leverage change the profitability of the firm when sales levels change signi

    External Funding Requirement and Degree of Leverage

    Part One: External Funding Requirement Your company, Martin Industries, Inc., has experienced a higher than expected demand for its new product line. The company plans to expand its operation by 25% by spending $5,000,000 for an additional building. The firm would like to maintain its 40% debt to total asset ratio in its

    Investment & Portfolio Management

    Analysis and Evaluation of International Investments International investment is a prudent part of any investment portfolio. International investment helps to diversify the investment portfolio. Although, international investments are beneficial, they are not risk free. In addition, international investors should be ready wit

    Using Mutual Fund Investment Strategies

    One way to diversify your portfolio is to invest in the mutual funds. A mutual fund is a professionally managed type of collective investment that pools money from many investors to buy stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, and/or other securities. Go surf the web and choose one to three mutual funds (stock fund

    Common Denominator to Estimate Precise Tradeoffs

    In a tradeoff between two decision criteria such as ease of commuting and attractiveness of job, can you use money as a common denominator to estimate precise tradeoffs? State your reasons. Illustrate using the following tradeoff matrix. What sort of salary differences would it take for commute time to trump job attractiveness?

    Finance: Insurance Costs

    1: Marisa has a policy with replacement cost coverage and 80% co-insurance, and has a loss of $100,000 on her house. The replacement cost is $400,000 and the total policy coverage is $300,000. Since the loss is less than the coverage, she expects to get the full amount of the claim paid by the insurance company. Is she correct?

    Real Cost: Spot Rate & Hedging

    A US company negotiated a forward contract to buy 100,000 British pounds in 90 days. The company was supposed to use the £100,000 to buy British supplies. The 90-day forward rate was $1.40 per pound. On the day the pounds were delivered in accordance with the forward contract, the spot rate of the pound was $1.44. What was the

    Short-Term Versus Long-Term Profits

    Managers should not focus on the current stock value because doing so will lead to overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-term profits. In your post, explain what is meant by this statement. Describe how management might decide whether to focus on short term or long term goals and how that decision impacts

    Finding the dollar amount of maintenance margin

    An American company sells yen futures contracts to cover possible exchange losses on its export orders denominated in Japanese yen. The amount of the initial margin is $20,000, and the maintenance margin is 75 percent of the initial margin. The value of the company's position declines by $6,000 because the spot rate for yen has

    Analyzing Fixed and Variable Costs in the Healthcare Field

    Choose the best answer for each of the following: 1. In the long run: a. All costs are fixed b. All costs are mixed c. All costs are variable d. Paying a monthly 'budget' amount for utilities is a fixed cost 2. Which of the following is most likely a fixed cost? a. Income taxes b. The cost of merchandise sold c. Dep

    Loss/Gain Calculations

    Greg recently inherited a large, family-run farm that primarily produces grain for harvest each year. Greg has recently been researching the use of futures contracts to improve his returns on his crop each year and reduce the price risk at harvest time. Greg decides to enter into a futures contract on his grain harvest in March

    Calculating the Value-at-Risk

    Please help with the following problems. a) National Bank Asia wants to hire fresh young graduates to work in their Market Risk Management department. As you are preparing your interview, you need to understand some key questions, such as why do we use 500 days or more to evaluate the VaR in a historical simulation? b) Th

    Financial Analysis Sheet

    1. The current price of a stock is $65.88. If dividends are expected to be $1 per share for the next five years and the required return is 10%, then what should be the price of the stock be in 5 years when you plan to sell it? If the dividend and the required return the same, and the stock price is expected to increase by $1, w

    Money and Inflation

    Predictions of inflation or deflation can lead you to make completely different investment decisions. For example, if you think inflation will increase dramatically it is a good idea to invest in real estate. Your home will be worth a lot more in the future, and the amount you owe will shrink quickly as a result of inflation.

    PMPM Rate for Primary Care Physicians

    You are trying to establish a PMPM rate for Primary Care Physicians. Actuarial estimates project 2,500 visits per 1,000 members per year. You have contracted with a Primary Care Medical group at $45.00 per visit with a $5.00 copayment that you will receive. What PMPM rate should you set? A. $11.25 B. $9.38 C. $1

    Amortization Schedules: Straight Line, Spencer Company

    Use Excel if possible. 1) (Amortization Schedules - Straight Line) Spencer Company sells 10% bonds having a maturity value of $300,000,000 for $2,783,724. The bonds are dated January 1, 2012, and mature January 1, 2017. Interest is payable annually on January 1. 2) (Amortization Schedules - Effective-Interest) Assume the s