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    Cardinal Paz Corp.

    Cardinal Paz Corp. carries an account in its general ledger called Investments, which contained debits for investment purchases, and no credits, with the following descriptions. Feb. 1, 2010 Sharapova Company common stock, $100 par, 200 shares $37,400 April 1 U.S. government bonds, 11%, due April 1, 2020, interest payabl

    Long Term Investment Analysis

    A company is planning to invest $75,000 (before taxes) in a personnel training program. The $75000 outlay will be charged off as an expense by the firm this year (Year 0). The returns estimated from the program in the forms of greater productivity and less employee turnover are as follows (on an after-tax basis): Years 1-10:

    Small Investors in the Stock Market

    You work for a large investment firm and recently wrote a position article on your firm's approach to investing for the small investor, titled "Investing Is for the Little Guy." The article now appears on your company's Web site. It has, interestingly enough, generated e-mail responses from potential clients, and your firm is as

    Mortgage Loans and Monthly Payments

    6) You are taking out a 100,000 mortgage loan to be repaid over 25 years in 300 monthly payments a) if the interest rate is 16% per year what is the amount of the monthly payment? Answer: PMT = 1,358.89 b) if you can afford to pay 1500 per month and need to borrow 100,000 how many months would it take to pay off the mortgage?

    Systematic Risk and Stock Price

    AKA's stock is currently selling for $11.44. This year the firm had earnings per share of $2.80 and the current dividend is $0.68. Earnings are expected to grow 7% a year in the foreseeable future. The risk-free rate is 10 percent and the expected market return is 14.2 percent. What will be the effect on the price of AKAs' stock

    The price elasticity of demands

    For the product or service that your employer provides to market (or a product offering of your choice from a company of interest), discuss in detail whether you believe the demand for that product or service is relatively elastic or relatively inelastic. What is the price elasticity of demand and what in general determines t

    Research design -Gasoline prices

    As we have recently experienced, the instability in the price of gasoline has created sudden increases in prices. Mostly these increases are from changes in the supply, but can the gas companies pass all the increases along to the consumer? Some of the gas companies would like to discover or test the elasticity of demand, or at

    Maximizing Shareholder Return

    Maximizing shareholder returns usually implies that the firm must also satisfy customers, employees, suppliers, creditors and other stakeholders. First, rank stakeholders as to expected risk and return and then rank stakeholders as to their importance to the organization's success. Explain your ranking differences and/or similar

    Corporate Insiders & Outside Investors

    Do empirical studies support or reject the notion that corporate insiders earn abnormal profits on their trades? What about outside investors who mimic their trades? What forms of market efficiency, if any, are supported by these studies?

    Sensitivity Analysis vs. Scenario Analysis

    Explain the difference between sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis. Offer an argument for the proposition that scenario analysis offers a more realistic picture of a project's risk than does sensitivity analysis.

    Calculating Retirement Savings

    A person plans to retire today and expects to begin living off their retirement savings beginning one year from now and continuing until death. Identify and explain key variables that will influence the amount of income that can be taken from retirement saving annually until death. How will increasing and decreasing these key va

    Financial Analysis of Nissan

    Provide a summary of financial analysis for Nissan for 2010 and 2011: Current Ratio Quick Ratio Cash Ratio Total Debt Ratio Debt Equity Ratio Times Interest Earned Return on Equity Return on Total Assets Net Profit/Sales Expense/Sales Asset Turnover Price Earnings Ratio

    Additional Financing Required - Jones Company

    Jones Company sales last year were $25 million and its total assets were $8 million. Accounts payable were $2 million and common stock and retained earnings were $5 million. Jones sales are forecasted to be $30 million this year, earnings after tax are expected to be 3% of sales, and dividends of $250,000 are expected to be paid

    Additional Financing Needed With Nonproportionate Increase

    ICU has current assets of $800,000 and net fixed assets of $1,400,000. The firm expects its sales to climb 25 percent next year from its current level of $3,500,000. ICU's only current liability is accounts payable of $1,200,000. If both current assets and current liabilities will increase proportionately with sales, what additi

    Calculating Mutually Exclusive Projects

    Trail Guides, Inc., is currently evaluating two mutually exclusive investment. After doing a scenario analysis and applying probabilities to each scenario, they have determine that the investments have the following distributions around the expected NPVs. Profitability NPV A NPV B 15% -$

    healthcare budgets and management structure

    As a member of the finance team, you have been asked to prepare the upcoming yearorganizational budget for your dietary department at Krona Community Hospital. After reviewing specific data, internal input, and external input from various sources, you find that the executive managerment team would like the gudget to reflect the

    Stock Valuation Question

    The stock valuation approach discussed in the text uses discounted cash flows concepts to calculate the theoretical value of a stock. The most popular academic approach is the dividend growth model. If a stock does not pay a dividend, this model cannot be used. What might be an alternative method or approach to valuing a s

    The INS and OUTS of Campaign Finance

    Review the information provided on the Federal Election Commission's website before opening the assessment: http://www.fec.gov/pages/brochures/pubfund.shtml. You will find answers to the survey there: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB228UJCY65PR . Grading for this assignment is pass/fail. You must answer 100% of the questio

    Loan factors

    An effectively organized loan application reduces the time spent waiting for a response to a loan request. According to John Nelson III, SCORE counselor in Rhode Island and vice president of a major U.S. bank, "in about 80 percent of the cases, the formal request is not complete" (U.S. Small Business Administration, n.d.) What f

    Debt to Equity Ratios

    Why does the cost of equity increase with an increased use of debt in the capital structure?

    Components required to start-up a company's loan package

    Imagine you are a loan officer presented with a loan package from a start-up company and one from a well-established company. What specific components would you require in the start-up company's loan package to approve the requested loan? How do your lending requirements for the start-up company differ from those for the establi

    order point, safety stock

    1.For the following scenario, find the order point (R) needed to provide 95% service level: Average daily demand = 29 units. Standard deviation of daily demand = 5.7 units. Lead time = 3 days (constant). Be sure to display any important intermediate calculations necessary to find your answer. 2.How much safety stoc

    Treasury bills (induce to buy)

    The following pattern for one-year Treasury bills is expected over the next four years: Year1, 3% Year2, 5% Year3, 6% Year4, 7% a. What return would be necessary to induce an investor to buy a two-year security? b. What return would be necessary to induce an investor to buy a three-year security? c. What return would be n

    Managerial Finance Questions

    Can someone please provide information on the following: (1) how working capital can impact a company's finances (2) what the company can do to handle short-term debt that is coming due (3) explain current ratio, discuss its implications, and describe a good current ratio (4) describe briefly how businesses make cap

    Excel: exponential smoothing forecast

    ** Please refer to the attached file for the following question ** Develop a forecast for years 2 through 12 using exponential smoothing with ? = .4 and a forecast for year 1 of 6. Plot your new forecast on a graph with the actual data and the naive forecast. Based on a visual inspection, which forecast is better? Please ref