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    Perpetuity: Amount Investor Should Pay for the Land

    An investor is considering the purchase of 25 acres of land. An analysis indicates that the land will produce a cash flow (net of all expenses) of $10,000 per year forever. If the investor re¬quires a return of 10 percent, what is the most the investor should pay per acre for the land?

    Excel spreadsheet buildings

    You can purchase a new building within the city limits for $525,000. The city will offer a special incentive reducing the price by $25,000. The city will finance the building over a period of 20 years at a 5.25% APR Should you pay the loan off 5 years early the city will rebate you an additional 10% of the purchase price

    Addressing Markup Percentages

    A manufacturing company produces and sells 40,000 units of a single product. Variable costs total $80,000 and fixed costs total $120,000. If unit is sold for $8, what markup percentage is the company using?

    Patent Amortization & Net Value

    On January 1, 2008, Rans Co. purchased a patent for $595,000. The patent is being amortized over its remaining legal life of 15 years expiring on January 1, 2023. During 2011, Rans determined that the economic benefits of the patent would not last longer than ten years from the date of acquisition. What amount should be reported

    Corporate Fiance

    1) Float and weighted average delay: your neighbor goes to the post office once a month and picks up two checks, one for $17,000 and one for $6,000.The larger check takes four days to clear after it is deposited; the smaller one takes five days. a) What is the total float for the month b) What is the average daily float c) Wh

    engage in illegitimate political behavior

    You are the sales manager of a specific territory in Missouri for a company that manufactures highly specialized electrical parts. Your boss, the head of sales for Missouri, is being temporarily moved to California for a few months during which time the sales chief of Kansas would be handling his responsibilities. Before leaving

    market inefficiency and portfolio investments

    You are an investment advisor. Your 60 year old client with $200,000 in investable assets firmly believes in market inefficiency. Suggest and discuss five specific real-world investments you would recommend to this person and why. stocks bonds mutual funds etfs ect....

    Total risk

    What constitutes total risk, and how is it measured? Of the two components of total risk, discuss which one investors can eliminate? Explain the remaining risk, and how is it measured?

    Yield Curve Analysis Of Bonds and Notes

    Complete the following assignment by entering the information in an excel spreadsheet and using the graphing capabilities in Excel to create the yield curve. your conclusions may be typed into your Excel spreadsheet or separately in a Word file. Use different financial resources such as Yahoo Finance, Federal Reserve Bank websit

    This post addresses earnings management.

    The concept of earnings management connotes different things to different users of the term. Define earnings management. Discuss why it is difficult to discern whether a firm does in fact practice earnings management.

    Behavioral Finance and the 2008 great recession

    Given the new economic and market realities prevailing since the 2008 great recession, including employment opportunities as a business executive, first list, and then explain in needed details four (4) of the top Behavioral Finance lessons learned that can be of value going forward. I emphasize going forward because my goal in

    High-Low Profit Equation

    See the attached file. PROBLEM P4-9 - High-Low, Profit Equation Rhetorix, Inc. produces stereo speakers. Each unit (a pair of speakers) sells for $900 Below is information on production/sales and costs for 2010. "Production and Sales in Units" "Production Costs" "Selling and Admin.

    This post addresses share price.

    Use the information for the question(s) below. Big Blue Banana (BBB) is a clothing retailer with a current share price of $10.00 and with 25 million shares outstanding. Suppose that Big Blue Banana announces plans to lower its corporate taxes by borrowing $100 million and using the proceeds to repurchase shares. Suppose th

    Expected Payoff Calculation

    Use the information for the question(s) below. JR Industries has a $20 million loan due at the end of the year and under its current business strategy its assets will have a market value of only $15 million when the loan comes due. JR is considering a new much riskier business strategy. While this new riskier strategy can be

    Soft Money/Financial Security as a Kickback

    When Does Financial Support Become a Kickback? Consider the case of what is referred to as soft money within the securities industry. According to critics, a common practice in the securities industry amounts to little more than institutionalized kickbacks. "Soft Money" payments occur when financial advisor receive payments f

    Preparing an Opportunity Cost Analysis

    RLJ Technologies provides custom servics to its loyalty customers from Monday through Friday. David Lee, the co-owner, believes it is important for the employees to have Saturday and Sunday off to spend with their families. However, he also recognizes that this policy has implications for profitability, and he is considering st

    Wal-Mart and Industry Comparison with Ratio's

    I am seeking 800 words on the subject below, It must include current 2011 and 2012 referrences, referrences are not included in the 800 word count. Subject: What is Wal-Mart's position in the industry including a comparison of the company to its competitors. Good metrics to determine a company's position in the industry a

    Public Finance

    Analyze various methods of government financing in their budget, and provide a synthesis of the strengths and weaknesses of these methods, as well as their long term effects.

    Investment Problems and Analysis

    See the attached file. Problem #1 Suppose you bought 100 shares of stock at an initial price of $73 per share. The stock paid a dividend of $0.88 per share during the following year, and the share price at the end of the year was $82. Compute your total dollar return on this investment. Does your answer change if you keep

    Commercial banks

    What are the main sources of funds for commercial banks? What are the major uses of funds for commercial banks? What are the measuring cost of funds approaches do we have? How an environment of low interest rates could pose problems for a commercial bank's liquidity?

    Corporate Finance Practice Problem

    In April 1988, the vice president of project finance at the Hilton Corporation , Christopher Nassetta, was preparing recommendations for discount rates that should be used to evaluate each of the firm's three divisions. Hilton had three major lines of business: lodging (61% of total assets), contract services (27%), and restaura

    monopsony power

    One method commonly used by both governments and private health insurers to control the growth in health care spending is limiting the reimbursement to providers. How can these limits to reimbursement be viewed as the exercise of monopsony power? To prevent health care providers from prescribing more services, it is often common

    gross and net replacement rates

    A middle income worker, with a dependent spouse older than the normal retirement age, retired in January 2004. In the year prior to retirement, her gross monthly earnings were $1,500. Her Social Security pension benefit is $1,000 per month. Prior to retirement, she was subject to total taxes on her labor earnings amounting to 20