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    Business Philosophy and Ethics

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    Business Code of Ethics: Are they written and enforced?

    Do you think most companies have a code of ethics? Do you think most companies enforce a code of ethics? Explain why or why not. All companies have a code of ethics. It is usually a separate document on what they expect of their employees and the standards they set for themselves. These documents are necessary to ensure tha

    Ethics in Global Management and the Global manager's role

    1. In Chapter 1 - your text focuses on different environments the Global Manager must assess - political, economic, legal and technological. Take one of these areas and give the class a real world example of a firm dealing with a specific situation and how you, as a global manager, would assess or management the environment or

    Ethics Article Review: Ethics in accounting and financial decision-making

    Books by Albrecht, and Brealey, (Accounting Concepts and Applications), and (Fundamentals of Corporate Finance), and/or other sources, locate an article discussing ethics in accounting and financial decision-making. Address the following items in your review: Briefly, summarize the article. Relate the article to the assigne

    Environmental Issues and Ethics

    Is the classical free-market view of economics an adequate guide for deciding how to protecting the environment? Or, do we need a new more socialist or nature-centered approach?

    Environmental Issues and Ethicss

    Why do you think Universities wants students to have a basic understanding of ethical theory and the historical perspective of the theory relating to environmental issues? Can you give me a personal (or other) example, in either an environmental issue or general business issue, that supports your thinking of why this historica

    Ethics and Corporate Social Responsiblity

    "Write a brief paper (one to two pages) on the source of moral authority. One often hears the expression, "let your conscience be your guide." Is conscience sufficient to decide what is right and wrong? Does society decide? If Americans, for example, tend to think of a certain action as wrong, does that mean that action is wrong

    To what extent has individual ethical misconduct become so commonplace in our society that it is no longer shocking? What impact might this erosion in ethics have on such behavior in the health care industry?"

    You are standing by the water cooler discussing with a colleague the latest instance of ethical misconduct just reported in the media. Examples of personal unethical behavior abound: corporate executives doing insider trading, school administrators siphoning money for personal use, and clergymen sexually abusing young altar bo


    1. Where do ethics and morals come into play when dealing with the security of a system or database? 2. Should safeguards be built into the coding, or should it be left for the techno-geeks? 3. Who should be held responsible in the event of data/information theft? 4. What role can an ISP play in security against compute

    Consequentialists and Ethics

    What is the difference between a consequentialist and a non-consequentialist? Which are you? How can you use this difference to be more accepting of views that differ from yours?

    Contemporary issues and ethics

    Select two contemporary issues around which ethics have changed because of external and social elements. Describe how they have changed, what was required to create the change and how the change has affected society.

    Social Responsibility

    Analyze the importance of social responsibility and ethics as related to the organizations marketing.

    Behavior trends

    Now I have decided to add another section to my big project. I want to evaluate the following trends in organizational behavior: a. The influence of ethics on decision making b. The impact of technology on work-related stress

    How does diversity influence evolution of personal ethics?

    Please help with the following problem. Provide at least 200 words. How does diversity of background and experience influence the evolution of personal and individual ethics? Please be very clear and concise so I can better understand what is being asked. Be very detailed so I can try to understand this question.

    Relations & Changing Ethics

    Why might ethics we use to relate to each other be changing? What might account for this? Please explain in great detail so I can clearly understand what is being asked.

    Responsibility of CPA

    Please read the attached case study and answer: When Mrs. Levi informed the CPA of her suspicions regarding Betty, what responsibilities, if any, did the CPA have to pursue this matter? In addition to preparing tax returns for Howard Street Jewelers, alternately assume that the CPA (a) audited the business's annual financial

    Project Management Ethics

    The project is moving along with the normal set-backs?nothing major, though, until today. In your regular status meeting with one of your project vendors, the account manager, George, closed your door and told you that you have a problem. One of his developers, Patrick, was approached by one of your team leads and asked to do so

    Unethical and illegal behavior in corporations

    What factors do you believe motivated the executives at Enron, WorldCom etc to behave in an illegal/unethical manner? Do you think this behavior is more widespread? What changes would you recommend that corporations make to reduce type of behavior in the future?

    Business Ethics

    Set forth an ethical problem that arose in your current or a former place of employment. Then, show how this problem could have been resolved by using the Ethical Decision Model (pp. 112-120). Be sure to use all four steps in the model. Ethical Problem: Step 1: Clarifying the Question Step 2: Determining its relevance f

    Leadership & Ethics for Managers

    The CEO of a large company has retained you as a management consultant to look into an area of concern that she has. With all of the recent corporate scandals like Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ImClone, she is wondering how she can avoid these sorts of problems within her company. She has asked you to research and prepare a report

    Leadership & Ethics for Managers

    You will assume the role of a management consultant hired by a variety of clients. Each individual or group project you undertake will present a different management or leadership challenge. These projects will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of modern leadership issues and apply ethical theories and re