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    Discussing Ecological Concepts and Environmental Adaptations

    (1) What is the difference between these terms: Ecotype and Polymorphism Cline and Ecological Isolates Homeothermy and Endothermy (2) Describe a specific example of an adaptation that helps an organism solve one specific environmental problem but makes a different environmental problem worse. (3) What are the two requirements

    Discussing Population Dynamics and Structure

    The most critical factor in controlling the human population growth is A. controlling reproductive lifespan. B. decreasing the time of first birth C. decreasing the average number of births per woman D. decreasing infant death Populations of predators increase when the population of prey is high because...(Please highlight


    Can you explain in detail how the following would interact with each other in an ecosystem in terms of births, deaths, weight gain, etc.: flowers, honey bees, Winnie the Pooh? I'm told that the answer is more complex than it appears.

    Dichotomous Key: Animal Phyla, and Taxonomic Category

    Animals are placed in taxonomic classifications based on differences and similarities of their traits. If you know what critical traits to look for, it is possible to separate any animal into a taxonomic category. First, list the traits of the following animal phyla: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arth

    Multiple choice

    1) Americans use about __________ times as much energy as the world average. A) 20 B) 1.5 C) 5 D) 10 E) 2 2) Rabbits were introduced to Australia about 100 years ago for the purposes of hunting. They have been multiplying, eating up the native vegetation, and destroying the native habitat of other small animals

    Ecosystems Conservation and Ecosystem Resilience

    Ecosystems can change over time in a process known as natural succession. When an ecosystem is disturbed, both the physical (abiotic) and living (biotic) characteristics may be altered. Disturbances may be natural (e.g., a fire started by lightning) or anthropogenic - human caused (e.g., a fire started by a campfire.) Choose


    (See attached files for full problem description) --- In the animal kingdom, you can place animals in categories based on certain differences in the characteristics that each possesses. If you know what critical traits to look for, it is possible to separate any animal into its proper taxonomic category. Use this dichotomous

    Biological and Chemical Diversity

    Please respond to the following two questions: 1. Identify two different types of organisms that you have seen interacting, such as bees and flowers. Now form a simple hypothesis about this interaction. Use the scientific method and your imagination to design an experiment that tests this hypothesis. Be sure to identify the v

    Industries Contributing to Greenhouse Effect

    1. Certainly industry has contributed to the Greenhouse effect. Would the Earth be habitable if the greenhouse effect was not taking place? 2. How does the burning of fossil fuels add to the greenhouse effect? 3. How can humans maintain this industrialized society and decrease the number of greenhouse gasses being emitt

    Life on Earth

    Life on Earth - Biological Concepts from the Non-Science Major Perspective Pine trees have a different way of getting through the winter. They have tough needles instead of leaves, and these needles can take freezing temperatures without being damaged. One trick they use is that the needles are covered with a layer of wax.

    Biological concepts from the non-science perspective are explored.

    There are two articles on the myths of agricultural biotechnology (one from the popular press and one from the peer reviewed journal (the links are below): article no. 1. http://www.vegsource.com/articles/gmo_feed_myth.htm & article no. 2. http://www.emater.tche.br/docs/agroeco/artigos/biotecologia.pdf Help with answ

    Energy flow in ecosystems

    In the pre-1850 grasslands of North America there were hundreds of millions of grazing animals such as buffalo, antelope and deer. At the same time there were many fewer meat eaters, such as wolves. Explain in terms of energy flow in ecosystems and the Second law of Thermodynamics why there were so many grazers and so relatively

    Compensatory evolution a mutation Drosphilia Melanogaster

    I just finished doing an experiment in my evolutionary genetics class on the compensatory evolution following a deleterious mutation in Drosphilia and the fitness effects of the nub mutation. I need to find three journal articles on these two topics and I am having some difficulty (they have to be full articles). I was wonderi

    Resistance to Drought in Desert Plants

    Of the following mechanisms in desert plants which would be the least effective in resisting drought: Dying back of root hairs during a dry season Expansion of total leaf surface area Ability to store large amounts of water Shedding leaves during the dry season Thick walled seeds An explanation follows.