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    Quantative Analysis of Data

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    Cartoon Statistical Analysis

    For the 10 cartoons examined, the counts were as follows: 27, 12, 16, 22, 15, 30, 14, 30, 11 and 21. Determine the mean and the median for these data. Is there a mode? If so, what is the value? Also, determine the range, the mean absolute deviation, the standard deviation and the variance. Show formulas.

    Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Large Freezer

    See the attached file. INSTRUCTION: StatPro [or similar Excel addin programs] generates new sheets for each problem and deletes previous sheets with the same name. If you want to keep a sheet for your solution, then rename it immediately by prefixing the problem number. You may need suffix numbers to keep the names unique.

    Construct Hypothesis Tests in Excel for Employees

    Please help setting up and solving the following problem in Excel. The problem with all necessary data are contained in the attached excel spread sheet. MegaStat or similar excel add-in program may be used for the solution. INSTRUCTIONS: StatPro [or other excel statistics program] generates new sheets for each problem an

    Estimate and Interpret a Population Variance

    See the attached file. With the data below can you tell me how I would estimate and interpret a population mean with the population standard deviation unknown. Title Gross ($) in Millions Aliens 81.843 Armageddon 194.125 As Good As It Gets 147.54 Braveheart 75.6 Chasing Amy 12.006 Contact 100.853 Dante's Peak 67.

    Survey on Population of American Intellectual Union

    Details: The data set for our course is a sample of a survey conducted on the population of the American Intellectual Union (AIU). It is available via the following link: DataSet with DataSet Key which contains the following nine sections of data that will be used throughout our course: (1) Gender (2) Age (3) Department (4)

    Measuring Central Tendency

    This Discussion will give you the opportunity to calculate or identify the three measures of central tendency. Select an appropriate real life situation where one measure would be more appropriate than the other two measures of center. a. Select a common topic or hypothesis and record the topic in your posting, for exa

    Determining Percentage of Population that is Non-Diabetic

    Fasting blood glucose levels range from 4.2- 5.8mmol/L. Suppose the mean fasting glucose level for the Canadian population is 5.00mmol/L. If the standard deviation is 0.6 and we use 7.0 as our definition of diabetes, what percentage of the population would be non-diabetic?

    Standard deviation when performing a t-test

    Why is it not necessary to have/use a standard deviation when performing a t-test but you need one with a z-test? If you were to add one step to better understand the five-step process, what would that be? How would it make the calculations, or process, easier?


    TRUE OR FALSE 1._____The arithmetic mean is the sum of the observations divided by the total number of observations. 2._____There are always as many values above the mean as below it. 3._____The standard deviation is the positive square root of the variance. It is a measure of dispersion in the same units as the ori

    Example Questions and Answers in Statistics

    Question 2: All 6 members of a family work. Their hourly wages (in dollars) are 18, 26, 31, 10, 13, 40 Assuming that these wages constitute an entire population, find the standard deviation of the population. Round your answer to at least two decimal places. Question 3: Petroleum pollution in oceans stimulates t

    Qualitative or Quantitative ...

    Identify the population and the sample: A survey of 787 small-business managers found that 72% are optimistic about the future of their company. Determine whether the numerical value describes a parameter or a statistic: 19% of a sample of Indiana 9th graders surveyed smoked cigarettes daily. Determine whether the data are q

    A test to measure depression is assessed.

    Dr. Zak developed a test to measure depression. He sampled 100 university students to take his five item test. The group of students was comprised of 30 men and 70 women. In this group, four persons were Aftican American, six persons were Hispanic, and one person was Asian. Zak's Miraculous Test of Depression is printed below:

    Petrolium pollution in oceans stimulates

    Math & Statistics help. Please provide clear answers and include explanation in excel or word doc. Solve ... Petrolium pollution in oceans stimulates ... Find the Standard deviation of this sample of numbers ... A major car company in Chicago has computed ... (Please see the attached file)

    The Mean, Median and Mode of Newspaper Subscriptions

    Find the mean, median, and mode of the data set. 18 25 19 19 23 22 19 23 21 19 The following frequency distribution shows the number of newspaper subscriptions per household for a sample of 60 households. Find the mean number of subscription per household. Number of newspapers 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency 11 20 16 6 5 2

    Expected return and standard deviation....

    The probability the economy will contract is 0.2, the probability of moderate growth is 0.6, and the probability of a rapid expansion is 0.2 If the economy contracts, the expected retun on the portfolio is 5%. Moderate growth will have an 8% return, and rapid expansion will return 15%. What is the expected return? What is

    Statistics: The Mean Diastolic Blood Pressure

    Confidence interval for the population mean: Use of the standard normal Scenario: The mean diastolic blood pressure for a random sample of 90 people was 92 millimeters of mercury. If the standard deviation of individual blood pressure readings is known to be 12 millimeters of mercury, find a 90% confidence interval for the tr

    Statistics and Excel Formulas: Service Times

    The manager of a fast-food establishment periodically monitors various aspects of its operations, including service time, i.e., the time (in seconds) between placing and receiving an order. Below are the service times for a sample of 48 recent drive-through customers. 84 78 76 95 84 101 91 78 121 99 104 95 74 8

    Qualitative variable and quantitative variable

    Can you please provide one example of a Qualitative data and one example of a Quantitative Data that you face daily? Please explain why it is a Quantitative or Qualitative data and describe the scale of measurement .

    Computing mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation

    1. The ages of all the patients in the isolation ward of the hospital are 38, 26, 13, 41, and 22. What are the population mean, variance, and standard deviation? 2. The weights of a sample of seven FedEx shipments, to the nearest pound, are 10, 7, 11, 10, 13, 5, and 4. Compute the sample mean, the median, and the moda

    Quantitative methods - Expressing Constraint into algebraic expressions

    Please see attached document for complete details, some of the signs may not print here. 1. Constraint Assume that x2, x7 and x8 are the dollars invested in three different common stocks from New York stock exchange. In order to diversify the investments, the investing company requires that no more than 60% of the dollars i

    Mean hourly wage

    Compute the mean hourly wage paid to carpenters who earn the following wages. $15.40, $20.10, $18.75, $22.76, $30.67, $18.00

    The Bookstall, Inc., is a specialty bookstore concentrating on used books sold via the Internet. Paperbacks are $1.00 each, and hardcover books are $3.50. Of the 50 books sold last Tuesday morning, 40 were paperback and the rest were hardcover. What was the weighted mean price of a book?

    The Bookstall, Inc., is a specialty bookstore concentrating on used books sold via the Internet. Paperbacks are $1.00 each, and hardcover books are $3.50. Of the 50 books sold last Tuesday morning, 40 were paperback and the rest were hardcover. What was the weighted mean price of a book?

    Calculating Dispersion and Confidence Intervals

    Gas Price Gas Price Gas Price $3.76 $3.99 $4.25 $3.79 $3.99 $4.25 $3.79 $4.00 $4.25 $3.80 $4.00 $4.25 $3.81 $4.03 $4.25 $3.82 $4.05 $4.29 $3.84 $4.05 $4.29 $3.85 $4.07 $4.29 $3.86 $4.08 $4.29 $3.87 $4.09 $4.29 $3.87 $4.09 $4.36 $3.87 $4.09 $4.36 $3.89 $4.09 $4.36 $3.89 $4.11

    Temperature measuring output of a production process

    Temperature is used to measure the output of a production process. When the process is in control, the mean of the process is µ = 128.5 and the standard deviation is σ = .4. a.Construct the x¯ chart for this process if samples of size 6 are to be used. b.In the process in control for a sample providing the following da