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    Comparative Religion

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    Western Religions Comparisons

    Compare similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Analyze the impact one of these religions is making on the contemporary world. Explain the importance of being knowledgeable about other people's beliefs and attitudes.

    Jesus and Mohammed

    Compare and contrast the lives of Jesus and Mohammed in relation to each respective religion. The paper should be formatted following APA guidelines. Be sure to complete the following steps in your paper: 1. Trace the lives of Jesus and Mohammed historically 2. Compare what impact the death of each person ha

    Biblical terms are defined.

    Define, in your own words, the terms "power", "good", and "evil". Where are these concepts experienced in everyday life?

    Who or what is the root of evil, suffering, and death

    Have you ever pondered who or what is the root of evil, suffering, and death, or what sustains life? Who or what had the greatest influence on your understanding of the notion of god? Note: I don't come from a religious background, therefore; I'm having a difficult time answering these questions. Please help me formul

    Hindu Prophecy similarity with Christianity

    Check out the following Christianity similarity...what is your take on it? He Comes as . . . Kalki Avatar (Hindu Prophecy) Hindus await the arrival of the Kalki-Avatar as promised by in the Scriptures when the Kali age (age of darkness) ends and the Krita age (age of light) begins. Below is one of the Scriptures that s

    Eastern and Western Religions

    Some of the Eastern religions are thought to be philosophical traditions instead of religions by some in the west. Who has a monopoly on the definition of being a religion?


    Are the indigenous religions really "religions" based on the following definition? According to the American Heritage Dictionary (2000), religion is defined as "a set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader." In light of this definition, it makes sense that religion defines identity and

    Help with World Religion Questions (Buddhism, Islam, Religious movements)

    1)How did the childhood experiences od Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha) lead to his questioning of the spiritual practices of his time. 2)What events and figures have shaped the development of Islam in the United States? 3)How are newer religions different from older ones? How are they similar? 4)What effect do you think re

    Compare Jesus and Mohammed

    I need help to compare and contrast the lives of Jesus and Mohammed in relation to each respective religion. Please provide as much information as possible (and links if you know of any) for the following sections: 1. Trace the lives of Jesus and Mohammed historically. 2. Compare what impact the death of each per

    Islam outline help is given.

    This job offers help within these areas: 1. Introduction of the religion 2. Name, location and review of the site. 3. Interview summary 4. Comparing and contrasting with another religion 5. Conclusion 6. References

    Cosmic Myths

    FIRST APOCALYPSE MYTH: The Day of Yahweh REGION OR CULTURE: Hebrew SECOND APOCALYPSE MYTH: Emergence of the Fifth World REGION OR CULTURE: Hopi Indians Who or what will cause the apocalypse? Who will be the main characters? What will be the motivation to cause the apocalypse? What will

    Cosmic Afterlife Myths

    FIRST AFTERLIFE MYTH: Hell, Purgatory, Heaven REGION OR CULTURE: Judeo-Christian SECOND AFTERLIFE MYTH: The Kachinas REGION OR CULTURE: Hopi Indians 1. What is the name of the place(s) where people go when they die? 2. What is or are the characteristics of the place(s)? What form do people take when they

    Cosmic Flood Myths

    (NOTE: Briefly compare and contrast two stories from your reading.) Questions must have an answer for both religion floods and address the questions for each myth below. I. FIRST FLOOD MYTH: GENESIS REGION OR CULTURE: HEBREW II. SECOND FLOOD MYTH: CHINESE Yu REGION OR CULTURE: Chinese

    Cosmic Myths

    (NOTE: Briefly compare and contrast two stories from your reading.) FIRST CREATION MYTH: GENESIS REGION OR CULTURE: HEBREW SECOND CREATION MYTH: SPIDER WOMAN REGION OR CULTURE: HOPI INDIAN Who created the world? Who were the main characters involved? What was the process? What was the motivation

    Compare and Contrast: Jesus and Mohammed

    Compare and contrast the lives of Jesus and Mohammed in relation to each respective religion. Be sure to complete the following steps in your discussion: a. Trace the lives of Jesus and Mohammed historically. b. Compare what impact the death of each person had on his respective followers. c. Describe the ways each individua

    Major Moral Problems

    Joyce Little, Naming Good and Evil, First Things, May 1992. According to Little, what is the major moral problem that human's face. What is our true source of knowledge of good and evil? What is her argument? What is the problem that some forms of feminism present? Is there any solution to the modern problem.


    QUESTIONS: How has humanism in general affected the practice of religion in America? What are the strengths and weaknesses of humanism? What religion do you find most compatible with humanism? Why? Which religion do you find most incompatible with humanism? Why? Why have the Unitarian Universalists been popular among th

    Separation of Church and State Debate?

    I am doing a paper on the separation of Church and State debate. Today, March 2, 2005 the issue of the Ten Commandments comes before the Supreme Court. What is the main question at the center of this battle? What are some of the arguments for and against keeping the Ten Commandments? Could you provide me with an overview of


    What does this mean? Apology/apologist:


    Does Theodicy mean the same in the Books of Job, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs? Our study group is having a difficult time distinguishing the difference.