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    Matrix Questions

    1.(a) If A is invertible and AB = AC, prove that B = C. (b) Let A =24 1 1 1 135 explain why A is not invertible. (c) Let A =24 1 1 1 135, ¯nd 2 matrices B and C, B 6= C such that AB = AC. 2. (a) If a square matrix A has the property that row 1 + row 2 = row 3, clearly explain why the matrix A is not invertible. (b)

    Matrix Dimensions and Matrix Division

    See attached file for full problem description. Question #2 Only. 2. (a) Find the dimensions of matrix B. Clearly explain your answer. (b) Find matrix B.

    Scalar Multiplication of Matrices

    For what value of k does equality hold l 5 2 3 l l 1 2 3 l and l 1 2 4 l l 1 2 4 l l -10 3 4 l =k l -2 3 4 l ? l 3 6 9 l =k l 3 6 9 l l-15 4 5 l l -3 4 5 l l 0 5 0 l


    Find the two numbers whose sum is 76 and quotient is 18. Evaluate the determinate l 8 0 0 l l -16 7 8 l l 8 4 5 l FInd A-1(power) where A = l 2 4 l l 2 5 l

    Probability of observable unbounded self-adjoint operator.

    Let H be the unbounded self-adjoint operator defined by -d^2/dx^2 (the negative of the second derivative with respect to x) on: D(H) ={f element of L^2 | Integral( |s^2 F f(s)|^2 )ds element of L^2} Where "F" denotes the Fourier Transform. Question: For the state vector h(x) = 1/sqrt(2) if x is in [0,2]

    Invertible Matrix over Complex Numbers

    Let A be a square n x n matrix over C[X] and write A = [pjk (X)] . For any z∈C( z being a complex variable) let A(z) := [pj k (z)] , that is a square n x n matrix over C. Show that matrix A is invertible if and only if matrix A(z) is invertible for all z from C. Will it be still valid if we change complex numbers into

    Matrices and Pivot Positions : Solutions for Ax+0 and Ax=b

    In problems 1-4 (a) does the equation Ax = 0 have a nontrivial solution and (b) does the equation the Ax = b have at least one solution for every possible b? 1) A is a 3x3 matrix with three pivot positions. 2) A is a 3x3 matrix with two pivot positions. 3) A is a 3x2 matrix with two pivot positions. 4) A is a 2x4 matrix

    Matrices & Vectors: Matrix Products, Ax=B and Linear Combination

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Compute the products using the row vector rule for computing Ax. If a product is undefined, explain why. 1) 2) 3) 4) let A = and b = . Show that the equation Ax=b does not have a solution for all possible b, and describe the set of all b for which Ax=b does

    Row Operations and Matrix Dimensions

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 6. Perform the row operation (-2) R1 + R2  R2 on the matrix . 8. What are the dimensions of the matrices shown below? a) b) 9. Find

    Invertible Lower Triangular Matrix, Adjoints and Inverses

    Find A^-1 using Theorem 2.1.2 - Inverse of a Matrix Using Its Adjoint: If A is an invertible matrix, then A-1 = [1/det(A)] * [adj(A)] A = 2 0 3 0 3 2 -2 0 -4 Prove that if A is an invertible lower triangular matrix, then A-1 is lower triangular.

    Proof : Sum of Matrix Columns

    If the sum of any of the columns of a matrix is 1 and that of any row is 1 then prove that there are equal number of rows and columns.

    Lesson 5631-2: Matrices

    43 Matrix Problems. See attached file for full problem description. 1. The symobl [A] denotes a 2. For a mn matrix (m rows and n columns) when m = n, the matrix is said to be 3. The matrix [0 2 3] is a 4. The number of columns in a column matrix is 5. In the matrix [A] = [ 1 6; 5 2; 0 -3], the element a_32 is

    Matrices and Systems of Equations Word Problems

    The meteorologists at the National Interagency Fire Center had pizza delivered to their operations center. Their lunch consisted of pizza, milk and gelatin. One slice of cheese pizza contains 290 calories, 15g of protein, 9g of fat, and 39g of carbohydrates. One-half cup of gelatin dessert contains 70 calories, 2g of protein, 0g

    Matrices and Systems of Equations Word Problems

    The meteorologists at the National Interagency Fire Center had pizza delivered to their operations center. Their lunch consisted of pizza, milk and gelatin. One slice of cheese pizza contains 290 calories, 15g of protein, 9g of fat, and 39g of carbohydrates. One-half cup of gelatin dessert contains 70 calories, 2g of protein, 0g

    Hessian Matrix : Maximizing Profit

    Question: The profit maximizing input choice A competitive firm's profit function can be written as π := p * q - w * L - r * k where p is the competitive price of the product and w and r the per unit cost of the two inputs labour (L) and capital (k). the firm takes p,w, and r as given and chooses L and k to maximize

    Coding Theory : Vectors and Generator Matrices

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 1(i) Explain what is meant by (a) a linear code over Fq, (b) the weight w(u) of a vector u and the distance d(u, v) between vectors u and v. (c) Define the weight tu(C) and the minimal distance d(C) of a code C. Prove that w(C) = d(C) if C is linear. (ii) Give

    Groups and Matrices

    1 3 1 4 Let the matrix A = 0 2 and the matrix B = 5 1 be elements in GL(2, Z_7). Find (A^-1 * B^-1)^-1. - I am unsure of when to perform the operation mod 7.

    Laplace Transforms of a Matrix System

    Use the Laplace transform approach to find to find y(t) for the system given by Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. keywords: matrices, transformations

    Direct Products and Isomorphisms

    Let G = Z_3 direct product Z_3 direct product Z_3 and let H be the subgroup of SL(3, Z_3) consisting of 1 a b the matrix H = { 0 1 c with a, b, c in Z_3 } 0 0 1 What is the order of G and H and are G and H isomorphic?

    LaPlace Transforms for Circuit Schematics

    Write the LaPlace-transformed loop equations for these two circuits by inspection. Use matrix notation. Include initial conditions. See attached file for full problem description.

    Linear Combinations of Matrices

    4 0 1 -1 0 2 A = B = C = -2 -2 2 3 1 4 Which of the following 2 X 2 matrices are linear combinations of A, B, or C 6 -8 0 0 6 0 -1 5