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    Human Resources

    “The field of health human resources (HHR) deals with issues such as planning, development, performance, management, retention, information, and research on human resources for the health care sector.” 1

    Some of the greatest issues HHR deals with are the “size, composition and distribution of the health care workforce, workforce training issues, the migration of health workers, the level of economic development in a particular country and sociodemographic, geographical and cultural factors”.1

    Proper management of HHR is critical in providing high quality health care because of its impact on the health sector reform. There are three main areas of focus for improvement globally: efficiency, equity and quality. Outsourcing services to fix labour expenditures is one method for improving efficiency. Strategies focused on promoting equity in relation to need, is another area of focus for HHR2, and improving quality of services is consistently a high priority. Ensuring technical quality and patient satisfaction is always on the agenda.

    Effective human resources management strategies are imperative for achieving improved health care around the world.



    1. Human Health Resources. (n.d.) Retrieved March 6, 2014 from Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_human_resources

    2. Kabene, S.M., Orchard, C., Howard, J.M., Soriano, M.A., and Leduc, R. (2006). The importance of human resources management in health care: a global context. Retrieved from  http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/4/1/20

    © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com July 26, 2024, 3:55 pm ad1c9bdddf

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