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    Managing Inappropriate Behaviour

    The purpose of discipline is to guide students toward greater self-control. The atmosphere of the classroom has much to do with student behavior. In order to keep both the teacher and the students engaged, physical features of the classroom should prevent boredom.

    Teachers should let students know specific do’s and don’ts: what behaviors are tolerated and which ones are not.¹ Some teachers make too many rules, and the children, confused or frustrated, ignore them.¹ Teachers should establish only a few rules and should specify the consequences for not following them.

    When disciplining a student, a teacher needs to take four factors into consideration. First, teachers should preserve student dignity. A teacher is attempting to turn the misbehavior of the student into a valuable lesson.² Maintaining dignity builds positive trusting relationships instead of tearing them down.

    Secondly, teachers should ensure that correction is done in private. If privacy is not possible, the teacher should make the discipline as low profile as possible. Humiliation will not benefit the student and can create issues between the teacher and the student.

    Third, the teacher should be consistent and fair. The same rules should apply to all students equally. If students see that discipline is not equal then the teacher faces being accused of picking favorites.²

    Lastly, the cause of misbehavior should be identified. Identifying the causes of misbehavior ensures that they can be addressed appropriately. For example, is the misbehavior a cry for help?² The misbehavior might be the only way the student knows how to deal with problems.

    When choosing a response to misbehavior, it is important to keep in mind the maturity level, culture, and history of the student.² It is also important to keep in contact and maintain positive relations with parents so that if issues arise you can work together to solve the problems.

    There are two types of responses that teachers can take: low profile and direct approaches.² The low profile approach involves teachers having casual talks with the student to correct behavior and timesaving techniques that encourage self-control.

    The second response that teachers can have is a direct approach.² This includes rule reminders, behavior modification plans, and class removals.



    1. Eric Digests. Managing Inappropriate Behavior in the Classroom. Retrieved May 14, 2014, from http://www.ericdigests.org/1995-1/behavior.htm

    2.Responding to Inappropriate Behavior. Retrieved May 14, 2014, http://edu518top10.weebly.com/responding-to-inappropriate-behavior.html

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