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    Amount of an Investment

    The amount of an investment of P dollars for t years at simple interest rate r is given by A=p+prt. a) Rewrite this formula by factoring out the greatest common factor on the right - hand side. b) Find A if $8300 is invested for 3 years at a simple interest rate of 15%.

    Bailouts of the Banks, Investment Companies and Auto Makers

    What are your thoughts on the bailouts of the banks, investment companies (selected investment companies) and auto makers? Should we have let the market evolve on its own, through enforcement of private contracts and competition? Why or why not?

    Accounting: Absorption Income Statement

    Below find production and sales information for Herrestad Company. We will use this same company for all the SLPs in this course. Product information Beginning inventory 0 Units produced 10,000 quot; valign="bottom"> Units sold 8,000 Selling price per unit $300 Variable costs per

    Discussion on Global Investment Banking Process

    How has the global investment banking process assisted McDonalds? I have researched the McDonalds website and other relevant websites. I have looked over the last 3 years of investment reports. Please provide references.


    Suppose you currently earn taxable income of $100,000 per year. You are subject to an MTR of 50%. Currently, your ATR is 35 percent. Calculate your annual tax. Calculate the extra tax that you would pay per year if your annual income increased to $110,000. What is your ATR when your annual income is $110,000?

    How many days of float would a lock box system need to save to be justified?

    Question 1. Part a) Assume the following facts about a firm: Annual cost to maintain lock box $1,500 Cost to process each cheque $0.15 Average amount of each cheque received $1,500 Number of cheques received per year 4,000 Interest rate on borrowed funds 8.0% How many days of float would a lock box system need to s

    Promotion & Price

    For the following two product categories and their associated target markets, discuss how they are currently marketed and why as well as looking at how you as a business owner might price such products/services. 1. Pet Food for Dog Owners 2. Gym Memberships Targeting Women

    Taxation: Angela owns all the stock of A, B, and P Corporations

    Here's a simple taxation problem that I need help with......thanks for getting me started! ============================================ Angela owns all the stock of A, B, and P Corporations. P has owned all the stock of S1 Corporation for six years. The P-S1 affiliated group has filed a consolidated tax return in each of the

    Accounting Questions

    1. Accounts officers at Xerox corporation discovered that significant errors have been made in the valuation of inventory and are worried that it might have significant impact on the net income and earnings per share. What are the possible top three effects of the errors on net income? What could have been the top two reasons be

    Managerial Finance - Green Sisters, Winston Washer, Needham

    3.1 Greene Sisters has a DSO of 20 days. The company's average daily sales are $20,000. What is the level of its account receivable? Assume there are 365 days in a year. 3.2 Vigo Vacations has an equity multiplier of 2.5. The company's assets are financed with some combination of long-term debt and common equity. What is the

    Invest in Oracle's bonds in your investment portfolio

    Background For purposes of this exercise, assume that you are the manager of a mutual fund specializing in corporate bonds. Your clientele are mostly 45 and older, risk-averse, long-term investors. Remember that there are countless mutual funds your investors can turn to; unless you continuously produce higher returns than o

    Church Inc. - What is the current price of the common stock?

    Church Inc. is presently enjoying relatively high growth because of a surge in the demand for its new product. Management expects earnings and dividends to grow at a rate of 40% for the next 4 years, after which competition will probably reduce the growth rate in earnings and dividends to zero, i.e., g = 0. The company's last di

    Finance (project mgmt)

    After a project begins, what are factors that will most likely have a negative impact on the project? Please list at least two factors and explain which one has the most negative impact and why.

    15 - 12A. A Study in Calculating a Break-Even Point

    15 - 12A. Break-Even Point You are a hard-working analyst in the office of financial operations for a manufacturing firm that produces a single product. You have developed the following cost structure information for this company. All of it pertains to an output level of 10 million units. Using this information, find the brea

    Break even point and operating leverage

    15-12A. (Break-even point) You are a hard-working analyst in the office of financial operations for a manufacturing firm that produces a single product. You have developed the following cost structure information for this company. All of it pertains to an output level of 10 million units. Using this information, find the break-e

    Finance in Healthcare: Interpret balance sheet, prospective financial statements

    I need to create prospective financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Retained earnings and Cash Flow Statement) using the information below. 1. The National Nursing Home Co., has current assets of $147 million: property plant and equipment of $206 million; and other assets totaling $58 million. Cu

    Common size statement for three years of data

    See attached file. Please prepare the common size statement of the attached Income statement for three years (2010, 2009, 2008). Dec 2010 Dec 2009 Dec 2008 Revenue 67,809.0 50,009.0 48,296.0 Cost of Goods Sold 16,279.0 8,888.0 8,112.0 Gross Profit 51,530.0 41,121.0 40,184.0 Gross Profit Margin (%) 0.8 0.8 0

    true/false retained earnings

    TRUE OR FALSE? The retained earnings account on the balance sheet does not represent cash. Rather, it represents part of stockholders' claims against the firm's existing assets. This implies that retained earnings are in fact stockholders' reinvested earnings.

    Retained earnings multiple choice

    On 12/31/10, Heaton Industries Inc. reported retained earnings of $675,000 on its balance sheet, and it reported that it had $172,500 of net income during the year. On its previous balance sheet, at 12/31/09, the company had reported $555,000 of retained earnings. No shares were repurchased during 2010. How much in dividends did


    Imagine you work as a business consultant. Companies and governmental entities hire your firm to make recommendations for streamlining business operations, such as to make companies more fiscally sound. You are asked by your supervisor to present at a local business conference on the subject of financial sustainability. Your aud

    Portfolio expected returns for Stock X

    If the economy recovers next year, analysts expect Stock X's return for the year to be 20%; if the economy does not recover, analysts expect Stock X's return for the year to be -5%. If there is a 40% chance that the economy will recover and a 60% that it will not, what is: a. The expected return on Stock X for the next year?

    Managerial Finance: Dividends paid, marginal and average tax rates, tax exempt

    Practice Question 2-6 In its most recent financial statements, Newhouse Inc. reported $50 million of net income and $810 million of retained earnings. The previous retained earnings were $780 million. How much in dividends was paid to shareholders during the year? Practice Question 2-7 The Talley Corporation had a taxable i

    Minimum value to be listed and reverse stock splits

    I wonder if reverse stock splits are very common. I haven't heard of those very often. Why would a company want to do this? Also to be listed on a stock exchange stocks generally must maintain a certain minimum price per share. What is the threshold? Reverse stock splits do occur. They are not nearly as common as... D

    What is the yield on a 7-year Treasury note?

    The real risk-free rate is 2.5 percent. Inflation is expected to be 2 percent this year, 2.5 percent next year, and 3 percent thereafter. The maturity risk premium is estimated to be 0.07 ´ (t - 1)%, where t is the number of years to maturity. What is the yield on a 7-year Treasury note? a. 0.49% b. 5.71% c.

    Helen recently received a credit card with a nominal interest rate of 21 percent. With the card, she purchased some new clothes for $250. The minimum payment on the card is only $20 per month. If Helen makes the minimum monthly payment and makes no other charges, how long will it be before she pays off the card? a. 11.4 months b. 14.2 months c. 19.9 months d. 8.0 months e. The card will never be paid off.

    Helen recently received a credit card with a nominal interest rate of 21 percent. With the card, she purchased some new clothes for $250. The minimum payment on the card is only $20 per month. If Helen makes the minimum monthly payment and makes no other charges, how long will it be before she pays off the card? a. 11.

    Calculating a monthly mortgage payment

    You want to buy a house, and a mortgage company will lend you $150,000. The loan would be fully amortized over 15 years (180 months), and the nominal interest rate would be fixed at 7.75 percent, compounded monthly. What would be the monthly mortgage payment? a. $17,257.84 b. $11,625.02 c. $10,524.43 d. $1,411.91

    Doubling Time For Money With 11.8 Percent Annual Interest

    If you deposit money today in an account that pays 11.8 percent annual interest, how long will it take to double your money? a. 8.47 years b. 11.80 years c. 7.46 years d. 6.21 years e. The answer cannot be calculated without knowing how much money is initially deposited.