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    Prospect Theory and Expected Utility Theory Questions

    According to prospect theory, which is preferred? 1. Prospect A or B Decision (i) Choose between A. (.80, $50, $0) B. (.4, $100, $0) 2. Prospect C or D? Decision (ii) Choose between: C. (.00002, $500,000, $0) and D. (.00001, $1,000,000, $0) 3. Are these choices consistent with expected utility

    Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Diebold

    Read the article and answer two questions http://www.cfo.com/article.cfm/14502539?f=most_read 1. Do the pressures of living up to analyst's expectations encourage fraudulent financial reporting? 2. What are your thoughts on the guilt/innocence of the Diebold executives when the two different CFOs are accused and the

    Micro Brewery: Loan Payments

    Micro Brewery borrows $300,000 to be paid off in three years. The loan payments are semiannual with the first payment due in six months, and interest is at 6%. What is the amount of each payment? a. $55,379 b. $106,059 c. $30,138 d. $60,276

    Evaluate the benefits and limitations of portfolio diversification

    Evaluate the benefits and limitations of portfolio diversification. Discuss how risk is assessed and what methods are most appropriate for measuring systematic and unsystematic risks. What are the best ways to diversify a portfolio? Please provide your team's rationale for their opinions from this week's readings.

    Evaluate two companies that have applied for loans: Morris Co. and Walker Co.

    Please see attached file for proper format. John Marshall is employed as a bank loan officer for CityBank. He is comparing two companies that have applied for loans and he wants your help in evaluating those companies. The two companies - Morris Company and Walker Company - are approximately the same size and had a

    Benefits and Limitations of Portfolio Diversification

    See the attached file. FIN/366 Weekly Overview WEEK THREE: ASSESSING AND MANAGING RISK Objectives for the Week • Describe types of risks facing financial institutions. • Analyze the methods used to measure financial interest risk. • Determine the differences between interest rates and interest income. What You

    Weekly International Finance Questions

    1. The futures markets have potentially unlimited risk for the speculators. If a speculator guesses wrong about the price direction of a commodity, then he or she can incur unlimited losses. When they open a futures account, speculators give their brokers access to all of their assets (to cover losses). Hedge funds use future

    Financial Markets: Expected Net Income

    ** Please see the attached file for the complete problem description ** Consider the following income statement for WatchoverU Savings Inc. (in millions) (see attached). a. What is WatchoverU's expected net interest income at year-end? b. What will be the net interest income at year-end if interest rates rise by 2 perce

    Financial Markets and Institutions

    The following is ABC Inc.'s balance sheet (in thousands) (see attached). Also assume that sales equal $500, cost of goods sold equals $360, interest payments equal $62, taxes equal $56, and net income equals $22. Assume the beginning retained earnings is $0, the market value of equity is equal to its book value, and the com

    American Express Stock: Mean Absolute Deviation

    To determine how well the spans (3 days or 10 days) each forecast the known observations, compute the MAD (mean absolute deviation) for each forecast; see the website referenced above for the MAD formula. The file P13_16.xlsx contains the daily closing prices of American Express stock for a 1-year period. a) Using a span o

    Behavioral Finance: Expected Value of Wealth

    Consider a person with the following utility function over wealth: u(w) = ew, where e is the exponential function (approximately equal to 2.7183) and w = wealth in hundreds of thousands of dollars. Suppose that this person has a 40% chance of wealth of $50,000 and a 60% chance of wealth of $1,000,000 as summarized by P(0.40, $5

    Finance Calculations

    Calculate the present value of $5,800 received at the end of year 1, $6,400 received at the end of year 2, and $8,700 at the end of year 3, assuming an opportunity cost of 13 percent. PV = *show calculations

    Blending Problem using Excel Solver: Abotte Products

    Blending Problem using Excel Solver Abotte Products produces three products, A, B, and C. The company can sell up to 300 pounds of each product at the following prices (per pound): product A, $10; product B, $12; product C, $20. Abotte purchases raw material at $5 per pound. Each pound of raw material can be used to produce e

    Utility Function: Ordering Prospects

    An individual has the following utility function: u(w)=w^5 where w=wealth. a. Using expected utility, order the following prospects in terms of preference, from the most to the least preferred: P1(.8, 1000, 600) P2(.7, 1200, 600) P3(.5, 2000,300) b. What is the certainty equivalent for prospect P2? c. Without doing a

    Profit Maximization Inappropriate Goals

    1. Why is profit maximization, by itself, an inappropriate goal? What is meant by the goal of maximization of shareholder wealth?
 2. Assume the following data for Cable Corporation and Multi-Media, Inc. $ Cable Corporation Multi-Media, Inc. Net income 30,000 100,000 Sales 300,000 2,000,000 Total assets 400,000 9

    "Avoiding the pitfalls of enterprise risk management"

    Critically evaluate and analyse the attached article and provide conclusion with the analysis. Avoiding the pitfalls of enterprise risk management 2010. viewed on September 16, 2011, from henrystewart.metapress.com/index/G25MK68111286883.pdf

    Annual report, evaluate performance with financial ratios

    Select an organization from the following list: Pepsi-Cola Obtain a copy of the organization's annual report and SEC filings for the past 2 years for Pepsi-Cola. (Please attach the report as well to the solution) Prepare a paper in which you analyze the data in the annual reports and SEC filings. Evaluate your organ

    The Role of Financial Institutions in Financial Markets

    Write a paper describing at least three major financial institutions. Describe possible markets those institutions, such as those in the following list, are involved with and explain interactions among them. Cite at least two sources. Commercial banks Insurance organizations Investment banks Pension funds Mutua

    Discussing the Concepts of Present Value and Capital Finance

    Prepare a response to discuss the concepts of present value and capital finance. You will need to reflect on the concepts and assess your level of comfort with these concepts. Based on the concepts, you should assess which concepts you embrace and practice and which represent an opportunity for further personal and professional

    Statement of Financing

    Describe the purpose of the statement of financing including illustrations of the major components of the statement. The components that should be discussed are resources used to finance activities, resources used to finance items that are not part of the net cost of operations, and components of the net cost of operations that

    Cost of bank loan is determined.

    P15-9 Cost of bank loan Data Back-Up Systems has obtained a $10,000, 90-day bank loan at an annual interest rate of 15%, payable at maturity. (Note: Assume a 365-day year.) a. How much interest (in dollars) will the firm pay on the 90-day loan? b. Find the effective 90-day rate on the loan. c. Annualize your result in

    Healthcare finance: public and private revenue sources

    What are the sources of revenue received by hospitals? What sources are the most stable? What are some of the major public and private revenue sources? What would be the advantages of these revenue sources? Would there be disadvantages? How would the source of revenue affect financial reporting?

    Calculate financial ratios

    1. Problem-solving: Use the following data from a firm's pro forma (i.e., projected or forecasted) financial statements to calculate the following profitability ratios for the firm, assuming that all stocks are common stocks: (a) net profit margin; (b) return on total assets; (c) return on equity; (d) price-earnings ratio.

    Joe and Sally's Case Study: Investment Portfolio Analysis

    See file attached. Investment Portfolio Using the new Statement of Cash Flows and Net Worth Summary for Joe and Sally Williams and the Asset Allocation Questionnaire below, develop an investment portfolio that is appropriate based on the Williams' time frame and risk tolerance. Allocate their portfolio among the following as