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    Equity and Debt

    What are the advantages and disadvantages for AMSC to forgo their debt financing and take on equity financing? Do you agree with their decision? How can a company's cost of equity be determined? Is there a tax deduction from the use of debt financing? Please explain. ------------------------------- http://proquest.umi.c

    Cost of preferred stock; cost after flotation costs

    Taylor Systems has just issued preferred stock. The stock has a 12% annual dividend and a $100 par value and was sold at $97.50 per share. In addition, flotation costs of $2.50 per share must be paid. a. Calculate the cost of the preferred stock. b. If the firm sells the preferred stock with a 10% annual dividend and nets $9

    Designing tests - determining objectives to achieve

    When you look at designing tests you have to first look at what objectives are you're trying to achieve. For example if you look at cash in banks you know that there are two main objectives: Rights and Existence. The first refers to the right to own without restriction. There are accounts that can be pledged as collateral for a

    Identifying the crossover rate in the given case

    Using the table identify the "crossover point" AND briefly describe the significance when the crossover rate is greater than the cost of capital for mutually exclusive projects. Why is the IRR method less reliable when evaluating mutually exclusive projects? Discount Rate(%) NPV of Project A NPV of Project B 0

    Liquidity of Blackwood Company

    Determine the liquidity position of Blackwood Company with the provided financial information. 1.      Determine the liquidity position of Blackwood Company with the provided financial data Blackwood Company Balance Sheets as of December 31, (all numbers in thous

    Lincoln Savings and Loan Association

    Lincoln Savings and Loan Association 1. Arthur Young was criticized for not encouraging Lincoln to invoke the substance-over-form principle when accounting for its large real estate transactions. Briefly describe the substance over form concept and exactly what it requires. What responsibility, if any, do auditors have when a

    Memo to head of HR to convince company to inveset in a new HRIS

    Write a briefing memo to convince the management to invest in a new HRIS. Imagine you are the head of the HR department in a company. Your department plans to propose an HRIS initiative to management. As the department head, you will prepare this briefing memo. Make sure you include the following points in the memo: What is

    Wicker Company contribution margin and contribution margin ration

    For a recent year, Wicker Company had the following sales and expenses: Sales $14,700 Food and packaging $4,133 Payroll 3,700 Occupancy (rent, depreciation, etc.) 4,327 General, selling, and administrative expenses 2,100 $14,260 Income from operations $440 Assume that the variable costs consist of food and p

    Watts Co. Adams Corp. Significant Influence -- Impact

    On January 4, 2006, Watts Co. purchased 40,000 shares (40%) of the common stock of Adams Corp., paying $800,000. There was no goodwill or other cost allocation associated with the investment. Watts has significant influence over Adams. During 2006, Adams reported income of $200,000 and paid dividends of $80,000. On January 2

    Stock Valuation Problem

    Use DDM, CAPM, and or the Constant Growth - Two Stage Model to solve valuation for the stocks.

    A pipe in Gert's house springs a leak. Gert contracts with Holly's Plumbing & Construction Company to repair the pipe and fix the damage to Gert's house. Gert pays 10 percent of the price in advance. Holly's does the work, but Gert refuses to pay the rest of the price. What can Holly's do, and how is it done?

    A pipe in Gert's house springs a leak. Gert contracts with Holly's Plumbing & Construction Company to repair the pipe and fix the damage to Gert's house. Gert pays 10 percent of the price in advance. Holly's does the work, but Gert refuses to pay the rest of the price. What can Holly's do, and how is it done?

    Setting Prices (Whirlpool Appliances)

    Please help me to answer the following questions: * Why would Whirlpool allow its dealers to set the retail price for its appliances? * What factors would dealers utilize to set the retail price for appliances? * Why might Whirlpool implement competitive pricing over penetration pricing or price skimming? * Discuss how

    Calculating the Break Even Point in the Given Case

    You are employed as a financial analyst for a single-product manufacturing firm. Your supervisor has made the following cost structure information available to you, all of which pertains to an output level of 1,700,000 units. Return on operating assets = 16 percent Operating asset turnover = 6 times Operating assets = $3.25

    Transaction Analysis - Various Accounts

    Use the following column headings: Transaction Cash Other Assets Liabilities Paid in Capital Retained Earnings Treasury Stocks and Net Income Enter the transaction letter in the first column and show the effect (if any) of each of the following transactions on each financial statement category by entering a plus (+)

    Ratio analysis, liquidity, profitability, stockholders returns

    Based on your analysis, determine which company is better able to pay current liabilities (debt). Explain your rationale. Determine what profitability ratios can tell you about a company's performance and how that information would influence investing decisions. Determine which financial ratios you would use and how you

    Cost Cutting Measures, Savings per Year, Invest Funds

    Based on the cost-cutting measures you identified, state how much money per year you anticipate saving if you implemented every measure. Looking at bettering your long-term financial situation, explain how you would invest the money you would save each year. Estimate how different your financial situation would look if y

    What are the choices for your hospital: Sign up MegaPlan?

    You sat in the CEO chair and studies real world hospital accounts receivable problem with your team, and came up with a process improvement plan to reduce days in accounts receivable and improve cash flow to your hospital. Well great news is that your plan worked! This morning your days in AR stand at 67. Not perfect, but much

    Is the hospital CFO trying to solve the managed care problem?

    You sat in the CEO chair and studies real world hospital accounts receivable problem with your team, and came up with a process improvement plan to reduce days in accounts receivable and improve cash flow to your hospital. Well great news is that your plan worked! This morning your days in AR stand at 67. Not perfect, but much

    Edwards Manufacturing: Calculate the initial investment fir a replacement machine

    Edwards Manufacturing Company is considering replacing one machine with another. The old machine was purchased 3 years ago for an installed cost of $10,000. The firm is depreciating the machine under MACRS, using 5-year recovery period. (See Table 3.2 on page 100 for the applicable depreciation percentage.) The new machine cost

    Masters Golf Products, Inc. Costs to Develop New Products

    Masters Golf Products, Inc., spent 3 years and $1,000,000 to develop its new line of club heads to replace a line that is becoming obsolete. To begin manufacturing them, the company will have to invest $1,800,000 in new equipment. The new clubs are expected to generate an increase in operating cash inflows of $750,000 per year f

    Discussing the Business Nature of Companies: Mattel, Clorox, and MGM Resorts

    Consider three companies: Mattel, Clorox, and MGM Resorts International. Reflect on the nature of the business of these three companies. You are recommended to also get to the website of these companies as a resource for more information. You might also want to check what the beta of each of these companies is. Note that yo