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For the following two product categories and their associated target markets, discuss how they are currently marketed and why as well as looking at how you as a business owner might price such products/services.

1. Pet Food for Dog Owners
2. Gym Memberships Targeting Women

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The solution takes a careful look at how adverts and branding is done for pet food and women's gym memberships by business owners today in order to investigate their marketing strategies and look at how they price the products/services. 648 words.

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1. Pet Food for Dog Owners

Pets, today, are the most important creatures in our lives. We tend to treat them as "family" members and do not hesitate to insure that what they eat, drink or do is the best for them. We do not hesitate to pamper them and make sure that they are not wanting for anything. With respect to pet foods, we buy the best foods that we believe they will love. That aspect is influenced by advertising. If one looks (or listens to) print and electronic (TV and Radio) advertisements, one will see that the emphasis always is on the best food for our "family" friends. Pet foods are shown as containing the best cuts of beef, chicken, fish, and vegetables without any mention of "fillers" which are always found in pet food. Consequently, based on the above, the most effective advertising campaign should be centered on the "content", "purity" and "tastefulness" of the pet food that one gives to his/her ...

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