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    Decision Analysis for Construct Payoff Table

    A car needs to decide whether or not to introduce a new car. Profit of 1 million if sales are around 100 million, a profit of 200,000 if sales a around 50 million, or will it lose 2 million if sales are only around 1 million. If the new car is not on market, it will suffer a loss of 400,000. A. Construct a payoff table. B.

    Probability: Coin Problem

    I have 5 dimes, 10 pennies, and 8 quarters. I pull out 3 coins, what is the probability that I pull out 3 pennies. I only get to pick three coins. I am looking or the way that one can see this in step by step terms.

    Binomia Distribution for Republican party: Votes in a Congressional district

    The Republican party is interested in studying the number of Republicans that might vote in a particular Congressional district. Assume that the number of voters is binomially distributed by party affiliation (either Republican or not Republican). If ten people show up at the polls, determine the following: Binomial distri

    Multiple Probability Problems

    1. In a certain location of downtown Baltimore, it costs $7 per day to park at parking lots. An illegally parked car, if caught, will be fined $25, and the chance of being caught is 60%. If money is the only concern of a citizen who must park in this location, should he park at a lot or park illegally? 2. A motorist encounter

    Probability of Pipework Failures

    For pipework, 40% of failures are due to operator errors. a) What is the probability that at least 8 of the next 15 errors are due to operator errors? b) What is the probability that no more than 3/10 failures are due to operators? c) Suppose that 5 out of 15 are operator errors. Is it likely that the p=0.4 value tru

    Expected Number of Bulbs

    A certain type of lightbulb has an average life of 500 hours with a standard deviation of 100 hours. The length of life of the bulb can be closely approximated by a normal curve. An amusement park buys and installs 10,000 such bulbs. Find the total number that can be expected to last for each period of time.

    Statistics: Talk time on a cell phone and battery life

    Talk Time on a Cell Phone: Suppose the 'talk time' in digital mode on a Motorola Timeport P8160 is normally distributed with mean 324 minutes and standard deviation 24 minutes. (a) What percent of the time will a fully charged battery last at least 330 minutes? (b) What is the probability that a random sample of n = 15 batt

    Statistics: Tree diagram, probability of apples or oranges

    ** Please see the attached file for the complete problem description ** A box contains nine apples and six oranges. You randomly pick a piece of fruit from the box, and then randomly pick a second piece of fruit from the box without replacing the first piece selected. a. Sketch a tree diagram for this experiment. b. What i

    Normal Probability: Expected Scores

    A test has a mean of 30, a standard deviation of 6, and scores that are normally distributed. Of the 50 people who took the test, about how many people would be expected to score between 24 and 36? A. 25 people B. 34 people C. 47 people D. There is not enough information to tell

    Probability: Number of possible access codes

    P(E)= number of outcomes in event E _________________________ total # of outcome in sample space The access code for a garage door consists of three digits, each digit can be 2 through 9 and each digit can be repeated 1. Find the number of possible access codes? = 8x8x8= 512 2. The probability of rand

    Statistics: Sketch distribution for City of Nashville's recycling program

    The city of Nashville determined in 2009 that the population mean weight of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated per person per day was 6.40 lbs with a population standard deviation of 1.44 lbs. Assume a normal distribution. With the objective of promoting recycling of MSW and of reducing the costs of landfill disposal, the Nas

    Find expected profit of sales distributions for skim milk gallons

    If you purchase 5 gallons of skim milk for $2 per gallon and sell it for $3 per gallon and receive a refund for unsold milk of $1 per gallon. y = Profit = NoSold(PriceSell-PriceRefund) + NoPurchased*(PriceRefund-PriceYouPurchasedFor) What is the expected profit or loss for the following distribution of sales? x 0


    A study of college football games shows that the number of holding penalties assessed has a mean of 2.2 penalties per game and a standard deviation of 0.8 penalties per game. What is the probability that, for a sample of 40 college games to be played next week, the mean number of holding penalties will be 2.05 penalties per game

    Probabilities: Standard Normal or Z Score

    The Modulus of rupture (MOR) for a particular grade of pencil lead is known to be 6500 psi with a standard deviation of 250 psi. a. Find the probability that a random sample of 16 pencil leads will have an average MOR between 6400 and 6550 psi. b. What did you assume in order to find this probability?

    Standard Normal or Z score for finding the probability

    Yashchin (1995) discusses a process for the chemical etching of sillicon wafer used in integrated circuits. This process etches the layer of silicon dioxide until the layer of mental beneath is reached. This company moniters the thickness of the silicon oxide layer because thicker layers require longer etching times. Historicall

    Statistics terms: Trial, outcome, success, independent, probability, logic

    1. Statisticians use terms like trial, outcome and success in a particular way in reference to probability. What do each of these three terms mean in this context? 2. How is the term independent used by Statisticians? 3. On a game show, eight people have won the grand prize and a total of 266 people have completed. Es

    Compute mean profit where x is a random number

    Profit = m(x) = 500x^2 Where x is a random number with probability frequency of: f(x) = 2(1-x) 0 < x < 1 0 elsewhere Compute the mean profit: The answer is $83.33, but I am unclear about how to arrive at that answer.

    Difference in wording of a percentage questions for Pentax users

    I don't understand what the difference in the wording is asking for between these three questions on percentages. To me it appears that two are asking the same question. Please answer the questions and explain how the wording differentiates what is being asked. Female Male Total Sony Cyber Shot 73 59 132 Koda

    Bionominal Probability for a Tamiami shearing machine: defective pieces

    A Tamiami shearing machine is producing 10 percent defective pieces, which is abnormally high. The quality control engineer has been checking the output by almost continuous sampling since the abnormal condition began. What is the probability that in a sample of 10 pieces: Exactly 5 will be defective? 5 or more will be defec

    Legitimate continuous probability distribution

    Assuming that the function below is a legitimate continuous probability distribution, find: P(X > 200) Hint: let u = x+100 (substitution rule) f(x) = 20000 / (x +100)^3 x > 0 0 elsewhere