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    Binomial Distribution and trend that stock market performance will continue

    Compared with almost any other investment alternative, the stock market performed especially well during the 1990s. In fact, there were only two years out of ten years during the 1990s when the S&P 500 stock index failed to give an annual return on investment of 12 percent or more. So, based on this ten year period, the probab

    Normal Distribution - Probability

    Suppose that the time required to complete a 1040R tax form is normally distributed with a mean of 100 minutes and a standard deviation of 20 minutes. What proportion of 1040R tax forms will be completed in less than 60 minutes? Round your answer to at least four decimal places.

    Statistics: 20 multiple choice

    MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Evaluate the permutation. 1) P( 9, 5) 1) ___ A) 9 B) 1 C) 504 D) 15,120 A bag contains 6 cherry, 3 orange, and 2 lemon candies. You reach in and take 3 pieces of candy at random. Find the

    Early onset cardiovascular disease in men and women

    An investigator wants to design a study to estimate the difference in the proportions of men and women who develop early onset cardiovascular disease (defined as cardiovascular disease before age 50). A study conducted 10 years ago found that 15% and 8% of men and women, respectively, developed early onset cardiovascular disease

    Calculating Probability in manufacturing aluminum plates.

    A manager at a local manufacturing company has been monitoring the output of one of the machines used to manufacture small aluminum plates. Past data indicates that if the machine is operating "properly," the length of the plates produced by this machine can be modeled as being normally distributed with a mean of 117 centimeters

    9 Problems: Normal Probabilities, Samples, Distributions

    1- Given the following set of numbers assume this is a population: 4,5,7,7,3,5,8,9,6. If this set of numbers were a sample, what divisor would you use to find the variation? 2- Earlier this semester we had a problem with birds with sore throats. I own the pet store that has these birds and I need to get them some medical tre

    Probability for Southest grocery stores having pharmacy, floral, deli

    A survey of grocery stores in the Southeast revealed 40 percent had a pharmacy, 50 percent had a floral shop, and 70 percent had a deli. Suppose 10 percent of the stores have all three departments, 30 percent have both a pharmacy and a deli, 25 percent have both a floral shop and deli, and 20 percent have both a pharmacy and fl

    Determining Probability

    1. In the National Weekly Edition of the Washington Post (December 19-25, 2005), firstStreet, Inc. advertised an atomic digital watch from LaCrosse Technology. It is radio-controlled and maintains its accuracy by reading a radio signal from a WWVB radio signal from Colorado. It neither loses nor gains a second in 20 million year


    An automatic machine inserts mixed vegetables into a plastic bag. Past experience shows that some packages were underweight and some were overweight, but most of them had satisfactory weight. Weight Percentage of Total Underweight 2.5 Satisfactory 90.0 Overweight

    QMTH 205Lab 3:Probability Distribution & Interval Estimation

    See attached files. QMTH 205 Lab 3: Probability Distribution and Interval Estimation Purpose: Students will learn (1) how to make a table of standard normal distribution; (2) how to use Excel to select a simple random sample; (3) how to use Excel built-in functions and procedures to estimate population mean and population

    Statistics: Joint probabilty with coins and die

    A die is rolled and the number observed X is recorded. Then a coin is tossed number of times equal to the value of X . For example if X = 2 then the coin is tossed twice, etc. Let Y be the number of heads observed. Note: Assume that the die and the coin are fair. What is the joint probability mass function of X and Y? What i

    Weather forecast predicts May rainfall will be three to six inches

    A weather forecaster predicts that the May rainfall in a local area will be between three and six inches but has no idea where within the interval the amount will be. Let x be the amount of May rainfall in the local area, and assume that x is uniformly distributed over the interval three to six inches. a. Write the formula fo

    Decision Tree Analysis for Caribbean bank, power generator

    The management of a bank in the Caribbean was concerned about the potential loss that might occur in the event of a hurricane. The bank estimated that the loss from one of these storms could be as much as $100 million including losses due to interrupted service and customer relations. One project the bank is considering is

    5 Statistics Problems: Normal Probability, Samples, and Confidence Intervals

    1- Surveying all drug stores in the Boston area, it was found that the average cost of a chocolate mint frappe is $30.50. The cost of a mint frappe population is normally distributed, with a standard deviation of $0.50. If I select a drug store in the Boston area randomly, what is the probability that the cost of is chocolate mi

    Probabilities for Loan Authorization

    7% of the loans authorized by the branch manager of a local bank each month will never be repaid. You will be asked to identify the probability of success (p), the mean, and the standard deviation of the loans that will not be repaid assuming 35 were authorized during the month.

    Solving puzzles; inspecting computer shipments

    A multi choice exam offers 4 choices for each question. Jason guesses the answers, so he has a probability 1/4 of getting any one question correct. 1) What is the expected number of right answers Jason will get if the test has 20 questions? Data on number of puzzles solved by a person are as follows: Puzzles solved:

    Probability of randomly selected family

    Select an American family randomly and count the number of people it contains. Here is the assignment of probabilities for your outcome: Number of persons: 2 3 4 5 6 7 Probability: 0.42 0.23 0.21 0.09 0.03 0.02 1) What is the probability th

    Insured value of homes follows a certain distribution

    1. An insurance company insures a large number of homes. The insured value, X, of a randomly selected home is assumed to follow a distribution with density function f(x) = 3x^-4, x > 1. Given a randomly selected is insured for at least 1.5, what is the probability that it is insured for less than 2.

    Statistics: Find Theta and Probability

    1. Let X have the pdf f(x) = (3x^2)/(Theta^3), 0 < x < Theta. If P ( X > 1) = 7/8, find Theta. 2. If X has a continuous uniform distribution on the interval from 0 to 10, then find P [X+(10/X)>7]

    Probability Calculations Analysis

    A TV show, DOG and CAT, recently had a share of 20, meaning that among the TV sets in use, 20% were tuned to that show. Assume that an advertiser wants to verify that 20% share value by conducting its own survey, and a pilot survey begins with 9 households having TV sets in use at the time of a GOD and CAT broadcast: - Find


    In a region, 20% of the population has brown eyes. If 15 people are randomly selected, find the probability that at least 13 of them have brown eyes. Is it unusual to randomly select 15 people and find that at least 13 of them have brown eyes? - The probability at least 13 of 15 have brown eyes = ____ (three decimal places


    An insurance company charges a 21 year old male a premium of $250 for a one year $100,000 life insurance policy. A 21 year old male has a 0.9985 probability of living for a year. From the perspective of a 21 year old male (or his estate), what are the values of the two different outcomes The value if he lives is $_______ T


    Based on data from a car bumper sticker study, when a car is randomly selected, the number of bumber stickers and corresponding probabilities are shown below. 0 (0.794) 1 (0.099) 2 (0.041) 3 (0.015) 4 (0.014) 5 (0.012) 6 (0.008) 7 (0.006) 8 (0.006) 9 (0.005) Does the given info describe a probability distribution

    Normally distributed output: What is true about the mean of the process?

    A process when in control produces a normally distributed output with a mean of 200 and a range of 20. Ten samples of 20 each yield the following means and ranges. Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X-Bar 200 202 201 204 203 203 201 201 202 201 Range 19.0 20.0 20.2 20.7 19.0 21.1 19.0 20.1 20.3 21.7 Which of the following is mos

    Normal Probability: Guarantee Period of Printers

    Quality control studies for Leaky Jet Computer Printers show the lifetime of the printer follows a normal distribution with a mean of 4.5 years and a standard deviation of 0.85 years. The company will replace any printer that fails during the guarantee period. How long should Leaky Jet Printers be guaranteed if the company wis

    Probability, mean, variance, standard deviation,

    Please solve in Excel only. 1. The Penguin Company employs 400 men and 100 women. Of the male employees, 280 work in the plant, 40 are in the office, and 80 are field salesmen. The female employees are distributed as follows: 20 to the plant, 50 to the office, and 30 to the sales. If the CEO, Stephanie, randomly selects an