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    This solution helps with probability problems

    Among the students doing a given course, there are four boys enrolled in the ordinary version of the course, six girls enrolled in the ordinary version of the course, and six boys enrolled in the higher version of the course. How many girls must be enrolled in the higher version of the course if sex and version of the course a

    Counting Principle, Tree Diagram, Probability, Venn Diagram

    2. A mini license plate for a toy car must consist of a number followed by two letters. Each letter must be a C, A or R. Each number must be a 3 or 7. Repetition of letters is permitted. Use the counting principle to determine the number of points in the sample space. Construct a tree diagram to represent this situation Li

    Probability function, distribution, value of random variable

    Answer the following questions and show your work. 1. Test the following function to determine whether it is a probability function: P(x) = (x²+5)/80 ; for 1,2,3,4, or 5. 2. A small bag of M&M candies has the following assortment: red(10), blue(2), orange(5), brown(12), green(0), and yellow(8). Give the probability dis

    Probability: Sock Example Problem

    A drawer contains 11 identical red socks, and 8 identical black socks. Suppose that you choose 2 socks at random in the dark A) What is the probability that you get a pair of red socks? B) What is the probability that you get a pair of black socks? C) What is the probability that you get two unmatched socks?

    Age distribution in a city; votes for candidate hughes

    7.31 Suppose the age distribution in a city is as follows: Under 18 (22%) 18-25 (18%) 26-50 (36%) 51-65 (10%) over 65 (14%) A researcher is conducting proportionate stratified random sampling with a sample size of 250. Approximately how many people should be sampled from each stratum? Do I use the z formula for sample pr

    Statistics: Probability, Tree Diagram

    * Please see the attached file for the graph ** Sec 12.7 If the wheel is spun and each section is equally likely to stop under the pointer, determine the probability that the pointer lands on: 20. a number greater than 6, given that the color is red. 28. Mendel Revisited A pea plant must have exactly one of each of t

    Probability of taking a summer vacation this year

    Summer Vacation The table shows the results of a survey in which 146 families were asked if they own a computer and if they will be taking a summer vacation this year. a) Find the probability that a randomly selected family is not taking a summer vacation this year. b) Find the probability that a randomly selected family own

    Probabilities, Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation

    1. You are warming up with the dice in the lobby of a casino before making your move to the casino floor. Suppose you have two regular 6-sided dice, with sides numbered from 1 to 6 on each die. What is the probability of rolling them both at once, and getting a sum of TEN? Probability = Round your final answer to two decimal p

    Probability of Dives and Sides

    See the attached file. ONLY NEED ANSWERS NO WORK NEEDS TO BE SHOWN 1. Suppose that you have two regular 6-sided dice, with sides numbered from 1 to 6 on each die. What is the probability of rolling them both at once, and getting a sum of seven? Express your answer as a decimal and round your final answer to two decimal plac

    Normal approximation to binomial

    Components shipped include 0.5% defectives. You plan to select 80 items; if 0 are defective, you will assume all are okay. (Using normal approximation to binomial) a) Find the probability that you will find 0 defectives in 80 items. b) Find the probability you will find none if p = 1.5%

    Probability: the wheel of fortune and expected number of people

    See attached file for graphic. Wheel of Fortune In Exercises 35-38, use the small replica of the Wheel of Fortune. If the wheel is spun at random, determine the probability of the sector indicated stopping under the pointer 38. $2500 or Surprise 14. Career fair attendance for the Nursing and Allied Health Care Career

    Binomial Probability Distribution - Practice Calculations

    If your age is an even number, circle: j = 4 If your age is an odd number, circle: j = 3 In problem part A below, j is your number of flights. (my age is 37) Binomial Probability Distribution: P(x) = nCx Ï?**x (1 â?" Ï?)**(n-x) [6-3] Where: · C denotes a combination · n is the number of trials

    Normal probability distributions, proportions, percentages

    1. A set of 50 data values has a mean of 44 and a variance of 16. I. Find the standard score (z) for a data value = 51. II. Find the probability of a data value < 51. 2. Find the area under the standard normal curve: I. to the right of z = -1.34 II. to the left of z = -1.34 3. Assume that the population of height

    Finding the Probability of a Box

    Given: 2 identical boxes. One contains 10 balls number 1-10 the other 100 balls 1-100. You don't know if the box on the left contains 10 or 100. You flip a coin to choose one of the boxes and ask a friend to pick a ball at random from it. The ball he picks has a number 9 written on it. Find: What is the probability that th

    Decision Analysis

    The Lake Placid Town Council has decided to build a new community center to be used for conventions, concerts, and other public events, but considerable controversy surrounds the appropriate size. Many influential citizens want a large center that would be a showcase for the area, but the mayor feels that if demand does not supp

    Probabilities: Airline flight arrivals, owning mutual funds, slow moving product

    Problem 5. An airline tracks data on its flight arrivals. Over the past six months, 65 flights on one route arrived early, 273 arrived on time, 218 were late, and 44 were cancelled ? a. What is the probability that a flight is early? On time? Late? Cancelled? ? b. Are these outcomes mutually exclusive? ? c. What is the pr

    Standard Normal Probability Problems

    Use the Standard Normal Distribution table to find the indicated area under the standard normal curve. a. Between z = 0 and z = 2.36 b. To the left of z = -1.68 c. Between z = 0.64 and z = 1.52 d. To the right of z = 1.5

    Bernoulli process: On average, 2% make an error on their tax return

    Suppose on average 2% make an error on their tax return. Such errors are form a Bernoulli Process. If 100 are audited for errors. a) How many would you expect to make an error out of 100? b) Find the probability that 4 out of 100 made an error. c) Find the probability 3 to 6 out of 100 made an error.

    Finding the Probability of Heart Disease

    Please help with the following problem. Medical studies have shown that 10 out of 100 adults have heart disease. When a person with heart disease is given an EKG test, a 0.9 probability exists that the test will indicate the presence of heart disease. When a person without heart disease is given an EKG test, a 0.95 probabili

    14 Statistics Problems

    See the attached file for tables and graphs. 4.7 If you roll a die 40 times and 9 of the rolls result in a "5," what empirical probability was observed for the event "5"? 4.10 Webster Aquatic Center offers various levels of swimming lessons year-round. The March 2005 Monday and Wednesday evening lessons included instruc

    Green Elements and Probability Distribution

    How many green elements are required to make this a legitimate probability distribution if there are a total of 50 elements in this sample x red blue orange brown green P(x) 0.20 0.18 0.12 0.30

    Discrete Probability Distribution

    A company is interested in evaluating its current inspection procedure on shipments of 20 identical items. They take a sample of 5 and accept the shipment if no more than the allowed maximum of the samples are found to be defective. Those that do not pass are directed back to the vendor. What proportion of shipments that have

    Discrete Probability Distribution of Pills

    This is a hypergeometric, geometric, negative binomial random variable, or Poisson. A smuggler places 3 narcotic tablets in a bottle of 21 vitamin pills for a total of 24 pills. If U.S. customs tests 2 pills at random what is the probability that at least 1 narcotic pill will be found? The professor gave the answer as 24%,

    Probability / Normal Distribution - Using excel

    Please show example by using Excel Assume an examination has a mean of 84.2 and a standard deviation of 10.9 What is the probability of being above 100? What is the probability of being between 77 and 97?

    Probability Distribution Problem

    Decide whether the distribution is a probability distribution. If it is not a probability distribution, identify the property that is not satisfied. (References: example 3 and 4 page 197, end of section exercises 25 - 28 page 202 - 203) x P(x) 0 0.49 1 0.05 2 0.32 3 0.07 4 0.02

    Acme Tires Problem

    Acme Tires manufactures two types of tires: high performance tires and all weather tires. 31% of the tires they produce are high performance tires. They offer a 40,000 mile warrantee on each of the tires they sell, and 93% of all tires exceed 40,000 miles of tread life. Furthermore, 28% of all the tires sold are both all high pe

    Statistics Using Probability Tables

    Assign decimal numbers for probabilities in table below for each x. Don't forget: total for all probabilities should be exactly 1. x = 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------- P(x) = Based on your probability table: 1. Find probability that x is less than 3, P (x < 3) 2. Find pro