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    Calculation of the Probability of Tennis Serves

    A certain tennis player makes a successful first serve 67% of the time. Assume that each serve is independent of the others. If she serves 8 times, what's the probability that there are no more than three serves in?

    Inference about a Population Proportion

    Spinning a coin, unlike tossing it, may not give heads and tails equal probabilities. I spun a penny 200 times and got 83 heads. How significant is this evidence against equal probabilities? Use the following four step process: STATE: What is the practical question that requires estimating a parameter? PLAN: Identify t

    Normal Probability of mean download time for the H&R Block website

    The mean download time for the H&R Block website, www.hrblock.com is 2.5 seconds. Suppose that the download time is normally distributed, with a standard deviation of 0.5 second. What is the probability that a download time is: a) Less than 1 second b) Between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds c) Above 0.5 seconds? d) Above how ma

    Calculate contractor's expected net profit.

    A building contractor pays $500 to bid on a contract. If he gets the contract, the probability of which he estimates to be 0.70, he will make a profit of $50,000. On the other hand, if he does not get the contract, he forfeits his $500. Find the contractor's expected net profit.

    Statistics: 13 problems

    See attached file for better format. 1. A set of 50 data values has a mean of 26 and a variance of 9. I. Find the standard score (z) for a data value = 25. II. Find the probability of a data value > 25. 2. Find the area under the standard normal curve: I. to the right of z = 0.54 II. to the left of z =

    Cost for family of four to attend major league baseball game

    Team Marketing Report, a sports-business newsletter, estimates that the average total cost for a family of four to attend a major league baseball game is $132. Assume that a normal distribution applies and that the standard deviation is $10. What is the probability that the cost is between $100 and $150?

    what is the probability that three labs will detect drugs

    Employee drug testing is done in the following manner. An employee is chosen at random and a urine specimen is taken. The specimen is divided into three vials and each vial is sent to an independent lab. If each lab has a 0.97 probability of detecting illegal drugs when they are present, what is the probability that all three la

    Joint and marginal probabilities for a sample from a deck of cards

    You have a standard deck of cards and you take out 2 cards at random. Let Y1 represent the number of red Queens in your sample and let Y2 represent the number of spades in your sample. a) calculate p. it is mean p(Y1, Y2); b) calculate var (Y1I Y2=1) c) Determine E (Y2I Y1=0)

    Statistics: Joint, marginal and conditional densities & expectation

    ** Please see the attached file for a Word formatted copy of the problem ** 1. Consider the joint pmf p(x,y)=cxy, 1<x<y<3. a) Find the normalizing constant c. b) Are X and Y independent? Prove your claim. c) Find the expectations of X, Y, XY. 2. Conceptual Suppose (X, Y) have the joint pmf p(x, x+1) = 1/(n+1), x= 0,1,2

    Deriving Discrete Uniform Distribution Formulas

    Let Y take on the values 1, 2....., n; all of these values ov Y are equally likely. this probability distribution is called the discrete uniform distribution. a) Derive the formula for the expected value Y, b) Derive the formula for the moment generating function of Y


    1. Assume that a procedure yields a binomial distribution with a trial repeated n times. Use a binomial probabilities table to find the probability of x successes given that probability p of successes on a given trial when: n=2, X=0, and p=.90 2. Three cards selected from a standard 52 card deck without replacement. Th

    Probability of Increase Actions

    1) A box contain 90 good times and 10 bad items. Thus the probability of randomly choosing a good item from this box is 0.9. A second box also contains 90 good items and 10 bad items. An item is randomly selected from the second box and is placed in the first box. Does this action increase the likelihood of picking a good item

    Probability of random selection with coins

    A jar contains a variety of coins. The coins are distributed as follows: 60 pennies 33 nickels 27 dimes 75 quarters For this distribution, find the probability of randomly selecting the following coins: a) a nickel b) a quarter, a dime or a penny c) two quarters or two dimes, with replacemen

    Cleveland Tool Works probability of defective units

    A machining operation at Cleveland Tool Works (Process A) produces small parts, 10% of which are defective. A similar operation (Process B) produces small but unrelated parts. Process B is considered to be in control if it produces no more than 10% defective units. Sampling for Process A consists of selecting 20 units at specifi

    Statistics: Probability for Cards

    Suppose that a 3 of spades is drawn from a deck of cards. Let A = the event that the next card drawn is a heart and B = the event that the next card drawn is an ace. Is the following statement true or false? Events A and B are independent. a. true b. false

    Continuous Uniform Distributions

    See the attached file. 1. Suppose X ~ U[-2, 2]. For what a,b is a+bX~U[0,1]? 2. A city bus is supposed to arrive at a fixed stop at 12:00 noon, but its arrival time is uniformly distributed between 11:57 AM and 12:04 PM. If it has not yet arrived at 12:01 PM, what is the probability that it will arrive by 12:02 PM? 3. The con


    1. A volunteer ambulance service handles 0 to 5 service calls on any given day. The probability distribution for the number of service calls is as follows. Number of Service Calls Probability 0 .10 1 .15 2 .30 3 .20 4 .15 5 .10 a. Is this a valid probability distribution? Why or why not. b. What is the probability o

    probability and expectations

    The probability in detecting a crack in an airplane wing= probability of inspecting a plane with a wing crack (P1) x probability of inspecting the details in which a crack is located (P2) x probability of detecting the damage (P3) Find the probability of detecting a crack if (P1=.9, P2=.8 & p3=.5)? If 50 planes are inspected

    Tree diagram, probability in card selection, math instructors

    2. A mini license plate for a toy car must consist of three numbers followed by a letter. Each number must be a 1, 3, or 5. Repetition of digits is NOT permitted. Each letter must be an A, B or C. - Use the counting principle to determine the number of points in the sample space. - Construct a tree diagram to represent this

    Normal Probability: Marathon qualification

    7000 people could qualify for a marathon if they complete the 26-mile plus distance in under 3 hours and 10 minutes. 6350 complete the race. The times are normally distributed and the mean is 3 hours and 40 minutes with a standard deviation of 28 minutes. How many runners qualified?

    Normal Probability: English Scores

    Scores are normally distributed with a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 10. The school has decided to place the top 25% into honors English and the bottom 20% into remedial English. What scores separate the upper 25% and lower 20% of the students from the rest? Please explain with solution.

    Statistics: Probabilities in a tennis match

    A plays tennis against B. During a given game, the score reaches deuce. Each player then needs to score two more points than the other to win the game. Assuming that each point is independently won by A with probability P, what is the probability they will have to play a total of 2n points to end the game? What is the probabilit