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    Linear Programming

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    Linear Programming Problem

    You mix coffee beans from Peru and Columbia to make two different kinds of coffee. Each 4 lb. bag of Classic brew uses three parts of Columbia beans to one part of Peru beans. Each 4 lb. bag of Nuvo brew uses equal parts of Columbia and Peru beans. You make $2.00 profit for each bag of Classic brew and $1.50 profit for ea

    Linear Programming

    8. Embassy Motorcycles (EM) manufactures two motorcycles designed for easy handling and safety. The EZ-Rider model has a new engine and a low profile that make it easy to balance. The Lady-Sport model is slightly larger, uses a more traditional engine, and is specifically designed to appeal to women riders. EM produces the e

    Linear Programming : Optimization Using Excel and a Graphical Method

    Case Problem - Workload Balance Chicago Digital Imaging produces photo printers for both the professional and consumer markets. The Chicago Digital Imaging division recently introduced two photo printers that provide color prints rivaling those produced by a professional processing lab. The Chicago Digital Imaging 910 model

    Linear programming spreadsheet model

    Formulate a linear programming spreadsheet model and solve it using Solver. E*9.15. The Fly-Right Airplane Company builds small jet airplanes to sell to corporations for use by their executives. To meet the needs of these executives, the company's customers sometimes order a custom design of the airplanes being purchased. W

    Linear Programmng : Maximizing Profits

    Maximize P = x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 using the simplex method. subject to the constraints 2x1 + x2 + x3 < 25 2x1 + 3x2 + 3x3 < 30 x1 > 0, x2 > 0, x3 > 0, A company

    Objective function and constraints

    Develop the objective function and constraints required for the problem. Determine optimal product mix and profit contribution. Please note that the profit contribution per pound of $1.65 for the Regular Mix, $2.00 for the Premier Mix, and $2.25 for the Holiday Mix are the coefficients to use in the objective function. Respond t

    Solving Linear Programming Graphically

    I am having difficulty solving a linear programming problem graphically. Can you do this on an Excel Spreadsheet? I have attempted to do it on my own (see below) with some trouble. Let M = number of Everett Parkas Let R = number of Colorado Parkas Max 100M + 150R s.t. 30 M + 20R < 7200 Cutting time 45 M + 15R < 7200 S

    Linear Programming - Transport Problem

    Linear Programming problem. There are 2 sections and 3 parts to each sections. Basically to formulate appropriate mathematical model to obtain optimum costs. See the attached files.

    Using the Simplex Method

    Consider the following maximum problem in standard form: Maximize Z = 8X1 + 2X2 + 3X3 Subject to the constraints X1 + 3X2 + 2X3 < 10 4X1 + 2X2 + 3X3 < 8 X1 > 0, X2 > 0, X3 > 0 (a) Rewrite the two constraints as equations by adding slack variables S1 and S2. (b) Set up the initial simplex tableau for thi

    Operations Processing

    See attached file for full problem description. 1. VeriFast Semiconductor makes memory chips for digital electronics manufacturers, and it has expensive equipment in its plant that has to be used for multiple product lines. Photolithography is one of the critical steps in wafer fabrication facilities, and lithography unit R2D

    Real Life Linear Programming Examples

    What are some examples of personal or professional decisions where constrained optimization might be applied? You don't have to formulate the mathematical problem, just discuss what the decision variables would be, how would you measure success (i.e., what would you maximize or minimize), and what conditions might the decision

    Linear Programming Problem: Graphical Method

    Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically. See attached file for full problem description. #4 and 5 only. 4. Solve the following linear programming problem: Minimize g = 22x + 17y 8x + 5y &#8805; 100 12x + 25y &#8805; 360 x &#8805; 0, y &#8805; 0 5. A company manufactures backyard swing sets of two different sizes

    Quantitative Method Multiple Choice Questions

    Answer the following multiple choice problems: 1. The minimization of cost or maximization of profit is the a. objective of a business b. constraint of operations management c. goal of management science d. objective of linear programming e. both a and d 2. Cully furniture buys 2 products for resale: big shelves (B)

    Quantitative Methods

    True/False 7. When the right-hand sides of 2 constraints are both increased by 1 unit, the value of the objective function will be adjusted by the sum of the constraints' prices. 8. The sensitivity range for an objective coefficient is the range of values over which the current optimal solution point (product mix) will

    Integer Linear Programming

    Assistance with a sample integer linear programming problem. Max Z = 3x1 + 2x2 Subject to: 3x1 + 5x2 <= 30 4x1 = 2x2 <= 28 x1 <= 8 x1, x2 >= 0 and integer The solution to the linear programming relaxation is x1 = 5.714, x2 = 2.571. What would be the optimal s

    Linear Programming

    Solve the following linear programming problem using the graphical solution procedure: Maximize 5A +5B The constraints are: 1A <= 100 1 B <= 80 2A+4B <= 400 A,B >=0

    Quantitative Method Case Study

    Your write-up for the Term Paper project must be in the format of a report (the questions to be answered are posed after each Case). Each Case study must have an abstract outlining the methodology chosen to tackle the problem. You must say why this methodology is the best suited for the analysis of the case in hand. You must pro

    A dual price cannot be negative

    Because the dual price represents the improvement in the value of the optimal solution per unit increase in right hand side, a dual price cannot be negative. true or false.

    The initial probability of success was 1 in 3 or .333. Now the contestant is down to two doors. There is a 50/50 chance of winning with two doors no matter what happened before so it doesn't matter if she switches. (true or false)

    The initial probability of success was 1 in 3 or .333. Now the contestant is down to two doors. There is a 50/50 chance of winning with two doors no matter what happened before so it doesn't matter if she switches. (true or false) _________________________________________________________________________ II. The optimal solu

    The difference between the transportation and assignment problems is that...

    ...total supply must equal total demand in the transportation problem. ...the number of origins must equal the number of destinations in the transportation problem. ...each supply and demand value is 1 in the assignment problem. ...there are many deferences between the transportation and assignment problems. ----

    Linear Programming : Optimal Solution

    Max Z = 3x1 + 5x2 Subject to: 7x1 + 12x2 <=136 3x1 + 5x2 <+ 36 x1, x2 >= 0 and integer Find the optimal solution. Answer in the form of a solution for Z= enter xx only

    Linear Programming : Maximizing Profit

    A large sporting goods store is placing an order for bicycles with its supplier. Four models can be ordered: the adult Open Trail, the adult Cityscape, the girl's Sea Sprite, and the boy's Trail bBlazer. It is assumed that every bike ordered will be sould, and their profits, respectively, are 30, 25, 22, and 20. The LP model sho

    Linear Programming & Simplex Method

    Maximize P = x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 using the simplex method. Subject to the constraints 2x1 + x2 + x3 < 25 2x1 + 3x2 + 3x3 < 30 x1 > 0, x2 > 0, x3 > 0, Please see the attached file for the ful

    Linear Modelling

    WINTER 2007 OPERATIONS MODELING IOE 202 Homework 1 IMPORTANT NOTE This is a team homework. The team works on this homework together, but each member of the team must write their own home work and hand it in with their name (underlined) and the names of other team members on the front page. Also, each member of the team mu

    Intermediate Node Constraint

    In setting up the an intermediate (transshipment) node constraint, assume that there sources, two intermediate nodes, and two destinations, and travel is possible between all sources and the intermediate nodes and between all intermediate nodes and all destinations for a given transshipment problem. In addition, assume that no t

    Math for decision making

    1. The number of pizzas ordered on Friday evenings between 5:30 and 6:30 at a pizza delivery location for the last 10 weeks is shown below. Use exponential smoothing with smoothing constants of .2 and .8 to forecast a value for week 11 (i.e., prepare two forecasts using each of the alpha values). Compare your forecasts using M

    Math for decision making business

    1. Decision variables a. tell how much or how many of something to produce, invest, purchase, hire, etc. b. represent the values of the constraints. c. measure the objective function. d. must exist for each constraint. 2. Which of the following is a valid objective function for a linear programming problem? a. Max 5x