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    Linear Programming

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    Linear Programming

    Provide an appropriate response. 1) Explain the result if the simplex tableau is solved using a quotient other than the smallest non-nega five quotient. 2) Explain why a different slack variable must be used for each constraint when converting constraints to linear equations. 3) When would the simplex method be used instead

    Deterministic Dynamic Programming

    We have 21 coins and are told that one is heavier than any of the other coins. How many weighings on a balnce will it take to find the heaviest coin? (Hint: If the heaviest coin is in a group of three coins, we can find it in one weighing. Then work backward to two weighings, and so on).

    Linear Programming Problem - Graphical Sensitivity Analysis

    16. In a linear programming problem, the binding constraints for the optimal solution are 5X + 3Y < 30 2X + 5Y < 20 a. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence: As long as the slope of the objective function stays between ____ and ___, the current optimal solution point will remain optimal. b. Which of these

    Find the possible failures in the column and the row picture

    Find the possible failures in the column picture and the row picture, and match them up. Success would be 3 columns whose combinations give every vector b, which matches with 3 planes in the row picture that intersect at one point (the unique solution x). Give numerical examples of these two types of failure: a. 3 columns lie

    Linear Programming : Profit Contribution and Maximizing Profit

    Skillings Industrial Chemicals, Inc., operates a refinery in southwestern Ohio near the Ohio River. The company's primary product is manufactured from chemical process that requires that use of two raw materials-material A and material B. The production of 1 pound of the primary product requires the use of 1 pound of material A

    Linear Programing : Maximizing Profit (Simplex Method using Tableaus)

    An artist is painting a supply of small paintings to sell at an arts festival. He can paint three landscapes per hour and two seascapes. He can frame five paintings per hour. He has 50 hours available for painting and 25 hours for framing. How many of each type of painting should he paint and frame in order to maximize the tota

    Linear Programming

    Please provide answers to the following questions. I just need to compare my answers to make sure they are correct. Also, provide an explanation for your answer. 6. The _______________ property of linear programming models indicates that the rate of change or slope of the objective function or a constraint is constant.

    Integer Programming/Transportation Modeling

    I have selected what I think is correct. Please verify correctness and explain your answer. 16. If we are solving a 0-1 integer programming problem, the constraint x1 + x2 = 1 is a ________________constraint. a. multiple choice *****b. mutually exclusive c. conditional d. corequisite e. none of the above 17. I

    Using Constraints and Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

    How many solutions does u1+u2+u3+u4 = 30 have in non-negative integers with u1 >=3, u2 <= 8, 3 <= u3 <=8, u4 >=0? Ok, my attempt. Let v1 = u1 - 3, v2 = u2, v3 = u3 - 3 and v4 = u4. Then we have v1+v2+v3+v4 = 24 with v1 >= 0, v2 <=8, v3 <= 5, v4 >=0. So without constraints there are C(24+4-1, 24) = C(21,24) solutions (is th

    Linear Programming - Bikes and Furniture

    1. A large sporting goods store is placing an order for bicycles with its supplier. Four models can be ordered: the adult open trail, the adult cityscape, the girl's sea sprite, and the boy's trail blazer. It is assumed that every bike ordered will be sold, and their profits, respectively, are 30, 25, 22, and 20. The linear

    Linear programming optimal solution

    Solve the following problems: Find the optimal solution and graph. Please show all work: 1. MINC .5x + .3y x + 2y is > or = to 10a x + y is > or = to 8b 2. change the constraint B to < or = to.

    Operations Research

    The Eastside Manufacturing Company produces four different aircraft components from fabricated sheet metal for several major aircraft companies. The manufacturing process consists of four operations - stamping, assembly, finishing, and packaging. The processing time per unit for each of the operations and total available hours

    Linear Programming/Simplex Method

    A jewelry store makes both necklaces and bracelets from gold and platinum. The store has developed the following linear programming model for determining the number of necklaces and bracelets (X1 and X2) that it needs to make to maximize profit. maximize Z = 300X1 + 400X2 (profit, $) subject to 3X1 + 2X2 < 18 (gold, oz

    Linear Programming - Simplex Method

    A baby products firm produces a strained baby food containing liver and milk, each of which contribute protein and iron to the baby food. Each jar of baby food must have 36 milligrams of protein and 50 milligrams of iron. The company has developed the following linear programming model to determine the number of ounces of live

    Linear Programing and the Simplex Method

    A company makes product 1 and product 2 from two resources. The linear programming model for determining the amounts of product 1 and 2 to product (X1 and X2) is: maximize Z = 8X1 + 2X2 (profit, $) subject to 4X1 + 5X2 < 20 (resource 1, lb) 2X1 + 6X2 < 18 (resource 2, lb) X1, X2 > 00 I need to solve this

    Linear Programming Sensitivity Analysis

    PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS (why did you choose T instead of F or A instead of C, etc.). C 1. Which of the following is not a component of the structure of a linear programming model? a. parameters b. decision variables c. environment of certainty d. constraints F 2. In a linear programming model, the numb

    Linear Programming Sensitivity Analysis

    PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS (why you choose A instead of C, etc.). C 6. For a resource constraint, either its slack value must be _____ or its shadow price must be ________ a. negative, negative b. negative, zero c. zero, zero d. zero, negative D 7. For a linear programming problem, assume that a given

    Multiple choice

    (See attached file for full problem description) In the graph area problems looking for the steps --- 1. The maximization or minimization of a quantity is the a. goal of management science. b. decision for decision analysis. c. constraint of operations research. d. objective of linear programming. 2. Which of

    Information about Linear Programming: Finding Constraints

    A snack food manufacturer buys corn for tortilla chips from two cooperatives, one in Iowa and one in Illinois. The price per unit of the Iowa corn is $6.00 and the price per unit of the Illinois corn is $5.50. a. Define variables that would tell how many units to purchase from each source. b. Develop an objective functio

    Operations Research Mathematical Programming Systems

    A mathematical programming system named SilverScreener uses a 0-1 integer programming model to help theater managers decide which movies to show on a weekly basis in a multiple-screen theater (Interfaces, May/June 2001). Suppose that management of Valley Cinemas would like to investigate the potential of using a similar scheduli

    Operations Research

    I need help solving this problem and also I need to know exactly what the constraints are for this problem and how to figure out the constraints. --- Burnside Marketing Research conducted a study for Baker Foods on some designs for a new dry cereal. Three attributes were found to be most influential in determining which cer

    Using a Linear Programming Model to Minimize Cost

    Carson Metals Company produces metal alloys from six different ores it mines. The ores and the metal content of each are described in the table below. The company has an order from a customer to produce an alloy that contains four metals according to the following specifications: at least 21% of metal A, no more than 12% of met

    Operations Research

    Tasca Motors, Inc. (TMI) manufactures two different electrical motors for sale under contract to Drexel Corp., a well-known producer of small kitchen appliances. Its model TM3A is found in many Drexel food processors and its model TM3B is used in the assembly of blenders. Three times each year, the procurement officer at Drexe

    Operations Research

    I need help in solving this linear programming model, specifically in identifying the different constraints for the problem. --- The Goliath Tool and Machine Shop produces a single product consisting of three sub-components that are assembled to form the product. The three components are manufactured in an operation involvin

    Operations Research and Linear Programming

    I need help finding the constraints for this problem as well as solutions to part b and c. --- Wal-Mart, a discount store chain, is planning to build a new store in Rock Springs, Maryland.. The parcel of land the company owns is large enough to accommodate a store with 140,000 square feet of floor space. Based on marketing a

    Operations research and Linear programming

    I need help finding the constraints for this problem as well as solutions to part d and c. (See attached file for full problem description) --- Benson Electronics manufactures a number of components and products for a variety of commercial applications. Each product places different demands on the various departments wit

    Linear Programming : Finding Constraints

    Please formulate the constraints for this problem as well as solutions to parts c and d. --- Round Tree Manor is a hotel that has two types of rooms with three rental classes: Super Saver, Deluxe, and Business. The profit contribution per night for each type of room and rental class is as follows: (see attached file for