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    Plotting Quadratic Equations from Word Equations

    An agency is advertising a vacation package. The cost of the package is $500 for airfare and an additional $100 per day for hotel and car cost. Let C represent the total cost of the package in $ and let N represent the number of days on vacation. Write an equation relating C to N, then graph the equation using the Y axis to repr

    Demand Curve for Prices

    4) (demand curve)The demand curve for a certain commodity is p=-.001q+32.5 a) At what price can 31,500 units of the commodity be sold at? b) What quanities are so large that many units of the commodity can't possibly be sold no matter how low the price... The hint they gave was to drop the price, make an inequality and solve f

    Equations to solve a word problem

    Pat and Carlos both belong to the same book club. The book club has two prices on its books: a flat fee for regular selections and another flat fee for specially discounted items. Pat orders two regular selections and four specially discounted one for a total of $119.80. Carlos orders three regular selections and five specially

    Identify the graph that represents the corresponding function.

    Refer to the graph given below and identify the graph that represents the corresponding function. Justify your answer. y = 2x y = log2x Plot the graphs of the following functions. Scan the graphs and post them to the Facilitator along with your response. f(x)=6x f(x)=3x - 2 f(x)=(1/2)x f(x)= log2x

    Find the number of boys and girls involved in the group

    A professor started a project with a group of students, 60% of whom were boys, due to some unavoidable reason, six girls couldn't show up, so the professor had to make some changes in the group. He admitted six boys. In doing so the percentage of boys in the project increased to 75%. Find the number of boys and girls involved in

    Quadratic equations and inequalities

    Minimizing Cost. A company uses the formula C(x)=0.02x^2 - 3.4x + 150 to model the unit cost in dollars for producing x stabilizer bars. For what number of bars is the unit cost at its minimum? What is the unit cost at that level of production?

    Equilibrium Price, Supply and Demand Equations

    Suppose the supply and demand for wheat is given by: Supply: Qs = 1800 + 240P Demand: Qd = 2550 + 10I - 266P, Where P = the price per bushel of wheat and I = income. The current value of I is 100. a. Find the current equilibrium price and quantity of wheat sold in the market place. b. Find the equilibrium price and qu

    Lagrangian Method for Maximization.

    L=x^1/2 y^1/2 + Lambda (4-x-y) 1. Find first order partial derivative with respect to x, y, and Lambda. 2. Find the value of x and y which maximize Lambda. 3. Find Lambda and interpret the results Can you validate using substitution method.

    Radicals Square Roots

    Square root of 3 square root of 3 ______________ - ________________ square root of 6 -1 square root of 6 + 1


    Square root of 6 square root of 14 _______________ x square root of 7 square root of 3

    Simple Groups and Sylow p-Subgroups

    (1) Prove that if |G|=1365, then G is not simple. (2) Assume that G is a nonabelian group of order 15. Prove that Z(G)=1. Use the fact that the group generated by "g" is less than or equal to C_G(g) for all "g" in G to show that there is at most one possible class equation for G.

    Inflation and present value

    Please develop a hypothetical scenario in a word document illustrating these concepts. Inflation: 1. If your salary today is $55,000 per year, what would you expect your salary to be in 20 years (rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) if you assume that inflation will continue at a constant rate of 6% over that time peri

    Sum and product of numbers

    If x represents one number and y represents the other need to write a system of nonlinear equations to solve the system and find the numbers. The sum of 2 numbers is 10 and their product is 24, find the numbers.

    Mileage word problem

    A car uses 9 gallons of gasoline on a trip of 315 miles. At that rate, how much gasoline will a trip of 595 miles require? Please show work.

    Word Problem - Find the Rates.

    Lee rides his bike 50 miles in the same time it takes him to drive 125 miles. If his driving rate is 30 mi/h faster than his rate biking, find each rate. Please show how you arrived at the answer.

    Quadratic Taylor Approximation

    Can someone show me how to obtain the quadratic approximation of f(x1,x2) = x1^(3/4) * x2^(1/4) when (x1,x2) is close to (1,1)?

    Solving for variables

    Solve A= lw for I Solve for b A = 1/2bh Solve for b A = 1/2h(B+b) Solve for h V = 1/3 Bh

    Evaluating Radical Equations

    Please answer the following question and show all of the work involved. Question: Solve for the third root of (x + 2) = 5.