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    Radical Equations Word Problems

    1. The equation D=1.2√h gives the distance, D, in miles that a person can see to the horizon from a height, h, in feet. a. Solve this equation for h. b. Long's Peak in the Rocky Mountain National Park, is 14,255 feet in elevation. How far can you see to the horizon from the top of Long's Peak? Can you see Cheyenne

    Solving Radical Equations and Word Problems

    See the attachment. 1. Solve the equation for r. 2. Suppose that an object is 100 pounds when it is at sea level. Find the value of C that makes the equation true. (Sea level is 3,963 miles from the center of the earth.) 3. Use the value of C you found in the previous question to determine how much the object would wei

    Algebra Questions

    Perform the indicated operation: (6x-18)/(2x^2-5x-3) * (4x^2+4x+1)/(6x+3)

    Mathematics: Writing Equations from Word Problems

    1) Describe the pattern and find the next two letters: G, B, W, R, ?, ?. Explain Answer. 2) Challenge. Ten times the sum of 30 and 15 is the same as the sum of a number and 12. What is the number? Thanks and please explain.

    The Period of a Pendulum

    The period T (time in seconds for one complete cycle) of a simple pendulum is related to the length L (in feet) of the pendulum by the formula 8T^2=(3.14)^2L. If a child is on a swing with a 10 foot chain, then how long does it take to complete one cycle of the swing?

    Integer Linear Programming and Optimal Solution

    1. Consider the following integer linear programming problem. Max Z = 3x1 + 2x2 Subject to: 3x1 + 5x2 <= 30 4x1 + 2x2 <= 28 x1 <= 8 x1, x2 >= 0 and integer The solution to the linear programming relaxation is: x1 = 5.714, x2= 2.571. What is the optimal solution to the integer linear programming problem? State the value

    Difference in Area

    A lot of 40 meters by 36 meters. A house 27 meters by 9 meters is built on the lot. How much area is left over for a lawn?

    Linear Programming

    Consider the following linear programming problem Max 8X + 7Y s.t. 15X + 5Y < 75 10X + 6Y < 60 X + Y < 8

    Logarithims and Exponents

    If the amplitude ratio, N in decibels, of an electrical system is given by the formula;- N=10log(Po [output]/Pi [input]) and the power is given by;- P=V^2/R Show that for matched input and output resistances the output voltage V[output] is related to V[input] by ;- Vo[output]=Vi [input] 10^(N/20) If N is increa

    Algebra Problems: Solving Equations

    1. 2x^1/4 = 9 - 4x^-1/4. Answer given 1/16 and 256. 2. 6x^1/3 + 5 + x^-1/3 = 0. Answer given -1/27 and -1/8 3. x^3 + 8 = 9x^3/2. Answer given 1 and 4 4. 27^x = 9. Answer given 2/3 5. 8^x = 4^1-x. Answer given 2/5


    From a textbook- Solve the following equations for x: 1. 7x^1/2 + 2 = 0. Answer given 4/49 2. 6x^3/2 - 2/3x^-1/2 = 0. Answer given 1/3 3. 5x^3/4 + 40 = 0. Answer given 16 Any help appreciated - I'm struggling wit this particular type of equation

    Demand and Revune Equations for the Sale of Tiles

    A. Suppose that a market research company finds that at a price of p = $20, they would sell x = 42 tiles each month. If they lower the price to p = $10, then more people would purchase the tile, and they can expect to sell x = 52 tiles in a month's time. Find the equation of the line for the demand equation. Write your answer in

    Writing Inequalities from Word Problems

    Suppose you want to cover the backyard with decorative rock and plant some trees as the first phase of the project. You need 30 tons of rock to cover the area. If each ton cost $60 and each tree is $84, what is the maximum number of trees you can buy with a budget for rock and trees of $2500? Write an inequality that illustrat

    Demand Equations

    Suppose that a market research company finds that at a price of p = $20, they would sell x = 42 tiles each month. If they lower the price to p = $10, then more people would purchase the tile, and they can expect to sell x = 52 tiles in a month's time. Find the equation of the line for the demand equation. Write your answer in th

    Linear Programming

    Consider the following linear programming problem. MIN Z = 10x1 + 20x2 Subject to: x1 + x2 >= 12 2x1 + 5x2 >= 40 x1, x2 >= 0 What is minimum cost Z=?? Put your answer in the xxx.x (to one decimal place)

    Graphing Asympotes

    Graph the function, showing all asymptotes (those that do not correspond to an axis) as dashed lines. List the x- and y-intercepts. Prove Algebraically. See attached file for full problem description.

    Prove that W is a Subspace of V

    Let F be the field of real numbers and let V be the set of all sequences: (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, ...), a_i belongs to F, where equality, addition and scalar multiplication are defined component wise. Then V is a vector space over F. Let W = {(a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, ...) belongs to V | lim n -> infinity a_n = 0}. Prove t

    Systems of Inequalities Word Problems

    A small company produces both doll houses and sets of doll furniture. The doll houses take 3 hours of labor to produce, and the furniture sets take 8 hours. The labor available is limited to 400 hours per week, and the total production capacity is 100 items per week. Existing orders require that at least 20 doll houses and 10

    Graphical solution for LPP

    A small firm produces both AM and AM/FM car radios. The AM radios take 15 h to produce, and the AM/FM radios take 20 h. The number of production hours is limited to 300 h per week. The plant's capacity is limited to a total of 18 radios per week, and existing orders require that at least 4 AM radios and at least 3 AM/FM radi