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    Write and solve an equation

    Write an equation using the information the problem. Then solve the equation. Six times a number is 10 more than five times the number.

    solve the equation..

    By what number is it necessary to multiply each side of the equation in order to obtain just the left side? - x = 0.82 Do not actually solve the equation What number should each side be multiplied by?

    Direct deposit problem: write an equation of a line

    Direct deposit. The percentage of workers receiving direct deposit of their paychecks went from 32% in 1994 to 60% in 2004 (www.directdeposit.com). Let 1994 be year 0 and 2004 be year 10. a) Write the equation of the line through (0, 32) and (10, 60) to model the growth of direct deposit. b) Use the accompanying graph

    Graphing Coordinate Equations

    Use the graph of y=x^2+4x-5 to answer the following: without solving the equation or factoring, determine the solution to the equation using only the graph, What are the coordinates of the vertex in (x,y,) form What is the equation of the line of symmetry for this graph

    Finding an Equation

    Solve: Find an equation for the line that passes through the points (4,-8) and (-8,6) in (x,y) coordinates. Please show all work.

    Interval Notation and graph

    See attachment Section One Interval Notation and graph: 50 - The set of real numbers less than or equal to - 4 94 - Which of the following integers has an absolute value greater than 1 -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4 100- The interval notation for the following: X-------0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 | | | |

    What are the X and Y Intercepts?

    Solve for both the x and y intercepts: Using the line given by the equation 8x-7y+13=0, solve for the intercepts which are unknown.

    Coordinates of points when graphing a straight line

    1. Points used to graph the slope -1 passing through the point (5,5). I only need to know were the points go by giving me the numbers. 2. Graph the line 2x-5y=10. I only need to know the 3 of the given points (x,y)(x,y) (x,y)

    Word problem - The Sugar Sweet Company is going to transport its sugar to market. It will cost $3125 to rent trucks, and it will cost an additional $125 for each ton of sugar transported. ...

    The Sugar Sweet Company is going to transport its sugar to market. It will cost $3125 to rent trucks, and it will cost an additional $125 for each ton of sugar transported. Let c represent the total cost (in dollars), and let S represent the amount of sugar (in tons) transported. Write an equation relating to C , and then

    Finding the Intercepts

    Find both the intercept and the y-intercept of the line given by the equation : 5x-4y+8=0

    Line equation

    A line passes through the point(x,y)=(2,2) and has a slope of 5. Write an equation.

    Solving for the Values of Two Unknown Numbers

    The sum of 2 numbers is greater than or equal to 25. The 2nd number is 7 more than the first. What are the possible values for the first two numbers. In your answer denote the first number by x.

    solve for the upper base of the trapezoid

    The area of a trapezoid is given by A=1/2h(a+b) where h is the height of the trapezoid and a and b are the lengths of the upper and the lower base respectively. Solve for a

    Word problem for local hamburger

    A local hamburger shop sold a total of 396 hamburgers and cheeseburgers on Wednesday. There were 54 fewer cheeseburgers sold then hamburgs. How many hamburgers were sold on Wednesday?