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    BrainMass Solutions Available for Instant Download

    If A ( B and B ( C, can you conclude that A ( C ? can you conclude that A ( C?

    If A ( B and you conclude that A ( C? CAN YOU CONCLUDE THAT A ( C? if A ( B and B ( C, can you conclude that A ( C? can you conclude that A ( C? iF A ( B and B 9 C, can you conclude that A ( C? can you conclude that A ( C? write down all possible subsets of {a,b,c,d} 3. without writing them down what are the number of subs

    Systems of equations

    I need help responding to the following question Systems of equations can be solved by graphing or by using substitution or elimination. What are the pros and cons of each method? Which method do you like best,and why? What circumstances would cause you to use a different method?

    Equation and Word Problem

    A cellular phone company offers a contract for which the cost C, in dollars, of t minutes of telephoning is given by C=0.25(t-500)+53.95, where it is assumed that t is greater than or equal to 500 minutes. What times will keep costs between $100.70 and $134.45?


    Instructions #2 Instructions for 1a-b-c-d: As you are leaving the community, you notice another new community just down the street. Because you are in the area, you decide to inquire about it. 2a The sales representative here tells you they also have two floor plans available, but they only have 38 homes available.

    Solving and Graphing Systems of Inequalities

    Instructions #1 Suppose you are in the market for a new home and are interested in a new housing community under construction in a different city. 1a) The sales representative informs you that there are two floor plans still available, and that there are a total of 56 houses available. Use x to represent floor plan #1 an

    Utilization and Retention

    John runs a commercial vehicle servicing plant that takes in vehicles for a check-up every month The annual attrition rate of customers bringing their vehicles to the yard is 0.28 (28%) What is the monthly retention rate for the customers of vehicles brought to the yard? This is a lifetime value problem, I think the formu

    Evaluating Functions

    Evaluate the functions for the values of x given as 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. Describe the differences in the rate at which each function changes with increasing values of x. f(x) = 3x + 2 f(x) = x2 + 5x + 6 f(x) = x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 1 f(x) = ex f(x) = log x

    Basic Maths

    Simplify. . 1. 2 x( 300-70 - 5) - [3. 23- (8-2.3)] Calculate 2. 4(5-2)+4x4 ________________ 4(4-1) .

    Word problems and equations on price reduction

    1.After a 13% price reduction , a boat sold for 28,710. What was the boat's price before the reduction? Round to the nearest cent. 2. For three days in a row , volunteers picked up trash on a particular beach. They picked up a total of 615 pounds. On the second day they collected 33 pounds more than on the first day. On the t

    Break-Even Money Saving

    1. Every Sunday Jarod buys a loaf of bread for his family from the corner bakery for $3. the local department store has a sale on breadmakers for $79. If the breadmaking supples cost $0.67 per week, for how many weeks would Jarod have to bake a loaf of bread at home before the breadmaker starts saving him money?

    Word problems and equations

    1. Sergio internet provider charges its customers $7 per month plus 5 cent per minute of on-line usage. Sergio received a bill from the provider covering a 3-month period and was charged a total of $57.00 . How many did he spend on line during that period? Round to the nearest whole minute , if necessary) 2. A certain store

    Computation of the percent decrease

    Our study group is trying to solve the following practice problem... please help: Ms. Clark was not able to sell her house for $110,000, so she lowered the price to $95,000. What was the percent decrease? Solve. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. Please solve and show answer. Thanks!

    A Growth Rate Population of a Chosen Country

    Choose a country of your choice that is experiencing population growth. Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials to find the most recent population count of the country you have chosen and the population growth rate of that country. Use that growth rate to approximate the population in the year 2009. Show how eac

    Cauchy and bounded sequences

    See attachment 1. Let ( ) be a bounded sequence. Show that there exists a subsequence of ( ) converging to 2. Show that is not a Cauchy sequence Conclude that diverges.

    Transformations of Graphs

    (2) Describe the transformations on the following graph of f(x) = e^x. State the place placement of the horizontal asymptote and y-intercept after the transformation ... (3) Describe the transformation of the following graph f(x) = log(x). State the placement on the vertical asymptote and x-intercept after the transformation

    Two Projectiles Shot in Air

    Two projectiles are shot into the air over a lake. The paths of the projectiles are given by the following equations: (a) y = -0.0013xx + x + 10 and (b) y = - (1/81)xx + (4/3)x + 10 where y s the height and x is the horizontal distance traveled. Determine which projectile travels farther by substituting y = 0 in each equat

    Pick a country of your choice that is experiencing population growth ...

    Pick a country of your choice that is experiencing population growth. Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials to find the most recent population count of the country you have chosen and the population growth rate of that country. Use that growth rate to approximate the population in the year 2009. Show how each

    Continuous Compound Interest

    If a bank compounds continuously, then the formula is A=Pe^rt, where E is a constant and e = 2.7183. A= 2,000 with continues compounding. How do I round it off to the hundredth place? How long will it take to double my money at 8% interest rate. Don't just give the answer please show how.

    Diagonal Brace

    The width of a rectangular gate is 2 meters (m) larger than its height. The diagonal brace measures 6 squared m. Find the width and height. Please see attachment

    Several problems on linear functions

    Please help me with the following questions. See the attached file for a better presentation of these questions. Thanks. __________________________________________ Given the function f described by f(x)=x+7, find each of the following. f(0)= ? f (-11)=? F(-14)=? F(17)=? F(b+20)= ? 1. Given the function g