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Growth rate of a country

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Choose a country of your choice that is experiencing population growth. Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials to find the most recent population count of the country you have chosen and the population growth rate of that country. Use that growth rate to approximate the population in the year 2009. Show how each of your approximations were made by including your calculations. Write a paragraph about how you might use this information in a role as a politician, government administrator or business owner/operator. What will it mean to the country, its economy, resources or the business?
Example: The population of India in 2005 was 1,080,264,388. The growth rate is 1.4%. To solve this problem, the percent must first be converted to its decimal equivalent.
In 2006, the approximate population is 1,095,388,089.
In 2007, approximate population is 1,110,723,523.

In 2008, approximate population is 1,126,273,652.

In 2009, approximate population is 1,142,041,483.
Please list reference of all sources.

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Solution Summary

Population of a country in year 2009 is estimated with the help of growth rate and population in year 2005.

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Meerut University
  • MSc, Meerut University
  • MPhil, Institute of Advanced Studies
  • MSc, AIT
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