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    Cold War

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    Cold War

    Winston Churchill stated: 'From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.' What is 'The Iron Curtain' and what are some of the major factors that contributed to the Cold War.

    Cold War and McCarthyism

    How did the Cold War affect the social and political climate in the United States during the 1950s? In particular, how do you explain McCarthyism and the Red Scare? Can you think of any modern parallels to these events, when fear and paranoia threatened basic American liberties?

    Propaganda played an important role in the affairs of the 20th century. There are negative as well as positive impacts to propaganda. This can be seen in both world wars. Several mediums are used to inculcate ideas into the minds and hearts of general public. One such medium was art work. The propagandists knew very well that the minds of the masses could be touched especially during the time of war. Powerful political and cultural messages can evoke strong emotions among the people. One of the classical examples of war time art was Picasso's famous anti-war art, Guernica which was produced in 1937. During the World War II, Hitler used art as a medium to inculcate Nazi ideas into the hearts of German people. War time posters reflecting various themes and gender characters were used for propaganda. Different types of art forms were introduced as propaganda technique during the Korean War, Vietnam War and the Cold war. Today, propaganda is directed towards everyone; literate or illiterate. Different ways of propaganda are introduced through pamphlets, posters, magazines, books, music, movies and even cartoons. Today, Television is one of the powerful medium of propaganda. Even the everyday news is distorted by using certain words and phrases to meet the end. There is no doubt that propaganda is an essential element in the lives of the people, but it becomes dangerous when one uses it for sinister purposes. The only one solution to counter such kind of propaganda is to form independent and creative thinking. The art of propaganda is fruitful only when it is used for nationalism and common good.

    Propaganda plays a significant role in the human history. Propaganda could create negative as well as positive impact in the lives of the people. There was a massive use of propaganda in the 20th century than ever before. Some of the examples of such usage could be seen in both World Wars. Several mediums are used to inc

    The communist countries in the soviet bloc had serious economic problems. The much trumpeted communism did not give the promised results. It was believed that the military spending of USA and USSR was the reason for the economic breakdown in Soviet Union and its satellites. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 seriously affected the Russian economy. Ronald Reagan's foreign policy was believed to have made a negative impact on the economic stability of the Soviet Union. The great desire for the common man to acquire wealth and get individual freedom was another reason for the end of the cold war. One of the greatest political movements of the time was led Lech Walesa of Poland and his Solidarity Movement. In 1985, Michael Gorbachev came to power as the General Secretary of Communist Party. In 1987, he had signed with Ronald Reagan Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) eliminating all intermediate and short range missiles from Europe. In February 1989, on the basis of an accord between Pakistan and Afghanistan, Soviet Union decided to withdraw her troops from Afghanistan. In 1991, Bush and Gorbachev met in Moscow to sign the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I). The defensive organization of Warsaw pact was changed into a political organization and established diplomatic relations with many countries. He was awarded Nobel Prize for peace in 1990 for trying to reduce the cold war tensions between the super powers. The domestic policy of Gorbachev was based mainly under three programs. They were Perestroika or rebuilding, Glasnost or public voicing, and demokratizatsiya or democratization. In 1989, Hungary decided to conduct free elections and pull down the fence between Austria and Hungary. In June 1989, Poland held its first elections under Solidarity Movement. The most memorable event which led to the end of the cold war came on November 1989, when Berlin wall was broken down. The end result was the unification of East and West Germany. In the following months, freedom movements became strengthened and reached its peak in countries like Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia. The new policy of Gorbachev was not liked by the hardliners of the communist party. The Russian military leaders made a coup attempt in 1991 and arrested Gorbachev, but the intervention of Boris Yeltsin saved the coup. Yeltsin promoted the soviet republics to declare independence. Soon, the Soviet control was ceased and communism came to an abrupt end. In 1991, about 15 countries ceased to be the part of Soviet Union and declared independent countries. Later they formed, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

    The communist countries in the soviet bloc had serious economic problems. The much trumpeted communism did not give the promised results. It was believed that the military spending of USA and USSR was the reason for the economic breakdown in Soviet Union and its satellites. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 seriously

    The counter cultural movement began in 1960s in the wake of Vietnam war. The young people were frustrated due to racism, gender issues, consumerism, and the conservative nature of society in general. They were looking for a change and found it in the emerging counter cultural movements of 1960s. The youngsters began to question the traditional values and culture of the Orthodox American society. They welcomed sex, drugs and pop music. The counter culture movement reached its heights in 1969, when the young people attended the Woodstock Music and Art Festival at Newyork. The festival became a symbol of anti-war movement. The festival was a mixture of hippie, pop and drug culture. One of the notable feature of the counter culture movement was the sexual freedom and rise of feminism. There was a steep rise in abortions, orphans and divorce. Political activism on the part of women resulted in the formation of National organization for Women (NOW). Other than women, homosexuals were also raised their voice for equality which was later included the Civil Rights issue. Stone Wall Inn riots in 1969 and the establishment of Gay Liberation Front were important steps in their struggle for civil rights. The counter cultural sentiments were also expressed in movies and arts. The movement did not limit in North America alone, but spread to Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. An international rock and roll group from Britain known as the Beatles was widely popular. The counter culture movement had merits and demerits. One the one hand, it stood against the cold war, on the other hand, it rebelled against the traditions of America. The same revolution can be seen today in the struggles of lesbians and homosexuals and in numerous anti-war protests especially against the War on Iraq

    The counter cultural movement started on the background of Vietnam War. It was a post-war generation as a result of baby boom. The young people were frustrated due to racism, gender issues, consumerism, and the conservative nature of the society in general. They were looking for a change and they found it in emerging counter

    Canadian History: Coercion & Consent

    Describe how post-war governments in Canada have moved from a position of consent toward unions to one of coercion. Include two examples that illustrate how government in Canada used coercion during the 1970s and 1980s to stifle union activity.

    The Cold War and McCarthyism

    Part of the Cold War was fought in the U.S. In the late 1940s and early 1950s there was growing evidence that the Soviets were gaining influence in the U.S. Led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, several agencies of government began to look inward for "the Red menace" that was responsible for this threat. Discuss the Cold War and Mc

    American Social & Economic Changes

    The economic and social changes during the 1970's and 1980's. I am trying to do a paper on some of the changes that occurred during that time period. I have some.

    Respond to the following

    Discuss how much you think U.S. culture influences American media or vice versa, and explain why with specific examples. Remember that culture includes many aspects of life, including food, fashion,sports,entertainment, education, politics, science, religion and technology. Must be at least 250 - 300 words.

    1970s Political Culture

    A need a few key elements to assist me in writting a huge paper and completing aPowerPoint Presentation. I am looking for a foundation in which to grow from.....I think about 350 words for each topic would give me a good direction and foundation to build from: ~Overview of the political climate of the 1970's ~Explanation

    Discussion on American Cold War Policies

    Please discuss the following: American Cold War policies and practices in international relations in the late 1940's to the mid-1950's. Be as descriptive as possible.

    American Cold War policies

    How did the American Cold War policies and practices influence the international relations from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s?

    Eisenhower and the 1950's

    In the past, a very clear dichotomy has existed in the historical-political argument over the significance of the Eisenhower administration during the 1950s. On one hand is the notion that Eisenhower had been propelled into the White House on a highly exaggerated war record, and the decade itself was a failure. On the other hand

    Politics in the 1970's

    Explanation of the political and social outcomes of the end of the war in Vietnam in the 1970's.

    Content and definitions provided to assist the student in an examination of the political and cultural climate in America through the 1950s and 1960s. Information focuses on Civil Rights, Eisenhower's policies, dynamic conservatism and the role of McCarthyism in influencing America's view of Communism.

    What was the impact of McCarthyism in the US? What is dynamic conservatism? What is meant by the term politics of consensus? How did consumerism change during the Eisenhower administration? How did the Civil Rights Movement begin in the 1950s? How did the US become involved in Southeast Asia?

    Explain the signifigance of the following Items

    Explain the 10 following items by (date, country, and most importantly historical significance) Great Leap Forward Maoism Apartheid Cuban Missle Crisi Six-Day War Perestroika W. Gomulka Green Revolutions Hungarian Revolution Biafran Civil War J. Kubitschek Detente W. Brandy Contras M. Gorbachev