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    Annotated Outline

    Prepare an annotated outline for your project. Prepare an annotated bibliography for your project that consists of 8 to 10 references. My topic is " Being a Black Male."

    Workplace Issues

    Write down a situation you have observed in the workplace for each of the following terms: prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. How were the situations handled? How would you suggest that they be resolved?

    Race notions

    Race does not distinguish humans from one another biologically. Why is it a persistent social issue? Why do misconceptions about race persist, and what can people do to dispel these misconceptions?

    "Race Matters" by Cornel West

    In "Race Matters" by Cornel West, the author claims that part of our problem in addressing race in this country is that we refuse to acknowledge that political and economic structures are inseparable from behavior. In the documentary "Beyond the Colorline" by Henry Louis Gates, the director supports this same idea. 1) Is t

    Race and Ethnicity Discrimination

    Please define the difference between race and ethnicity. I need examples of discrimination against a culture, race, or ethnic group in this country and an explanation of why the discrimination exists and a description of the ways the discrimination has affected the people of this country. Additionally, please discuss conditions

    Black Panthers and Race Theory

    The Ten Point Plan 1. WE WANT FREEDOM. WE WANT POWER TO DETERMINE THE DESTINY OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communiti

    Fair Laws

    Would you deem these as being constitutional? Why or why not? Can you explain this to me? AIRLINES - If the airlines want to ban all individuals of middle-eastern descent from flying during peak hours, what standard must their action meet to pass Constitutional scrutiny? CELL PHONES - State A passes a law prohibiting t

    Machismo, Marianismo, and the Latin American Culture

    Discuss the concepts of "Machismo" and "Marianismo." How similar or different are Latin American women's roles today as compared to the past? If different, what brought about the change? Compare women's roles in Latin American countries with other countries such as the United States?