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    2-5 paragraphs

    As part of your research, you attend an international industry conference on social networking. In one of the break-out sessions, everyone is asked their opinion as to how firms competing in the online social networking market can best create customer loyalty. How do you respond?

    Memo that outlines key resources and explains their linkage to competitiveness.

    Scenario: The online social networking industry is growing rapidly with a variety of both personal and business oriented applications emerging tapping into the global marketplace. Some of the major applications include Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn. There are also many niche applications popping up, such as those targeting a

    Social Networking in Hiring

    What are some new innovations that employers are using to find job candidates? Provide your opinions on the effects of recruiting using sites such as MySpace and Face book.

    Iran and social networking

    The influence that the media has on politics that was prevalent during the Vietnam war reminds me of the recent political problems in Iran. The use of new technology with cell phone cameras and posting video to twitter was something I did not see coming, nor did the ruling party in Iran. I expected the internet to change how new

    A comparison of distance & traditional classroom learning

    Is 'Distance Learning' as effective as traditional classroom methods in causing learning to take place? What applications of telecommunications and networking have made Distance Learning possible? What could be done technologically to improve it?

    Online information and social networking on company time

    Prof says young people have unique sense of Facebook privacy http://www.mytelus.com/ncp_news/article.en.do?pn=tech&articleID=2988809 (CBC) - A "digital divide" exists in Canada between young people who see information posted online as private and older people who see it differently, according to a study released Thursday at a

    Explaining Networking

    Explain to your team the differences between routers and switches. Compare them and list the pros and cons of using each type of hardware. What are the key factors to consider in choosing one? What are some of the better choices for the course scenario? Differentiate among fundamental networking components, protocols, topolog

    The topic of this month's leadership networking meeting is the causes of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. Included are contributing factors that are job related, as well as personal attributes of the worker.

    ? What is the relationship between individual characteristics and job satisfaction? ? How do different job characteristics affect employee satisfaction? ? Given the varying antecedents to job satisfaction, what are some ways that an employer can increase the probability of having satisfied employees? You're inspired by t

    Communication Networking

    Discuss how initiatives like the Dynamic Open Architecture Radio System (DOARS) Project and the National Task Force on Interoperability (NTFI) are paving the way for more efficient and effective communication among law enforcement agencies. Explain how systems like DOARS would benefit a local law enforcement agency during a time