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    Additional Funds Needed

    Please see attached. Please work the formula in steps.Last year's sales = So $400,000 Last year's accounts payable $40,000 Sales growth rate = g 30% Last year's notes payable $20,000 Last year's total assests = Ao $140,000 Last year's accruals $30,000 Last year's profit margin = M 15.0% Target payout ratio 30.0% a.

    Contribution margin percentage

    The LJB Company contribution income statement for the most recent month is presented below: See attached word doc for figures Compute the company's contribution margin percentage and break-even point in both units and dollars.

    Assignment verification

    I have completed this assignment, but I wish to make sure I did everything correctly. The grade I will receive for this assignment is very important, because it will make me either pass this class with a good grade, or it will make me fail the class. Please help. Key Financial Data Dreamscape, Inc. Industry Average Ratio F

    Financial Techniques Article Analysis

    Select for analysis one article from recent periodical or professional and academic journal. Give critical comments for this article support by overall financial techniques. Sum this article up in 500 words: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/business/14gret.html?_r=1&ref=business

    Adjustable-rate mortgages versus fixed-rate mortgages

    How does the initial rate on adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) differ from the rate on fixed-rate mortgages? Why? Can you please explain how caps on ARMs can affect a financial institution's exposure to interest rate risk.

    Variable Costs for Low Month

    Meals; high-low = 4,900-3,500=1400 Cost; high-low=$26,000-$20,500 =$5,500 The variable cost per meal: $5,500divided by 1,400 =$3.93 The variable cost for the low month; $13,755 Fixed cost; $20,500-[3,500 * $3.93] =$6,745 Px =a + bx 5.77 X =6,745 +3.93X 5.77-3.93=6,745+[3.93-3.93] 1.84X=6,745 1.84X DIVIDED BY 1.84X=6,745

    Break Even Analysis

    School Hiker Model Model Sales Unit 40,000 40,000 Selling price per unit $6.00 $18.00 variable expense per unit $2.00 $10.00 The company's total fixed cost are $80,000, there are no beginning or ending inventories Question 1 What would be the per unit contribution for each of the two m

    Evaluating overall performance and quality of financial statements

    1. Explain how you would go about evaluating the overall performance of a firm. Suppose you have $100,000 and want to invest the money. How would you proceed to find a good company to put your money in? What is it you are looking for (it has to be in finance terminology)? 2. Discuss the importance of quality in a firm's

    Dilution of Finances

    A company currently has 10 million shares outstanding and no debt. They wish to expand. The stock sells for $50 per share, but the book value per share is $20. Net income for the company is currently $18 million. The new facility will cost $40 million and it will increase new income by $500,000. Calculate the new book value p

    Purpose of Financial intermediaries

    Financial intermediaries serve which of the following purposes? (Points: 2) Allow for indirect investment in the capital markets by households Aid in the flow of funds through the economy Help allocate funds to the best investments All of the above

    Computing the Contribution Margin and Cont Margin Ratio

    Fixed expenses for each new edition of the book Copy editing $3,000.00 Art work $1,000.00 Typesetting $36,000.00 Variable expenses per copy of the book Printing and binding $1.60 Bookstore discounts $2.00 Salespersons commission $0.25 Author Royalities

    Setting prices on drugs

    If you are working at Johnson & Johnson and one of your responsibilities is to set prices for new drugs. The firm has invented a cure for Aids and is protected by patent. The cost for the one time injection that cures the disease is $100 and includes amortization of the development cost (The $1 billion cost to develop the pro

    Accounting Problems

    1. You will require $700 in 5 years. If you earn 5 percent interest on your funds, how much will you need to invest today to reach your goal? a. $575.34 b. $548.47 c. $545.44 d. $573.35 2. You deposit $1,000 in your bank account. If the bank pays 4 percent compounded interest, how much will you accumulate in your acc

    Risk Management for Starbucks Coffee Bean Suppliers

    Suppose Starbucks consumers 100 million pounds of coffee beans per year. As the price off coffee rises, Starbucks expects to pass along 60% of the cost to its customers through higher prices per cup of coffee. To hedge its profits from fluctuations in coffee prices, Starbucks should lock in the price of how many pounds of coffee

    Key Financial Relationships

    Using the following references: AT&T - Use 2008 Annual Report: http://www.att.com/gen/investor-relations?pid=9186 Verizon - Use the RED tabs at the top of the page to locate financial information http://investor.verizon.com/financial/annual/2007/guide.html Compare AT&T and Verizon's two most recent fiscal years based up

    Unrecognized Gains and Losses, Corridor Amortization

    (Unrecognized Gains and Losses, Corridor Amortization) Rachel Avery, accounting clerk in the personnel office of Clarence G. Avery Corp., has begun to compute pension expense for 2004 but is not sure whether or not she should include the amortization of unrecognized gains/losses. She is currently working with the following begin

    Portfolio of Common Stock of Two Securities

    Irene Adler is considering investing in the common stock of Holmes and Watson. The following data are available for the two securities. ..................................... Holmes .............. Watson Expected Return ............... 0.12 .................. 0.16 Standard Deviation ........... 0.08 .................. 0.20

    Centennial Chemical Corp Depreciation and Amortization

    The Centennial Chemical Corp. announced that for the period ending March 31, 2008, it had earned income after taxes worth $5,330,275 on revenues of $13,144,680. The company's costs (excluding depreciation and amortization) amounted to 61 percent of sales, and it had interest expenses of $392,168. What is the firm's depreciation

    Investment for Bingo Corporation

    8) The Bingo corporation is in the process of determining which of the following two projects that they may invest in. The details are provided below: PROJECT A B cost of capital 12% 12% Life of project 20 yrs 20 yrs Annual cash flow 350,000 400,000 initial cost

    Cost of providing police services for football games

    How much does it currently cost the university to provide police services for football games? What would be the pros and cons of subcontracting this work completely to outside law enforcement agencies? Case Study " Southwestern University" from textbook Operations Management 9th ed. 4500-700 words.

    Financial Management Goals

    Write a 200 word paper describing the goals of financial management. The description should include how earnings are valued, how shareholder wealth can be maximized, and how management decisions affect stockholder wealth.

    Systematic savings plan

    Wong, currently 35, plans to retire at the age of 65. His current salary is $750,000 per annum that is expected to increase by 3% yearly. Upon retirement, he expects to maintain the same standard of living by spending 50% of his last drawn salary to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Moreover, he also plans to liquida

    Bundling to maximize profits

    BUNDLING AT THE SYMPHONY Value of Piece Type of Patron "Old Favorite" "Avant Garde" Conservatives (70% of Market Potential) $3.00 $1.00 Progressives (30% of Market Potential) $2.00 $5.00 Total Market = 1000 Patrons (700 Conservative and 300 Progressive) A concert consists of three pieces and each season consi

    GM and Saturn: Funding and Results

    Throughout its existence, Saturn has never turned a profit for General Motors. Research the history of Saturn and GM's decision to continue funding it (although GM has now decided to close down the auto maker). Why hadn't Saturn made a profit? Was escalation of commitment in play in GM's decision? If so, how?

    Lansing outperform the market on a risk-adjusted basis

    The stock of Lansing Corporation has a beta of 1.2. Lansing earned an annual return of 14 percent during a period when the return on the market portfolio was 12.5 percent. If the risk-free rate was 6 percent, did Lansing outperform the market on a risk-adjusted basis? There are several publishers who will provide a beta for

    Corporate Finance: Data Case

    Data Case Stock beta for Beckman Engineering and Associates (BEA) is 1.2 and an expected return of 12.5%. BEA is an all-equity company. BEA's expected earnings per share this coming year $1.50, with forward P/E ratio of 14. Suppose BEA issues new risk-free debt with 5% yield and repurchases 40% of its stock. Assume perfe

    Future Value, EPS and Capital Structure

    P4-3 Future value tables Use the future value interest factors in Appendix Table A-1 in each of the cases shown in the table on the facing page to estimate, to the nearest year, how long it would take an initial deposit, assuming no withdrawals, a. To double b. To quadruple P12-19 EBIT-EPS and capital structure Data-

    The Expected Dividend Per Share

    Warr Corporation just paid a dividend of $1.50 a share (that is Do = $1.50). The dividend is expected to grow 7 percent a year for the next 3 years and then at 5 percent a year thereafter. What is the expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years? Calculations must be shown.