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    Regular cash dividend, periodic share repurchase...

    Compare a regular cash dividend with a periodic share repurchase. Which has greater appeal to you? Explain. Explain a stock dividend and further explain if you would prefer it to a cash dividend. What are stock splits and how desirable are they?

    Predictions for Opportunites or Issues That Disney May Face

    Explain any issues or opportunities that Disney would face based on Disney ratios over the past five years. Please be clear and concise and have the main points up front. Always back up arguments with data/evidence and source information when possible.

    Finance Review Questions

    Attached you will find two finance questions that I need step by step guidance for with formulas included. Please show all of the work so that I may understand the material fully. 1. You have invested in a project that has the following payoff schedule: Payoff Probability of Occurrence $40 .15 $50 .20 $60 .30 $70 .30

    Finance Problems: Credit, Zero-Balance Account, and Annual Rate

    1. Relaxation of credit standards Lewis Enterprises is considering relaxing its credit standards to increase its currently sagging sales. As a result of the proposed relaxation, sales are expected to increase by 10% from 10,000 to 11,000 units during the coming year; the average collection period is expected to increase from 45

    Balance Sheet for JCP

    ****Please answer this question: **Take the company's most recent financial statements and project a 10% increase in sales. Determine whether, and how much, external financing would be needed to support the projected increase in sales Please use finance.google.com for current stock information for JCP which is the company to

    Domestic Financial Management, Arbitrage, Risk, and Contracts

    1. What new problems and factors are encountered in international as opposed to domestic financial management? 2. What does the term arbitrage profits mean? 3. What can a firm do to reduce exchange risk? 4. What are the differences between a forward contract, a futures contract, and options?

    Hedging and Expected Tax Saving

    Suppose that Ashanti Gold Co. expects to produce a total of 1 million ounces of gold by the end of this year. Total manufacturing and operating cost will be $250 million and interest expenses will be $20 million. Ashanti forecasts the future gold price will be equally $250, $300, or $350. The firm's tax rate is 20 % when taxable

    Cash Flow and Net Present Value

    1.What are the free cash flows in years 2 and 10 that should be used to evaluate the proposed project? Ans. ______________ Free cash flow for the following years: Year 2 = Year 10 = 2. If the cost of capital for this project is 14%, what is your estimate of the value of the new project? Ans. ___________

    Calculating Payback Period and NPV: Example Problem

    You are considering making a movie. The movie is expected to cost $10 million upfront and take a year to make. After that, it is expected to make $5 million in the year it is released and $2 million for the following four years. What is the payback period of this investment? If you require a payback period of two years, will you

    Change in Stock Price

    Company Z stock is trading at $30 per share (its equilibrium price) given that the risk free interest rate is 9% and the equilibrium risk premium on the market portfolio is 8%. The company's long run growth is expected to remain 5% per year forever. Last year's EPS were $3 and the dividend payout ratio is 50%. If beta increases

    Unit price and EBIT.

    The Clearwater Aquarium Company will produce 66,000 10-gallon aquariums next year. Variable costs are 40% of sales while fixed costs total $133,200. At what price must each aquarium be sold for Clearwater to obtain an EBIT of $114,000?

    Automotive Bailout and Managerial Finance

    Review the current status of the automotive bailout plans involving GM, Chrysler, and the federal government. Prepare a 300 words on your selected organization in which you address the following: a. background/description of what the proposed government bailout plan requires from the car companies, unions, creditors, supplie

    Financial Ratios

    You are an upper-level manager in a company. Which financial ratios would you consider most useful? Would these ratios be different than the ones you would consider useful as an investor? Why or Why not? ***For an investor I chose the following ratio's: profitability, asset utilization, liquidity and debt utilization ratio's.

    Assessing the goal of Sports Products, Inc. and Managerial Finance

    Text Case Study Read the case study from the e-text, Principles of Managerial Finance, (11th ed. )by Gitman, Assessing the Goal of Sports Products, Inc. located at the end of Chapter One. Prepare a 700 words in which you respond to the questions at the end of the case. See attachment. APA format/at least 2 references

    Efficient Market Theory and Insider Trading

    Please explain the meaning of efficient markets. Why might we expect markets to be efficient most of the time? In recent years, several securities firms have been guilty of using inside information when purchasing securities, thereby achieving returns well above the norm (even when accounting for risk) does this suggest that the

    Dividend Growth Rate: Example Problem

    What is the expected constant growth rate of dividends for a stock currently priced at $50, that just paid a dividend of $4, and has a required return of 18%? A) 3.41% B) 5.50% C) 9.26% D) 12.5%

    Credit Standing and Target Ranges

    Bixton Company's new chief financial officer is evaluating Bixton's capital structure. She is concerned that the firm might be underleveraged, even though the firm has larger-than-average research and development and foreign tax credits when compared to other firms in its industry. Her staff prepared the industry comparison show

    Achieved Percentage Return

    What percentage return is achieved by an investor who purchases a stock for $30, receives a $1.50 dividend, and sells the share one year later for $28.50?

    Minimum cash flow and opportunity cost if capital

    What is the minimum cash flow that could be received at the end of year three to make the following project "acceptable?" Initial cost = $100,000; cash flows at end of years one and two = $35,000; opportunity cost of capital = 10%.


    Two years ago bonds were issued with 10 years until maturity, selling at par, and a 7% coupon. If interest rates for that grade of bond are currently 8.25%, what will be the market price of these bonds?

    Nominal Annual Cost

    Durkin Cement buys on terms of 2/15, net 30 days. It does not take discounts and it typically pays 68 days after the invoice date. Net purchases amount to $720,000 per year. What is the nominal annual cost of its non-free trade credit assuming a 365 day year.

    General Aviation, Inc Finances

    Complete the balance sheet for General Aviation, Inc. based on the following financial data. Balance Sheet General Aviation, Inc. December 31, 2005 Assets Cash $ 8,005 Marketable securities ? Accounts receivable ? Inventories ?  Total current assets ? Gross fixed assets ? Less: Accumulated depreciation $50,000


    Salte Corporation is issuing new common stock at a market price of $27. Dividends last year were $1.45 and are expected to grow at an annual rate of 6 percent forever. Flotation costs will be 6 percent of market price. What is Salte's cost of equity? kncs D^1/Np0= + g kncs = 1.45(1+0.06)/27(1-0.06)+ 0.06 = .1206 =

    Average Investment in Inventory

    Assuming a 360-day year, calculate what the average investment in inventory would be for a firm, given the following information in each case: a. The firm has a cost of goods sold figure of $480,000 and an average age of inventory of 40 days. b. The firm has a cost of goods sold figure of $1,150,000 and an inventory turnove

    Price paid for a stock

    A common stock is held for two years, during which time it receives an annual dividend of $10. The stock was sold for $100 and generated an average annual return of 16%. What price was paid for the stock?

    Expected Return for Market Portfolio

    What return should be expected from investing in the market portfolio which is expected to yield 18% if the investment includes all of the investor's funds plus 100% of additional funds borrowed at the risk-free rate of 6%?