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    Pension amortization-Calculating Expense

    Hello, I do not seem to find my notes on the years-of-service method in calculating and my book is not explaining it well enough. Can someone show me how to do this? On January 1, 2003, Sunny Incorporated amended its pension plan which caused an increase of $4,800,000 in its projected benefit obligation. The company has 40

    Steps to Determine the Contribution Margin

    Har Company sold 5,000 units for a prie of $50 per unit and had the following information: Variable expenses - $160,000 Fixed expenses - $125,000 Break-even point $347,222 If the sales price per unit were to increase by 10%, variable expenses were to increase by 12.5% and fixed expenses were to increase by 20%, what woul

    Cash Budget - The Sharpe Corporation

    I need assistance on completing this example. (Cash budget) The Sharpe Corporation's projected sales for the first eight months of 2004 are as follows: January $ 90,000 May $300,000 February 120,000 June 270,000 March 135,000 July 225,000 April 240,000 August 150,000 Of Sharpe's sales, 10 percent is for cash, another 60

    Assessing Financial Markets

    1. The U.S. Treasury issues bills, notes, and bonds. How do these three securities differ? 2. A call provision on a bond allows the issuer to redeem the bond at will. Investors do not like call provisions and so require higher interest on callable bonds. Why do issuers continue to issue callable bonds anyway? EBay went pub

    The solution to High-Low method

    High-Low Method Manchester Foundry produced 45,000 tons of steel in March at a cost of £1,150,000. In April, the foundry produced 35,000 tons at a cost of £950,000. Using only these two data points, determine the cost function for Manchester. What is the slope?

    Monthly Percentage Price Change for Four Market Indexes

    The following are monthly percentage price changes for four market indexes MONTH DJIA S&P500 RUSSELL2000 NIKKEI 1 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 2 0.07 0.06 0.1 -0.02 3 -0.02 -0.01 -0.04 0.07 4 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 5 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.02 6 -0.06 -0.04 -0.08 0.0

    Business Finance

    1.Nico bought 100 shares of Cisco Systems stock for $24.00 per share on January 1, 2002. He received a dividend of $2.00 per share at the end of 2002 and $3.00 per share at the end of 2003. At the end of 2004, Nico collected a dividend of $4.00 per share and sold his stock for $18.00 per share. What was Nico's realized return du


    1.The financial leverage multiplier is an indicator of a corporation utilizing 1.long-term debt. 2.total debt. 3.total assets. 4.operating leverage. 2.The analyst should be careful when conducting ratio analysis to ensure that 1.the same accounting procedures were used. 2.all of these 3.the d

    Portfolio of Stocks

    Demonstrate to your colleagues how you would calculate the expected rate of return, also called r-hat, and Beta on a self-designed portfolio of four common stocks selected from the NASDAQ or NYSE stock exchanges. Assume the weighting of the portfolio to be 15%, 30%, 35%, 20%. No two portfolios presented by students can include t

    Assessing Bankruptcy Laws

    I do a lot of work with smaller companies that are in severe financial difficulty. I constantly hear comments, from others, that bankruptcy is a "dodge" and it allows less than honest business owners to scam their creditors and emerge "clean". Do you think that the bankruptcy laws are necessary, are fair and are good for the

    Positive Covariances of Returns

    Why do most assets of the same type show positive variances of returns with each other? Would you expect positive covariance of returns between different types of assets such as return on treasury bills, General Electric common stock, and commercial real estate? Why or why not?

    Company report on a product

    Lamb Golf Accessories Limited manufactures a range of specialized waterproof golf shoes, in four different quality specifications. Deluxe 600, Palmer 20, Nicholas 360, Standard 640. Prepare brief report to the company, advising them on the most profitable deployment of the additional direct labor hours.

    Financial Planning, Decisions and Accounting

    1. The controller is commonly responsible for 1. managing cash. 2. financial accounting. 3. financial planning. 4. managing credit activities. 2. Included in the primary activities of the financial manager are 1. making financing decisions. 2. financial analysis and planning. 3. all of these.

    Various Business Finance Questions

    1. Wealth maximization as the goal of the firm implies enhancing the wealth of 1. the Board of Directors. 2. the federal government. 3. the firm's employees. 4. the firm's stockholders. 2. The difference between the cost of funds used to finance an investment and its after-tax operating profits is calle


    1.The amount of money that would have to be invested today at a given interest rate over a specified period in order to equal a future amount is called 1. 1. present value interest factor. 2. 2. future value. 3. 3. present value. 4. 4. future value interest factor. 2.As the interest rate increases for any gi

    Working on Various Finance Problems

    1. Janice would like to send her parents on a cruise for their 25th wedding anniversary. She has priced the cruise at $15,000 and she has 5 years to accumulate this money. How much must Janice deposit annually in an account paying 10 percent interest in order to have enough money to send her parents on the cruise? 1. $2,234

    Finance Problems (expenses, MACRS, sources of cash flows and more)

    1.________ is an expense that is a legal obligation of the firm. 1. Labor expense 2. Interest expense 3. Salaries expense 4. Rent expense 2. Under MACRS, an asset which originally cost $10,000 is being depreciated using a 5-year normal recovery period. What is the depreciation expense in year 3? 1. $1,200 2. $1,

    1) Mutual funds composed of stocks that have potential for very high growth, but may also be unproven, are called2) Investors sell a security short when they expect the price of the security to

    1) Mutual funds composed of stocks that have potential for very high growth, but may also be unproven, are called a.income funds. b capital appreciation funds c specialty funds d dividend funds 2) Investors sell a security short when they expect the price of the security to a. increase substantially b. decrease c

    No load & load funds and mutual funds (multiple choice)

    1) No load mutual funds are normally promoted by ______. Load funds are promoted by ______. a registered representatives of a brokerage firm; registered representatives of a brokerage firm b registered representatives of a brokerage firm; the mutual fund of concern c the mutual fund of concern; registered representatives

    Negative Growth Stock and Corporate Value Model

    Please see attached questions and provide spreadsheet to support. For the following question: "you would expect Swinton Mining dividend yield to Options: A Decrease B Stay the same C Increase Can you provide an explanation to that question

    Held-to-Maturity Investment

    6. (1) If the fair value of a held-to-maturity investment declines for a reason that is viewed as "other than temporary", A. the investment is not written down to fair value. B. the investment is written down to fair value, and the impairment loss is recognized in net income. C. the investment is written down to fair

    Straight Line Amortization

    16. (1) Straight-line amortization of bond discount or premium: A. Can be used for amortization of discount or premium in all cases and circumstances. B. Provides the same amount of interest expense each period as does the effective interest method. C. Is appropriate for deep discount bonds. D. Provides the same

    Corporate Financial and Structure Analysis

    Analyze the corporate financial decision-making process at Lockheed Martin. Conduct a capital structure analysis in which you examine the various debt/equity instruments used by Lockheed Martin, as well as the impact on EPS, PE Ratios, and price per share.