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    Regression Analysis

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    Regression Analysis Paper Topic

    Attached is the paper using ANOVA, now: Prepare a paper examining a regression analysis on the collected data. Begin by describing the research issue, problem, or opportunity and the accompanying data. It has to be about the candy study, any ideas?

    Regression analysis for sales and earnings

    Is there any way you can help me determine the regression equation on the following problem. I have done all of it but part 5 See attached file for full problem description.

    Quantitative Methods Questions

    I What do you know about regression analysis? What is regression analysis good for? II TRUE/FALSE Forecasting Components 1-A trend is a gradual, long-term, up or down movement of demand. 2-A cycle is an up-and-down repetitive movement in demand. 3-A seasonal pattern is an up-and-down repetitive movement within

    Regression error

    Is there error inherent in using correlation & regression? Explain. Discuss the notion that correlation does NOT necessarily mean causation, but two variables that ARE known to be causally related will be correlated.


    Why would someone go to the "trouble" of calculating a least squares regression line? Where in your experience have you seen regressions applied?

    Calculating Linear Regression and Correlation

    Mr. James McWhinney, president of Daniel-James Financial Services, believes there is a relationship between the number of client contacts and the dollar amount of sales. To document this assertion, Mr. McWhinney gathered the following sample information. The X column indicates the number of client contacts last month, and the Y

    Confidence Interval and Regression Analysis..

    The following sample observations were randomly selected...See attached file for full problem description. 1. The following sample observations were randomly selected. X: 4 5 3 6 10 Y: 7 6.2 5.8 9.4 12.2 (a) The regression equation, given to two decimal places, is + (b) When is

    Multiple regression: Predictions based on equation


    One problem on regression analysis and one problem on Hypothesis testing:

    1) The store manager is under impression that his sales people do more business if they score higher on the social skills test which was administered this year. 5 victims were selected at random. Below, the results are X =test score, Y = weekly sales in $1000. X (score) Y (sales) 4 4 5 6 3 5 6 7 10

    Athletes & body fat

    I have selected 5 athletes at different ages, but all of them looked buff, and measured their body fat. The results are listed in the table below. Age Percent body fat 20 4 24 7 27 5 31 11 36 14 Find the regression equation for body fat to show how it varies with the age of the individual.

    Regression Analysis and F-Test

    Please help assist interpreting f-tests and a regression result: A) In the first part of the problem I run a joint F test and get the following results: . test hlthg hlthf hlthp ( 1) hlthg = 0 ( 2) hlthf = 0 ( 3) hlthp = 0 F( 3, 20168) = 50.48 Prob > F = 0.0000 How do I interpret

    Polynomial Regression Analysis

    Use a polynomial model for the data to answer the following questions. Round all numerical answers to 3 decimal places, and years to the year. 1. Today, how many square kilometers of the earth's surface are there per person? If this were a square, what would be the length of one side? 2. If the population continues to grow

    Statistics - Linear Regression Discussion Questions

    1. Under what conditions would you use correlation and/or regression analysis? Include comments on the type of data needed and a work-related suggestion for their use. 2. During the years 1790 to 1820, the correlation between the number of churches built in New England and the barrels of Rum imported into the region was a

    Regression for Athlete Body Fat

    I have selected 5 athletes at different ages, but all of them looked buff, and measured their body fat. The results are listed in the table below. Age Percent body fat 20 4 24 7 27 5 31 11 36 14 Find the regression equation for body fat to show how it varies with the age of the individual.

    Patients in the hospital

    I have been interested in the number of patients in some hospital per quarter. I have collected data for 15 quarters. My friend ran some quick calculations on the data and told me that 72% of the variation in patients can be explained, but the other 28% is still a mystery. I want to determine the regression equation, but first w

    Correlation analysis of Geyser Data

    Refer to the data in the table that was provided by a geologist and the National Park Service obtained at Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park. The duration values are times (in seconds) of an eruption, the interval values are times (in minutes) to the next eruption, and the height values are heights (in feet) of the

    Statistical Techniques in Business Economics:

    14) Mr. James McWhinney, president of Daniel-James Financial Services, believes there is a relationship between the number of client contacts and the dollar amount of sales. To document this assertion, Mr. McWhinney gathered the following sample information. The X column indicates the number of client contacts last month, and th

    Time series analysis of Consumer Price Index

    Objective: to interpret statistics based on time series data presented as graphs of a product, whose average prices are given by the month over a sequence of years I. How to Get Your Graphs and Data (1) Locate the following website which records time series data: http://www.bls.gov/data/. This is the federal government

    Analysis of variance for cost of accident data.

    Calculation of: 1. Bivariate and Multiple regression analysis. 2. Evaluation using the F and t statistics 3. Residual chart analysis 4. Discussion and analysis of the slope, y intercept, and regression equation. 5. Discussion of your hypothesis and null hypothesis

    Statistics, Regression Equation, Least-Squares Regression, Predicting Equation, Predicting Line. Finding Regression Equation and predicting values. Using Regression equation to predict values.

    Question (1) Mr. James Mc Whinney, president of Daniel-James Financial Services, believes there is a relationship between the number of client contacts and dollar amount of sales. To document this assertion, Mr. Mc Whinney gathered the following sample information. The X column indicates the number of client contacts last month

    Regression Analysis - James McWhinney

    PART ONE: Problem Statement: Mr. James McWhinney, president of Daniel-James Financial Services, believe there is a relationship between the number of client contacts and the dollar amount of sales. To document this assertion, Mr. McWhinney gathered the following sample information. The X column indicates the number of client co


    Year Number of tourists (1,000,000's) Ridership (100,000's) 1 7 15 2 2 10 3

    Develop a Regression Model

    Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1st grade 98 77 88 80 96 61 66 95 69 final Grade 93 78 84 73 84 64 64 95 76 A. Develop a regression model that could be used to predict the final average in the course based on the first test gra

    Regression analysis of economic data.

    (See attached file for full problem description) Inflation in Low-Money-Growth and High-Money-Growth Countries, 1988-1991 (from A.B. Abel and B.S. Bernanke, Macroeconomics, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley) Money Growth Inflation Rate Cote d'Ivoire -4.1 2 Senegal -0.5 -0.7 Switzerland 0.7 4.

    Multiple Regression Analysis Admission Tests

    Q.4 Artificial Data on Two Independent and Four Dependent Variables * x1 y1 y2 y3 x2 y4 10 8.04 9.14 7.46 8 6.58 8 6.95 8.14 6.77 8 5.76 13 7.58 8.74 12.74 8 7.71 9 8.81 8.77 7.11 8 8.84 11 8.33 9.26 7.81 8 8.47 14 9.96 8.1 8.84 8 7.04 6 7.24 6.13 6.08 8 5.25 4 4.26 3.1 5.39 19 12.5 12

    ACC 240 Pizza Project #1

    ACCT 240 Pizza Project #1 This assignment requires the use of spreadsheet software to analyze cost data using regression analysis and scatter plot graphs. The data to be analyzed are printed on the next page. Your assignment is as follows: 1. Produce ten scatter plot graphs with the number of pizzas sold as the predictor

    One problem each on Monte Carlo Simulation and Multiple regression

    Overbooking is a common practice for airlines. Assume the planes used hold 40 passengers and the airline makes $110 per passenger. When the airline takes 40 reservations an average of 3 passenges do not show up. Use simulation of 100 flights to evaluate whether accepting 43 reservations would be a workable st

    Multiple regression

    A mortgage department of a large bank is studying its recent loans. Of particular interest is how such factors as the value of the home (in thousands of dollars), education level of the head of the household, age of the head of the household, current monthly mortgage payment (in dollars), and gender of the head of the household