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    Astronomy is the study that deals with the physics, chemistry, mathematics and the evolution of celestial objects. The objects studied are moons, planets, stars, nebular and galaxies. Astronomers also look at the phenomenon that takes place outside of the Earth’s atmosphere such as supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts and cosmos background radiation.

    Cosmology, although often related, is different than astronomy. Cosmology studies the universe as a whole. Cosmology will be discussed in a later section.

    Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. There have been astronomical artifacts found in early civilizations such as Babylonians, Greeks, Chinese, Indians, Iranians and Maya. It is evident that they performed methodical observations of the night sky. The invention of the telescope however revolutionized modern science. It allowed astronomers to be able to see further into the universe. Before telescopes, the study of the sky was conducted from tall vantage points such as tall buildings and mountains.

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    BrainMass Categories within Astronomy


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    A layer of gases which surround a material body of sufficient mass.

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