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    Latitude presents special mathematical considerations for cartographers. Latitude is the north-south location on the earth between the equator and the poles. Since the earth flattens slightly at the poles, a nautical mile varies with latitude. A nautical mile is given by N(e) = 6066 - 31 * cosine 2e. e represents the latitude in

    Trigonometry Word Problems (4 Problems)

    You have been contacting cartographers and land surveyors to explore how they utilize graphs of functions in their work, and have learned that they create formulas to calculate size and mass. 1. A lobster boat is situated due west of a lighthouse. A barge is 12 km south of the lobster boat. From the barge the bearing to the l

    Trigonometry Word Problems

    A lobster boat is situated due west of a lighthouse. A barge is 12 km south of the lobster boat. From the barge the bearing to the lighthouse is 63 degrees (12 km is the length of the side adjacent to the 63 degree bearing). How far is the lobster boat from the light house?

    Trigonometric Equations and Identities and Tire Wear Problem

    You interviewed an employee of an association representing the tire industry. The federal government mandates safety testing of all tires manufactured in the United States. Recently there has been concern that the rubber used in the tires could deteriorate while in store inventories. In September 2003, a safety group asked the U

    Trigonometric Equations and Identities

    Two cars with new tires are driven at an average speed of 60 mph for a test drive of 2000 miles. The diameter of the wheels of one car is 15 inches. The diameter of the wheels of the other car is 16 inches. If the tires are equally durable and differ only by diameter, which car will probably need new tires first? Why? Explai

    Trigonometric simplification

    Simplify to a constant, single function or a power of a function. Use the fundamental identities to simplify. (See attached file for full problem description)

    Word problem on braking distance

    Trigonometry: D = 1.05 (V1^2 - V2^2)/64.4(K1 + K2 + sin θ) K1 is a constant determined by the efficiency of the brakes and tires, K2 is a constant determined by the rolling resistance of the automobile, and θ is the grade of the highway. a. Compute the number of feet required to slow a car from 55 mph to 30 m

    Tangent function Equation

    (See attached file for full problem description) Let be a complex number, and assume the identity where are positive real numbers. By expanding the tan function, show that if , then is approximately equal to for some integer

    Powers of sine and cosine and exact trigonometric constants

    1) Express (cosx)^n in terms of sums of coskx 2) Express (sinx)^n in terms of sums of coskx or sinkx 3) Express cosnx in terms of sums of (cosx)^k 4) Express sinnx in terms of sums of (sinx)^k 5) Derive exact trigonometric identities for sin(k*pi) for k being: 1/12, 1/10,1/8,1/6,1/5,1/4,3/10,1/3,3/8,2/5,5/12

    Solve trigonometric equations and identities

    See the attached file for full problem description. 1. What was the most interesting thing that you learned in studying plane trigonometrfy? Tell briefly why you selected it as your choice. 2. Following the instructions in Art. 4, draw the portion of the graph of y = cos x from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. Be sure to show a t

    Trigonometry: Solving Trigonometric Equations & Proving Identies

    Manipulate trigonometric expressions, sketch graphs of trigonometric functions and solve equations. Find the general solution of the following trigonometric equations: 1. a) cosθcos(pi/6)+sinθsin(pi/6) =0.25 b) 2sin^2 x - 5cosx+ 1 = 0 2. Prove: cos(θ+ pi/4) - sin(θ + pi/4) = 2cos(θ+ pi/4)

    Pythagorean theorem

    A right triangle is a triangle with one angle measuring 90°. In a right triangle, the sides are related by Pythagorean Theorem, , where c is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the 90° angle). Find the hypotenuse when the other 2 sides' measurements are 6 feet and 8 feet.

    Hypotenuse from Pythagorean Theorem

    A right triangle is a triangle with one angle measuring 90°. In a right triangle, the sides are related by Pythagorean Theorem, , where c is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the 90° angle). Find the hypotenuse when the other 2 sides' measurements are 6 feet and 8 feet.

    Solving Equations, Length of a Cube and Pythagorean Theorem

    1. a. square root of x-2 = 1 show work b. square root of x cubed = 27 show work c. 3 x the square root of x squared = 9 show work 2. Is the square root of x squared = x an identity (true for all non values of x?) Explain answer 3. For the equation x - 2 times square root of x on the same gr

    Verifying Trigonometric Identities

    Verify the following identities: a. cos x (tan^2 x + 1) = sec x b. 1 _________ = 1 tan x csc x c. (sin^2 x - sin^4 x)cos x = cos^3 x sin ^2 x

    Cartesian Coordinates and Pythagorean Theorem

    A boat leaves a port and sails 10 miles at a bearing of S 15° E. Another boat leaves the same port and sails 15 miles at a bearing of S 30° W. How far apart are the two boats at this point?

    Applications of Sines : Trigonometry Word Problems

    A ranger in fire tower A spots a fire at a direction of 295 degrees. A ranger in fire tower B, located 45 miles at a direction of 45 degrees from A, spots the same fire at direction of 255 degrees. How far from tower Ais the fire? From tower B?

    Matlab Spectra Plot : Convolution with Low-Pass Filter

    Lpf = ones(1,10); y=abs(fft([lpf zeros(1,246)])); Create a signal consisting of a 500 and 1000Hz cosine sampled t 10kHz. fs= 10e3; t =(0:1:0.02*fs); f1=500; f2=1000; s=cos(2*pi*t*f1/fs)+cos(2*pi*t*f2/fs); Plot the convolution of the signal with lpf, from the command filtered=conv(s,lpf) **Plot the magnitude of th

    10 Trigonometry Problems

    1. Find B to the nearest degree in triangle ABC given A = 34 degrees, b=7.0 and a = 11. 2. How do you convert from degrees to radians. Explain and provide an example with 283 degrees. 3. The hypotenuse of a 30-60-90 triangle is 10. Find the perimeter 4. Given C= 61 degrees, a=55, and b= 29, find the area of triang