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    Geometry and Topology

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    Orthonormal Bases : Projection

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. 1. Let Complex 3-space C^3 be equipped with the standard inner product and let W be the subspace of C^3 that is spanned by u_1= (1, 0, 1) and u_2= (1/3, 1/3, -1/3). Project the vector v= (1, i, i) onto W. Show work. Help: : is the

    Vector Geometry: Cross Products and Real Inner Products

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. 1.Let u=(1,-1,3) and v=(2,-1,-1) be vectors in Euclidean 3-space R^3. Find a vector orthogonal to the plane of (subspace spanned by) the vectors u and v. Show work. Help: R^3: is Euclidean 3-space

    Curvature and torsion of a curve

    For the curve: r = ( 2abt, a^2 log t, b^2t^2 ), show that: κ = - τ = 2abt/(a^2 + 2b^2t^2)^2 where κ = curvature of the curve τ = torsion of the curve.

    Creating the formula to find the dimensions of a cube.

    In Metric. Three college students are trapped in deep snow in northern Canada. To survive they must build an igloo using snow large enough for all of them to fit and small enough to not exceed their strength and stamina. Luckily one of them is a math major and quickly formulates the dimensions of the blocks they need to cu

    Comparing Areas of Rearranged Functions

    Calculate AREA of Shape 1 then calculate the area of Re-arranged Shape 1. Did you get the same result? Why are they different? Please see the attached document.

    Measurement of a parallelepiped brick's diagonal

    You have a brick of parallelepiped shape. You need to measure its diagonal (a distance between two opposite vertexes remote to the maximum). You have in your disposition a ruler and a rectangular edge of the plane surface (of the table, for example). What should you do to measure the diagonal if 1. You have also a pencil to ma

    Geometry: Angles

    Suppose <ABC and<CBD form a linear pair, <CBD and <DBE form a linear pair, and m<CBD=30. A. Draw a figure representing these angles. B. Write a paragraph proof showing that <ABC=<DBE.

    Goat on a Rope Problem

    A zero dimensional goat is attached by a rope to a point on the perimeter of a circular field (two dimensional). How long should the rope be (in terms of the radius of the field) so the goat can reach and graze exactly half of the grass of the field?

    Rigid Pentagonal Prism

    How many lines would you need to add to a pentagonal prism anchored to the ground to make it rigid?

    Departure Angle of a Projectile

    For a gun where the departure angle 'Beta' and the distance "D" in meters that the projectile travels are related by D=1250sin2Beta. Find which departure angles can be used to hit a target 800 meters away.

    Determining the distance

    Joe and Jill set sail from the same point, with Joe sailing in the direction of S4 degree east and Jill sailing in the direction S9 degree west. After 4 hr, Jill 2 mi due west of Joe. How far had Jill sailed?


    Prove true or false, if false give a counter example. If each point in the point set M is a limit point of M, then M is connected.

    Prove h meets line AD

    Assume that AC < w, A-B-C, and D is a point on AC line segment. Let h be a ray with endpoint C such that h meets BD line interior. Prove that h meets AD line.

    Finding the Volume of a Fish Tank

    I need an equation or equations to help me find out how many pounds of sand I will need to fill my fish tank and so I can determine how much it will cost me. The tank measures 71 inches in length and 18 inches in width. I want to know how much sand I will need for a 3, 4, 5, and 6 inch base.