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    Word Problem: Distance

    Anne is pulling on a 60 foot rope attached to the top of a 48 foot tree while Walter is cutting the tree at its base. How far from the base of the tree is Anne standing?

    Write answer in a + bi

    Perform the operation. Write answer in the form a + bi 6 + principle square root -18 --------------------------------- 3 NOTE: I'm unsure how to graph the symbol for principle square root. I hope this makes sense.

    Word Problem

    At a university, 1/4 of the undergraduate students commute, and 1/3 of the graduate students commute. One-tenth of the undergraduate students drive more than 40 miles daily, and 1/6 of the graduate students drive more than 40 miles daily. If there are twice as many undergraduate students as there are graduate students, then what

    Word Problem

    Henry sold 120 magazines subscriptions in x + 2 days. If he sold at the same rate for another week, then how many magazines did he sell in the extra week.

    Word Problem

    The annual cost in dollars for removing p% of the toxic chemicals from a town's water supply is given by the following formula: C(p) = 500,000/ 100 - P a. Use the formula to determine the cost for removing 99.5% of the toxic chemicals. b. What happens to the cost as the percentage of pollutants removed approaches 100%

    Limits Word Problems

    A wholesaler prices the best latex flat paint at _15x_ x - 1 dollars per gallon where x is the number of gallons ( x > 1). The more you buy, the lower the price will be per gallon. As you buy more and more gallons, what price per gallon does the paint approach?

    Geometric Sequence Questions

    Use the geometric sequence of numbers 1, 1/3, 1/9 , 1/27... to find the following: a) What is r, the ratio between 2 consecutive terms? b) Using the formula for the sum of the first n terms of a geometric series, what is the sum of the first 10 terms? Carry all calculations to 7 significant figures. c)Using the formula for

    Solving Fraction Equations

    Solve the following equation for x . Write the answer as a fraction in simplest form. -7 (x-8) = 5x + 3 + 5 (-6x + 4)

    Need help with sequence of arithmetic and finite series.

    (See attached file for full problem description) 1. Find the sum of the finite geometric series to three decimal places. 9 n Σ - 3(0.5) n=3 2. Write the first 5 terms of the specified sequence. Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic. If it is, find the common difference.

    Find LCF and Simplify

    Find the LCF of both expressions and simplify 15t^8 u^3 x^5 and 9t^5 x^2 keywords: least common factors

    total area of the three fields

    While finding the amount of seed needed to plant his three square wheat fields, Hank observed that the side of one field was 1 kilometer longer than the side of the smallest field and that the side of the largest field was 3 kilometers longer than the side of the smallest field. If the total area of the three fields is 38 square

    Order of Operations Explained

    Explain how subtracting [4w/(w^2-8w+150]-[6/w-3)] is similar and different to subtracting 4/5 - 2/15. Show all steps in both addition problems.

    Finding the equation of a line.

    Given a line containing the points (1,4), (2,7), and (3,10) determine the slope-intercept form of the equation, and graph the function. Give the domain and range as defined by the points, and also the domain and range of the entire function.

    exponential decay and interest compounded continuously

    Attached are the questions 1. Complete table for savings in which interest is compounded continously. 2. Complete table for radioactive isotope 3. The population of P of a city is given by P= 105300 e^0.015t, where t represents the year with t=0 corresponding to 2000. Sketch the graph of this equation. According to this